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Hit the "articles" button at top left of screen :wink:

:thumbup2: For a while it disappeared, along with several others on the "toolbar" I guess ya call it, but now they're all back.
  • Owner

I'm trying to rebuild the Navbar a bit and get the links under links but that didn't work so ISX requested back the Article tab so (POP) its back. There is functions on the site that seem to be hidden to deep and never found hence why I was trying to redo the navbar to bring these features out more. But maybe I need to hear what you guys and gals have to say... :banghead:


I have an idea.. Scrap the articles button and throw in an entirely new toolbar. We have to scroll a lot anyways because thats the nature of a forum so its not like an extra half inch of scrolling is going to matter.

Anyhow make each one of these a button just like the top toolbar (articles/forum/whats new/etc.) is, all on its own toolbar. You might start the toolbar off with "Articles:" so they know that all the buttons are articles. Make it so the toolbar is always visible up there so its never hidden.

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  • Owner

I have an idea.. Scrap the articles button and throw in an entirely new toolbar. We have to scroll a lot anyways because thats the nature of a forum so its not like an extra half inch of scrolling is going to matter.

Anyhow make each one of these a button just like the top toolbar (articles/forum/whats new/etc.) is, all on its own toolbar. You might start the toolbar off with "Articles:" so they know that all the buttons are articles. Make it so the toolbar is always visible up there so its never hidden.

Posted Image

Ummm... :think:

That's the problem. The site is PHP script not a HTML page. So being its PHP you typically bound to the PHP controls given in the software.


So I'm willing to redesign the navbar a bit I'm just not sure what to put where? There is all the nice functions like the photo album, groups, links back to the articles, etc. I'm sitting here pulling my hair out turning to figure out what other would use and how to lay it out. I've just got done watching UI/UX videos (UI=User Interface and UX=User Experience). I know I can improve in this but I'm going to need feedback from everyone. So what I need is everyone to surf around the site and tell me what links are typically used on the bar. I want to drop the unused junk and but in the same token try to bring all main functions forward for members to use. Now you know why I'm pulling my hair.

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