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Welcome To Mopar1973Man.Com LLC

We are privately owned, with access to a professional Diesel Mechanic, who can provide additional support for Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel vehicles. Many detailed information is FREE and available to read. However, in order to interact directly with our Diesel Mechanic, Michael, by phone, via zoom, or as the web-based option, Subscription Plans are offered that will enable these and other features.  Go to the Subscription Page and Select a desired plan. At any time you wish to cancel the Subscription, click Subscription Page, select the 'Cancel' button, and it will be canceled. For your convenience, all subscriptions are on auto-renewal.


I feel that it is time to start building a list of tunes that we all use.


Please learn what each tuning variable does.  There V2 tuning article covers everything in depth along with a video explaining each item.

This tool will allow you to edit Quadzilla tunes from your PC.


Update 1/15/17 V2.2 tunes should include timing maxes for various RPM's and fuel load timing


Copy this into your post and fill out the info


Power Levels:



Fuel Load Timing:

Low PSI Timing Reduct:

Timing Reduct Scaling:

Light Throttle Timing Adv:

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit:


Timing vs rpm





Timing Max:


Pump Stretch:

TPS Pump max:

TPS Pump Min

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI


Boost Scaling:


RPM Limit:


Power Reduction:


0 PSI %:

1 PSI %:

2 PSI %:

3 PSI %:

4 PSI %:

5 PSI %:

6 PSI %:

7 PSI %:

8 PSI %:

9 PSI %:

10 PSI %:

11 PSI %:

12 PSI %:

13 PSI %:

14 PSI %:

15 PSI %:

16 PSI %:

18 PSI %:

20 PSI %:

22 PSI %:

24 PSI %:

26 PSI %:

28 PSI %:

30 PSI %:


My Mods

7 x.009 DFI injectors, he351ve arduino controller



My Tunes



Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load Timing: 2

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 18

2500: 23

3000: 25

Timing Max: 26


Fuel Stretch: 1700

TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:0

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 8


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3500


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:84

1 PSI %:84

2 PSI %:85

3 PSI %:86

4 PSI %:87

5 PSI %:88

6 PSI %:89

7 PSI %:90

8 PSI %:92

9 PSI %:94

10 PSI %:96

11 PSI %:98

12 PSI %:100

13 PSI %:104

14 PSI %:108

15 PSI %:112

16 PSI %:116

17 PSI %:120

18 PSI %:124

20 PSI %:128

22 PSI %:132

24 PSI %:136

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138




Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load Timing: 1

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 19

2500: 24

3000: 26

Timing Max: 27


Fuel Stretch: 1400

TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:15

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 5


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3300


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:92

1 PSI %:92

2 PSI %:94

3 PSI %:96

4 PSI %:96

5 PSI %95

6 PSI %:95

7 PSI %:96

8 PSI %:97

9 PSI %:98

10 PSI %:99

11 PSI %:100

12 PSI %:102

13 PSI %:104

14 PSI %:108

15 PSI %:112

16 PSI %:116

17 PSI %:120

18 PSI %:124

20 PSI %:128

22 PSI %:132

24 PSI %:136

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138




Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load: 1.5

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 3

Timing Reduct Scaling:100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 18

2500: 23

3000: 25

Timing Max: 26

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30



Fuel Stretch: 1800

TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:10

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 5


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3700


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:94

1 PSI %:94

2 PSI %:95

3 PSI %:96

4 PSI %:97

5 PSI %:98

6 PSI %:99

7 PSI %:100

8 PSI %:102

9 PSI %:104

10 PSI %:106

11 PSI %:108

12 PSI %:110

13 PSI %:112

14 PSI %:114

15 PSI %:116

16 PSI %:118

17 PSI %:122

18 PSI %:126

20 PSI %:130

22 PSI %:134

24 PSI %:138

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138



@Carbur8tr For your towing tune.


lvl's I like 6 because I don't like having to push the plus button 1000 times.  but you can set this to whatever you like


Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load Timing: 2

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 18

2500: 23

3000: 25

Timing Max: 26


TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:15

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 0


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3300


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:94

1 PSI %:94

2 PSI %:95

3 PSI %:96

4 PSI %:97

5 PSI %:98

6 PSI %:99

7 PSI %:100

8 PSI %:102

9 PSI %:104

10 PSI %:106

11 PSI %:108

12 PSI %:110

13 PSI %:112

14 PSI %:114

15 PSI %:116

16 PSI %:118

17 PSI %:122

18 PSI %:126

20 PSI %:130

22 PSI %:134

24 PSI %:138

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138


Edited by Me78569

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    Not at this point. We are working on something that will enable measureing those as well but we don't have them in production yet. It will be some time.  -thanks again, 

