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An economics professor said he had never flunked a student before but had, once, failed an entire class. That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.The professor then said ok, we will have an experiment in this class on socialism.All grades would be averaged and everyone would receive the same grade so no one would fail and no one would receive an A. After the first test the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. But, as the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too; so they studied little. The second test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around the average was an F.The scores never increased as bickering, blame, name calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else. All failed, to their great surprise, and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great; but when government takes all the reward away; no one will try or want to succeed. There are three caveats on the road to socialism:1) The quality of all products and services will regress to the mean - no more good, better or best.2) Eventually, you will run out of "other people's money."3) Once you go over, it is impossible to come back.The more a government spends, the bigger it gets. The bigger it gets, the more people employed in the public sector. The bigger the public sector, the greater the percentage of voters who will vote to protect their government jobs, i.e., bigger and bigger government. See # 3 above.

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I was beginning to wonder where that was leading :lol: I'll stir the pot a bit more. The world has issues today, yes. But if you really look at it, we have always had issues. The economy is crap, taxes are high, yeah lots of things, but the problems of today are only problems of somebody else's day in a different form. We have ended slavery, gone through depressions where everyone was on the streets, slept next to burn barrels to keep warm.. If anything, we should be so lucky today. We can get in our trucks, start them, have heat and A/C, and still manage to complain about it. However, a perfect world would be boring. We need problems in order to grow/improvise/invent, and continue advancing to keep the world from being boring. We strive on learning new things so every problem we deal with is a necessary one to continue growing and advancing.


I was beginning to wonder where that was leading :lol: I'll stir the pot a bit more. The world has issues today, yes. But if you really look at it, we have always had issues. The economy is crap, taxes are high, yeah lots of things, but the problems of today are only problems of somebody else's day in a different form. We have ended slavery, gone through depressions where everyone was on the streets, slept next to burn barrels to keep warm.. If anything, we should be so lucky today. We can get in our trucks, start them, have heat and A/C, and still manage to complain about it. However, a perfect world would be boring. We need problems in order to grow/improvise/invent, and continue advancing to keep the world from being boring. We strive on learning new things so every problem we deal with is a necessary one to continue growing and advancing.

You are so wrong on so many levels I can't even think straight after reading how brain washed your response is. This is the most important response I can give in a short explanation. We are all slaves..............Slavery was not abolished it was expanded to include every citizen of the USA. We are born with only our time and labor to offer. The government collects illegal and unconstitutional personal income tax from all of us which makes us all slaves. The constitution only allows products and services to be taxable not personal labor.
Posted (edited)

I see your point. Guess I just don't see it as being much different than any other problem people face. You pay them and your done with them. If you have trouble, then you cancel the Dish network, turn some things off, live a little more financially sane. I know they take a big cut though. My brother worked 2 jobs, 80 hours a week and ended up paying, I think $5000. Wasn't good because this was during $4/gal times and he drove 80 miles a day. I don't think he made a profit at all and when the tax thing came up, it really took him by surprise. I think he finally got that paid off, and it was years ago. However, my brother is not very financially sane and pretty much blows every penny on stuff and thinks he shouldn't have to pay for anything, including electricity, so of course he wasn't expecting people to want money from him when he saw no product from them.. I think people who know better shouldn't be as affected as him. But I do see your point. It sucks seeing $600 then finding out it's $500 after taxes. You pretty well just have to put the horse blinds on and act like you only make $500 and not think about the taxes. Not like you can get around them. Basically worrying about something you can't evade. Run for president and I will vote you in and you can change it all. But how will we raise money for the army and education?

Edited by ISX

I was beginning to wonder where that was leading :lol: I'll stir the pot a bit more. The world has issues today, yes. But if you really look at it, we have always had issues. The economy is crap, taxes are high, yeah lots of things, but the problems of today are only problems of somebody else's day in a different form. We have ended slavery, gone through depressions where everyone was on the streets, slept next to burn barrels to keep warm.. If anything, we should be so lucky today. We can get in our trucks, start them, have heat and A/C, and still manage to complain about it. However, a perfect world would be boring. We need problems in order to grow/improvise/invent, and continue advancing to keep the world from being boring. We strive on learning new things so every problem we deal with is a necessary one to continue growing and advancing.

