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 Thought I would take a minute and share why I've been a little absent from the site lately. I will try to condense this some as it has been over a year long process.

 My dad was in a bad car accident on Oct. 7th 2023 which landed him in the hospital for quite a long time between his injuries, emergency surgeries, various infections along the way and lots of rehab to finally get him back home to live nearly 1 year later.

 After about 3 weeks at home he passed away. He was on some pretty heavy duty blood thinners to avoid clips and the like but unfortunately he began loosing his balance again. We were discussing putting him back into rehab or assisted living since he had fallen a few times at home. Not bad falls, he would just loose his balance and fall on his butt. Sadly these small falls were a huge deal for him unknowingly. His Last fall as he was getting into bed he slid off the edge of the mattress and possibly hit his head (we don't know for sure) and this caused some bleeding on the brain. (We found this out later). The feeling rendered him unconscious shortly after and unresponsive. Paramedics were called and he was transported to the hospital. 2 hours later he was on life support. He had alway had a DNR in place so the choice was made to disconnect the life support and very shortly after he passed.

 We then had a funeral to plan and all the stress that goes with it. 

 We were able to honor him in a fashion that he would have loved. He was a lifetime Pittsburg Steeler fan (as am I thanks to him) so we provided him with a casket in the steelers colors and team logos, custom made by a freind of the funeral home.

 We also honored his service as a United States Marine which served in Viet Nam.

 He was provided a military burial with full honors by the VFW that he had belonged to for some many years. It's a very somber and moving experience when you witness a military funeral.


 I miss you Dad

Go Steelers!       SEMPER FI Marine

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  • I am sorry for the loss of your father; please accept my condolences.  The memories he gave you will last a lifetime.

  • So sorry for your loss. Really hard when you have a great dad.  

  • Your father was very fortunate to have such a thoughtful and caring son.    - John

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I am sorry for the loss of your father; please accept my condolences.  The memories he gave you will last a lifetime.

So sorry for your loss. Really hard when you have a great dad.  

Your father was very fortunate to have such a thoughtful and caring son. 


- John

Sorry for your loss. 

Very sorry to hear this, be well.


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 Thank you all for the condolences. It's been nearly a month now since he passed (Nov. 15th) and it still don't seem real. I feel like he will call any minute but the phone doesn't ring. 

 It did help to process by writing this post. To go through a kinda of list as to what happened and reach the end in writing. 

 I've also been focusing on trying to get mom situated, she want to go to assisted living so there are many thing that need to be done to get her squared away and ready for the move. 

 I am finally back to work also, after a 2 month lay off. In hind sight, I'm thankful for the lay off. I allowed me some extra time with dad before he passed and then the time to help plan the funeral as well.


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