  • yep, most complain coming to V2 tuning because they are used to the butt dyno telling them "WOW I just touch the throttle and it jumps out of it's own skin"       what people don't consider

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@Me78569 been a while, my torque convertor issues was just a low fluid level...added like 4 quarts and no issues.  Went to the drag strip today, had a great time and the truck performed flawlessly.  Lvl 5 seemed to supply too much fuel, so i went to lvl 4.  Hardly any smoke thru the entire run.  Left on 20psi.  Ran a 12.8 at 106.  Made 13 passes today all consistent between 12.8 and 13.2 with minor adjustments to the tune...i think ive got her pretty close.  Any tips as to what i could do to better utilize lvl5?

  • Author

It might just be too much fuel for the air you have.


You can drop fuel stretch, but that is really the same as just leaving it on lvl 4.


Did you try more or less timing?

On ‎2‎/‎16‎/‎2017 at 7:29 PM, Me78569 said:

@JDHudsn tunes so far


Stock injectors.



Would these be good tunes for stock injectors and stock turbo? I see stock injectors listed at the top, just trying to wrap my head around all of this!! SO MUCH INFO!


Just noticed it didn't put the tunes in the quote for whatever reason... They are near the bottom on page 3 of this thread.

Edited by 24v oil dropper

  • Author

Give them a try. 


With Stock injectors you can be as aggressive as you want with the canbus fueling.   


Don't be afraid to be dumb with your canbus fueling, YOU CANNOT HURT ANYHTING with the canbus fueling stuff.  :thumbup2:  as an example a smarty offidle will ask for ~%150 of oem fueling.  I am pretty sure Quadzilla is gonna open up the canbus % to be anyhting between %50 and %150  from 0 -30 psi.  


so make your canbus fueling curve as aggressive as you like.  Max it out if you want haha.  


once you are happy with canbus fueling then start working with wiretap tuning.  Don't try to tune canbus and wiretap at the same time.


The only thing you should remember is you want your tune to give you full resolution of the throttle pedal, you want %50 throttle ot be %50 power at a given RPM, and %100 throttle to truly be WOT.  

Thank you! That makes me feel better for sure. I can't wait to try these out and start experimenting! I'm sure I'll be posting back with more questions haha, you've been very helpful on cumminsforum as well, my handle is "12valveSilverado" over there. I wanted to change my name so they would both the be the same but I don't know how to LOL

Edited by 24v oil dropper

On 5/5/2017 at 6:44 PM, Me78569 said:

It might just be too much fuel for the air you have.


You can drop fuel stretch, but that is really the same as just leaving it on lvl 4.


Did you try more or less timing?

@Me78569 sorry for the slow reply, work has been busy.  I tried both with the timing.  Its set at 16, 19, 21, 23, and 25 right now.  Im also noticing what appears to be some hazing at idle, and at low rpms (less than 1500) while cruising at any speed.  



  • Author

mechanical injectors.  Since we cannot alter injection pressure we have to accept that we can only atomize so much fuel through that size of a hole.  


  Try a touch more timing in the hope for a longer burn.  


Keep in mind I am no tuning guru, try stuff out and see how it works.  

  • Author

Another Stock injector truck tune from CF



Power Levels: 6

MAX Load Timing Offset: 2
Low PSI Timing Reduct:3
Timing Reduct Scaling: 100%

Light Throttle Timing Adv: 2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30

Max Valet mode power - 25%

Timing vs rpm-
1500: 17
2000: 19
2500: 23
3000: 25
Timing Max: 26

Pump Stretch: 1500
TPS Pump max: 100%
TPS Pump Min: 25%
Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage: 0%
Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 10

Boost Scaling: 40

RPM Limit: 3400

Power Reduction:

