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Help with gun magazine


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Last month I bought a Browning XBolt 300 WIn Mag.  Very nice gun and shoots like a dream.  I am now having issues with the magazine feeding bullets.  The magazine holds 3 cartridges, but the second bullet intermittently fails the come up and the 3rd will never without removing the magazine and taping it.  Not a huge issue at the range, but hunting it would be pretty annoying.  Browning said that they'll swap me out, but my hunt starts this weekend and I don't have time to send it in.  I've tried a light brass resizing oil and liquid graphite in the magazine to give it some lube.  Both work well, but only for a couple of rounds...then it wears off and I am back to where I started.  Any ideas of a lube that might work better and last a longer?  I'm just looking for something to hold me over until I can get it swapped out.


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I can't add any more springs.  I can see the case's shoulder rubbing against the wall of the magazine.  I would like to take a dremel to it, but if that doesn't work than I doubt browning would be real willing to send me a good one


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23 minutes ago, Wild and Free said:

Did you buy it new? if so i would be taking it in for some warranty work.

Yes, I bought it new.  Browning already said that they will replace it, but I am trying to find a fix that will take me through the elk hunt.  To get the magazine replaced I have to send it in, which would leave me without one.

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My loads are longer than recommended in the books, I have found that this gun groups really well if I seat the bullet .010 off the lands. I played around with the magazine last night and the tip of the bullets isn't catching or making contact, but the shoulder of the case is rubbing on both sides of the mag.  In fact, you can see brass-rub marks on the inside.  Too bad it is defective, but other than that this gun is really sweet and accurate.  Very little recoil, even with it being a 300 WIN MAG, but it is deafening. 

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Is it new or used brass that seems to be rubbing?  Did you do full length sizing before loading them or just neck them?


I just picked up some of Amsoils new Gun cleaner protector the other day and will try that out here really soon to see how it works. Need to see how it does on the horrible powder residue build up on my revolvers which is always a test for a gun cleaner.




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I would contact Browning and let them know what happened. They are a local company (Mountain Green, UT) and have excellent customer service.  I would be willing to bet that they would give you a new magazine given the circumstances.  Even though the magazine is somewhere on a mountain.

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1 hour ago, Hawkez said:

The problem worked itself out, the magazine rattled out of my backpack on my ATV ride off the mountain yesterday :doh:, needless to say I wasn't real excited about that.

Ha ha, reminds me of deer hunting with a buddy years ago, he had just bought a brand new Winchester rifle and on his first outing with it after doing a drive got back to the pickup and he sees his bolt is missing. Needless to say we covered a couple miles in the snow once he unloaded his gun and left the bolt open rather than lock it shut. We back tracked looking for it for an hour or so realizing it was a lost cause. He was mad as hell. had to send the rifle back to Winchester because the bolt is fitted to the action so had to have a new one made, took over a year to get his gun back. I can still see the veins in his head popping out lol.....

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I wish I would have realized when I got back to the truck, I would have went back.  I didn't realize until I got home...4 hour drive later.  I didn't have that pocket cinched up very tight and lost that, a two-way radio and my compass.  It is all replaceable but it should never of happened, that is what is so frustrating about it.

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