Awsome lived for 20 yr. Last time north of Dallas by Denton then a company i was with moved me here still ride back from time to time to visit friends and family reunions .
Grew up most in Oregon and Washington dad moved alot.
Lol that's one reason I love living in the south year round ridding low 70s yesterday although this year has had more cold weather.
Ride it like you stole it 🤪
Weather is still not conducive to a lot of wind therapy where I’m at. Lots of time for maintenance on my FLHC and FLHTCUI . Looking fwd to a long ride in May
Trouth be told haven't been on any of my bikes in around 2 yr. But 6 mo. Ago hat new ankle put in the weather in georgia is in 70s , have the new fuel filter for the ultra . I'm thinking it's time to ride .