0 PSI %:100
1 PSI %:102
2 PSI %:102
3 PSI %:103
4 PSI %:105
5 PSI %:106
6 PSI %:108
7 PSI %:109
8 PSI %:110
9 PSI %:112
10 PSI %:113
11 PSI %:115
12 PSI %:116
13 PSI %:118
14 PSI %:119
15 PSI %:121
16 PSI %:122
18 PSI %:126
20 PSI %:129
22 PSI %:132
24 PSI %:136
26 PSI %:139
28 PSI %:143
30 PSI %: 147



Power Levels: 6

MAX Load Timing Offset: 2
Low PSI Timing Reduct:3
Timing Reduct Scaling: 100%

Light Throttle Timing Adv: 2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30

Max Valet mode power - 25%

Timing vs rpm-
1500: 16
2000: 18
2500: 23
3000: 25
Timing Max: 26

Pump Stretch: 2200
TPS Pump max: 100%
TPS Pump Min: 0%
Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage: 50%
Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 0

Boost Scaling: 40

RPM Limit: 3400

Power Reduction:

0 PSI %:101
1 PSI %:103
2 PSI %:105
3 PSI %:107
4 PSI %:110
5 PSI %:113
6 PSI %:116
7 PSI %:119
8 PSI %:122
9 PSI %:125
10 PSI %:128
11 PSI %:131
12 PSI %:134
13 PSI %:137
14 PSI %:140
15 PSI %:143
16 PSI %:146
18 PSI %:149
20 PSI %:150
22 PSI %:150
24 PSI %:150
26 PSI %:150
28 PSI %:150
30 PSI %: 150


Edited by Me78569

@Me78569 dyno'd the truck today, made some adjustments to the timing, canbus, and pump stretch....this was the end result.  Pretty happy with it.  Curve looks pretty nice to me.  Thoughts?


7 minutes ago, Mopar1973Man said:


Is it? Cant tell if there is sarcasm there lol

I saw that u liked the post.  Sorry, been up for like 36hrs....lol

Worked all night then went right to the dyno.

  • Author
31 minutes ago, TJ_00Cummins said:

@Me78569 dyno'd the truck today, made some adjustments to the timing, canbus, and pump stretch....this was the end result.  Pretty happy with it.  Curve looks pretty nice to me.  Thoughts?


I'd like to hear your thoughts about tuning haha you know more than my at this point.

Thanks for all the help guys, seriously.  I was lost without this forum.  Thanks for dealing with a ton of dumb questions and helping me learn a little bit!

  • Owner
16 hours ago, TJ_00Cummins said:

Is it? Cant tell if there is sarcasm there lol

I saw that u liked the post.  Sorry, been up for like 36hrs....lol

Worked all night then went right to the dyno.


Being honest... I'm impressed, it's good power curve and 551 HP / 1055 TQ is nothing to sneeze at. I'm curious of the tune your running for this?

2 hours ago, Mopar1973Man said:


Being honest... I'm impressed, it's good power curve and 551 HP / 1055 TQ is nothing to sneeze at. I'm curious of the tune your running for this?

Thanks I appreciate it.  I will post the tune tomorrow when i get back to town.  I actually ran Lvl 4 and made more power than Lvl 5.  I will post it when i get home!

On 10/28/2016 at 0:15 PM, Me78569 said:

Power Levels:. 6



Fuel Load Timing: 2°

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2°

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100%

Light Throttle Timing Adv: 0

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 0

Timing vs rpm

1500: 17

2000: 19

2500: 22

3000: 24

Timing Max: 26


Pump Stretch: 1800

TPS Pump max: 100%

TPS Pump Min:  20%

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage: 25%

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 0


Boost Scaling: 38psi


RPM Limit: 3700


Power Reduction: 50%


0 PSI %: 74

1 PSI %: 74

2 PSI %: 75

3 PSI %: 76

4 PSI %: 77

5 PSI %: 78

6 PSI %: 79

7 PSI %: 80

8 PSI %: 81

9 PSI %: 82

10 PSI %: 84

11 PSI %: 86

12 PSI %: 88

13 PSI %: 90

14 PSI %: 92

15 PSI %: 94

16 PSI %: 96

18 PSI %: 100

20 PSI %: 104

22 PSI %: 108

24 PSI %: 112

26 PSI %: 116

28 PSI %: 120

30 PSI %: 120


@Mopar1973Man here is the tune.  I think ive got everything in there lol

Edited by Me78569

  • Owner
25 minutes ago, TJ_00Cummins said:

Timing vs rpm

1500: 17

2000: 19

2500: 22

3000: 24

Timing Max: 26



I was curious about the timing setup your running. I want to compare your timing setup and see if it was close to what I was running and now gives me kind of a feel for the power curve. I know your injectors are different but should be close.