Sorry ISX. NOT this time.......it ain't gonna happen. As much and as desperately as I want and wish for our once great nation to turn itself around and right the ship of state.......it ain't gonna happen this time. The top 40% of tax payers pay over 90% of taxes. Estate/inheritance taxes destroy family farms, private forestry, and small businesses by the 1,000's EVERY YEAR. Property taxes drain unbelieveable amounts of wealth from those who work their collective asses off to own property, homes, and land. On average for those who DO pay taxes.....they pay about 75% of their income in various federal, state, and local income taxes, property taxes, sales taxes, special fee taxes, permit taxes, traffic fine taxes, and huge sums of money spent on lawyers fee to defend themselves against frivolous charges made by an out of control, militarized police state government. In addition to this, we pay on average about 30% more for goods and services because of ridiculous bureaucratic government mandated rules and regulations. In additon to the greavous and immoral attrocities of taxation, our government at the state and federal level has continuously worked to disarm and subdue us all with the intent of making us ALL weak, compliant, and dependent sheep. As a result of neo-statist/progressive democrate AND republican parties, our government as metastisized into a leviathon proportioned cancerous tumor of a violent, domestic terrorist, militarized police state with a machine gun in one hand and a Nanny's *** in the other to feed tax grazing, sheeple who have through generations become dependent social and tax leaches who live out of their mailbox. The concept and principles of freedom, liberty, and natural law are a TOTAL alien and unheard of idea to the vast majority of the sheeple in America today. The concept of the fruits of ones labor being their PRIVATE PROPERTY is gone in all but a few Americans. Unless and until WE as a nation of turn the tide and the ship of state around to go back to repair and correct the immoral and unconstitutional attrocities put in place at the turn of the last century & onward such as the 16th amendment, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and the Social Security Act of 1935, we as a nation will never be able to pull ourselves out of the preverbial hole we allowed to be dug by progressivist traitors. That most recent immoral and unconstitutional attrocity heaped on us is called the USA Patriot Act which pretty much shreds what little is left of our constitution. The founding fathers created the federal government and severely limited and restrained it STRICTLY for the purpose of protecting our individual natural born rights and constitutional freedoms and liberties that are now all but gone. Freedom is NOT free and once it is gone, it is nearly impossible to regain it again. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. For those who have an interest to learn more: http://sipseystreetirregulars.blogspot.com/ http://westernrifleshooters.blogspot.com/search?q= http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/ http://waronguns.blogspot.com/ http://www.survivalblog.com/ The national debt which a LONG line of traitors have run up is all but impossible to repay now: http://theeconomiccollapseblog.com/archives/it-is-now-mathematically-impossible-to-pay-off-the-u-s-national-debt Take a look at what each tax payer would have to pay to cover the national debt........over $113,000 per tax payer to cover the current national debt.......with unfunded liabilities such as SS, Medicare, and other programs that figure rises to over $347,000 per tax payer. http://www.usdebtclock.org/ I for one have had enough of Big Brother and Big Government. How to restore and return to the society and government the founding fathers invisioned will be very difficult if not nearly impossible. Please excuse the rant but time is short and few have ANY idea of what is coming. Be ready.

I imagine Scott Brown and the 2010 house and senate cleaning will slow the socialism down, but it is too late now, and the Dems or Repubs are not gonna save us either way. Maybe we should have all voted for the little "crazy" guy from Texas back in the mid 90s? Too late now I guess :2cents:


I imagine Scott Brown and the 2010 house and senate cleaning will slow the socialism down, but it is too late now, and the Dems or Repubs are not gonna save us either way. Maybe we should have all voted for the little "crazy" guy from Texas back in the mid 90s? Too late now I guess :2cents:

Scott Brown is NO conservative but he is a small bit better than Martha Coakley. The problem is that both the Democrat and Republican party are two wings of the neo-statist Progressive movement. BOTH parties must be purged from the system.

I know the Repubs are no good either, but Scott Brown did help bring an end to ObamaCare.

I am not sure you realize exactly what is taking place. The neo-statist progressives ARE going to pass ObamaCare one way or another. It may not pass like originally planned. Perhaps in small pieces or as executive orders, or "somethings on the side". This video pretty much sums up the arrogant, self righteous, elitist, "I know what's best for you & will shove down your throat if you don't like it" mentality the progressives function under:
Remember........this is for your own good. :gun::whistle2:

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