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Just a couple of pix of my dog taken at my retriever clubs upland training day on two separate occasions!! Two different club members took the pix. Both have been submitted to the parent organization of the club I belong to for consideration for the organizations journal cover!!!! The one of him flushing the pheasant is pretty self explanatory.........he's flushing the bird!!! The other picture is him waiting to be sent on a retrieve. He had already flushed the bird, he sat, the bird was shot, he marked the birds fall (him staring like he is)......now he's just waiting for me to send him to retrieve the bird!!! Pretty intense wouldn't y'all say!! I'm sorry if these are large......don't know how to downsize them........help Mike!!!

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Thanks Mike!!!! Those two pix have ben submitted to the HRC (Hunting Retriever Clubs) for consideration for the bi-monthly magazine cover!!!! That'd be cool......to have your dog on a magazine cover!!! :thumbsup B)

WOW!!!!, I thought for sure there'd be more doggy pix after I started this thread!!! Mike, I'm gonna take a picture of my boy sitting in the drivers seat of my truck and post it. I love that picture of you're dog on the drivers floor; but my boy would never stoop that low.........he's got to be in the drivers seat!!!! Now if I could only teach him to drive!!!! LOL LOL :thumbsup :smart
I'm disappointed!!!!! :confused :confused I thought for sure we'd get a bunch of dog pix with this thread!!!!!!! Come on everyone.......post 'em up!!!!!! I don't want to have to turn this into the "Dorkweeds Lab Pictures" thread unless y'all leave me no choice!!!! LOL
OK, y'all leave me no choice in this matter!!!! Here are some more pictures of my boy. He's the good looking one.....when you see a human in the pictures!!!! LOL LOL

Wow! Your not bad looking... (The Dog...) LOL

Now you know why I prefaced my last post!!!!! LOL LOL He is a chick magnet......that is for sure.........my dog!!!!!! Once the females (human) find out that he and I hunt though.........that's the end of it right there!!!!! I need to move to Idaho or something!!!! LOL B) I've been grouse hunting with him in Northern Wisconsin. We got on a few birds, but I/we never shot one. We're gonna try that again this coming season!!! If you want, I can post some more pix!!!!!! :thumbsup :thumbsup
  • 5 months later...

Well, the picture of Spud leaping up at the flushing pheasant made it into the HRC magazine. Not on the cover, but in a section in the magazine entitled, "That's My Dog"!!! B) B) I've still got the other picture of him in front of the cattails though in the running. Maybe they'll consider that one when it gets closer to "upland" season, seeing that what he's doing in the picture!!! :thumbsup


If that picture doesn't make the cover , somebody at the magazine has it in for you. Absolutely marvelous picture.I lost "Bubba" awhile back at age 16. We hunted to the very end.

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So sad to lose good friends like a Dog... I had a white German Shepherd named "Star" she was a very protective dog but loved to show off. I had a show I pull off to new friends and stranges. I would just walk in the front door of the house and Star waiting patiently and I give her a good whack on the face (not to hurt but to get her started!)... She knew what is up and go into full attack mode and latch on to my arm and pull me to the floor shaking my arm as to rip it off... But I give the cammand STOP! she let go... Never broke the skin but it was freaky for newbies to see it... 8| She live to the good old age of 12 and started to lose her kindeys... Had to put her down... (sniff!) I really do miss that dog... `:(

  • 2 months later...

Went out duck hunting on the Mississippi River near Prairie Du Chien, Wisconsin this past Friday. The hunting was poor at best............high blue skies and not enough wind to make a difference. However, I did snap a few good pix of Spud in the boat blind..........a great Lab profile IMHO!!!

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I am waiting:biggrin: Bill

Ok I went running through the house looking for my digital camera... The nran back through the house loking for AA batteries. Then got the dog outside to pop a few updated pics...:whistle: He's alert and can travel up to 30 MPH... Don't try to out run him its a lost cause! :eek:





Ok I went running through the house looking for my digital camera... The nran back through the house loking for AA batteries. Then got the dog outside to pop a few updated pics...:whistle:

He's alert and can travel up to 30 MPH... Don't try to out run him its a lost cause! :eek:

Real nice Doberman Pincher

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This is Corinna,She is gone now.I could go on for hours on how perfect she was.Just this last june a week before her 13th birthday we HAD to put her down.Hardest thing i ever had to do.She couldnt breath because of so much cancer in her lungs.I dont mean to bring this thread down or anything just wanted everybody to see her pretty face.

Edited by Mopar1973Man
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