This is my cruise as of right now. 


Timing vs rpm

1500: 17.5

2000: 20.5

2500: 22

3000: 24

Timing Max: 25


The only tweak is I'm running 5.5* of timing for cruise and cruise boost level to 12 PSI. This nets me around 20.5* at 2K RPM's. When I drop out of cruise it retards about 1 degree (fuel load timing)

Edited by Mopar1973Man

  • 3 weeks later...
On 3/29/2017 at 10:32 PM, Me78569 said:

tell tail sign of the ecm memory doing hte way of the buffalo. 


The WTS light is the light to show that the ecm is turning on. Think of the WTS light as



I seen this post a while back and I wanted to correct you on this.  The wait to start light is actually an indicator for the pre-heating of the intake air heaters during cold starts.  Ford has a similar light and its for the pre heating of the glow plugs.  GM has an instant start system (which i use to calibrate for GM) and an intake air heater.  The wait to start has nothing to do with the ECM starting up.  I dont have a wait to start light on my Fummins swap and i go right from off to crank without waiting.  I'm giving this knowledge from 15 years of diesel cold start calibration experience.  We even tried to supply Cummins with our grid heater for some time but they are the if it's not broke dont fix it kind of company lol.

Edited by martinique78

  • Author
9 minutes ago, martinique78 said:

I seen this post a while back and I wanted to correct you on this.  The wait to start light is actually an indicator for the pre-heating of the intake air heaters during cold starts.  Ford has a similar light and its for the pre heating of the glow plugs.  GM has an instant start system (which i use to calibrate for GM) and an intake air heater.  The wait to start has nothing to do with the ECM starting up.  I dont have a wait to start light on my Fummins swap and i go right from off to crank without waiting.  I'm giving this knowledge from 15 years of diesel cold start calibration experience.  We even tried to supply Cummins with our grid heater for some time but they are the if it's not broke dont fix it kind of company lol.



The WTS light has 2 roles,


Role 1 is to tell you that the ECM is booting.

Role 2 is obviously to let you know if the grids are firing.


The two do not happen at the same time.  When you key on the first thing that should happen is the WTS light should flash on then off ( if warm).  If it is cold then the light will stay on as the grids are cycling.  


If you key on and never see the WTS come on then it means that the ECM is unable to boot and the truck will likely not run. 


Same goes when you program the ECM you will see the WTS flashing as it is being programmed.  


Point being that the WTS light is an indicator for more than just the pre heat cycling.

  • 1 month later...

I think I may need some help with tuning. I now have 62/67/12 made out of hx35/40 and 75hp 8 hole injectors. It's definitely laggy compared to my hx35 and 60hp I had. But I did little bit of turning and it got a little better. My starting point is 80 on canbus with 3 for increase. http://www.rapidtables.com/calc/math/exponential-growth-calculator.htm

My biggest problem or maybe not a problem, is that before I changed turbo from hx35 to current l used to be able hit 45 psi (passed 35 probably nothing but hot air ) pretty quick, and now I'm struggling to hit 25. Max I hit for psi is 30 with canbus maxed and pump stretch at 1200. Another thing is cursing at 60mph my canbus was maybe at 600 and now it's at least a 1000 and boost went from 7-8 to 3-4. Is it just the nature of bigger turbos. Does anyone else has a similar set up that can post their tunes. Daily, economy, tow etc. 



Had a boost leak on new turbo, it's much better now on lag and canbus is down to 7-800 from 1-1100 when cruising. Still trying to figure things out.

Edited by Dieselfuture

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Welcome To Mopar1973Man.Com LLC

We are privately owned, with access to a professional Diesel Mechanic, who can provide additional support for Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel vehicles. Many detailed information is FREE and available to read. However, in order to interact directly with our Diesel Mechanic, Michael, by phone, via zoom, or as the web-based option, Subscription Plans are offered that will enable these and other features.  Go to the Subscription Page and Select a desired plan. At any time you wish to cancel the Subscription, click Subscription Page, select the 'Cancel' button, and it will be canceled. For your convenience, all subscriptions are on auto-renewal.