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Welcome To Mopar1973Man.Com LLC

We are privately owned, with access to a professional Diesel Mechanic, who can provide additional support for Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel vehicles. Many detailed information is FREE and available to read. However, in order to interact directly with our Diesel Mechanic, Michael, by phone, via zoom, or as the web-based option, Subscription Plans are offered that will enable these and other features.  Go to the Subscription Page and Select a desired plan. At any time you wish to cancel the Subscription, click Subscription Page, select the 'Cancel' button, and it will be canceled. For your convenience, all subscriptions are on auto-renewal.


I feel that it is time to start building a list of tunes that we all use.


Please learn what each tuning variable does.  There V2 tuning article covers everything in depth along with a video explaining each item.

This tool will allow you to edit Quadzilla tunes from your PC.


Update 1/15/17 V2.2 tunes should include timing maxes for various RPM's and fuel load timing


Copy this into your post and fill out the info


Power Levels:



Fuel Load Timing:

Low PSI Timing Reduct:

Timing Reduct Scaling:

Light Throttle Timing Adv:

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit:


Timing vs rpm





Timing Max:


Pump Stretch:

TPS Pump max:

TPS Pump Min

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI


Boost Scaling:


RPM Limit:


Power Reduction:


0 PSI %:

1 PSI %:

2 PSI %:

3 PSI %:

4 PSI %:

5 PSI %:

6 PSI %:

7 PSI %:

8 PSI %:

9 PSI %:

10 PSI %:

11 PSI %:

12 PSI %:

13 PSI %:

14 PSI %:

15 PSI %:

16 PSI %:

18 PSI %:

20 PSI %:

22 PSI %:

24 PSI %:

26 PSI %:

28 PSI %:

30 PSI %:


My Mods

7 x.009 DFI injectors, he351ve arduino controller



My Tunes



Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load Timing: 2

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 18

2500: 23

3000: 25

Timing Max: 26


Fuel Stretch: 1700

TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:0

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 8


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3500


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:84

1 PSI %:84

2 PSI %:85

3 PSI %:86

4 PSI %:87

5 PSI %:88

6 PSI %:89

7 PSI %:90

8 PSI %:92

9 PSI %:94

10 PSI %:96

11 PSI %:98

12 PSI %:100

13 PSI %:104

14 PSI %:108

15 PSI %:112

16 PSI %:116

17 PSI %:120

18 PSI %:124

20 PSI %:128

22 PSI %:132

24 PSI %:136

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138




Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load Timing: 1

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 19

2500: 24

3000: 26

Timing Max: 27


Fuel Stretch: 1400

TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:15

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 5


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3300


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:92

1 PSI %:92

2 PSI %:94

3 PSI %:96

4 PSI %:96

5 PSI %95

6 PSI %:95

7 PSI %:96

8 PSI %:97

9 PSI %:98

10 PSI %:99

11 PSI %:100

12 PSI %:102

13 PSI %:104

14 PSI %:108

15 PSI %:112

16 PSI %:116

17 PSI %:120

18 PSI %:124

20 PSI %:128

22 PSI %:132

24 PSI %:136

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138




Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load: 1.5

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 3

Timing Reduct Scaling:100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 18

2500: 23

3000: 25

Timing Max: 26

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30



Fuel Stretch: 1800

TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:10

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 5


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3700


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:94

1 PSI %:94

2 PSI %:95

3 PSI %:96

4 PSI %:97

5 PSI %:98

6 PSI %:99

7 PSI %:100

8 PSI %:102

9 PSI %:104

10 PSI %:106

11 PSI %:108

12 PSI %:110

13 PSI %:112

14 PSI %:114

15 PSI %:116

16 PSI %:118

17 PSI %:122

18 PSI %:126

20 PSI %:130

22 PSI %:134

24 PSI %:138

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138



@Carbur8tr For your towing tune.


lvl's I like 6 because I don't like having to push the plus button 1000 times.  but you can set this to whatever you like


Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load Timing: 2

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 18

2500: 23

3000: 25

Timing Max: 26


TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:15

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 0


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3300


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:94

1 PSI %:94

2 PSI %:95

3 PSI %:96

4 PSI %:97

5 PSI %:98

6 PSI %:99

7 PSI %:100

8 PSI %:102

9 PSI %:104

10 PSI %:106

11 PSI %:108

12 PSI %:110

13 PSI %:112

14 PSI %:114

15 PSI %:116

16 PSI %:118

17 PSI %:122

18 PSI %:126

20 PSI %:130

22 PSI %:134

24 PSI %:138

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138


Edited by Me78569

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    Not at this point. We are working on something that will enable measureing those as well but we don't have them in production yet. It will be some time.  -thanks again, 

  • yep, most complain coming to V2 tuning because they are used to the butt dyno telling them "WOW I just touch the throttle and it jumps out of it's own skin"       what people don't consider

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23 minutes ago, Me78569 said:

MPG will be all using the current hardware just a new gauges and using just some internal calculations done based on the fueling commmand and how big your injectors are lol.  

Will it still be 4 small gauges on the outside of a large one? Or will their be more slots to watch more gauges on the home screen? 

  • Author

you can select different gauge sets, swipe left or right to change the screen.  


I also did something to my truck this weekend ? normally when I have a hard shift or if I punch it while cruising it will let out a puff of black smoke but now it will let out grey/white smoke ?. Still runs great and starts up every time so I’m a little dumbfounded on this so I’m just gunna run my mpg tune for a while and get that dialed in before I dig into this issue 

3 minutes ago, Me78569 said:

you can select different gauge sets, swipe left or right to change the screen.  


Is that on the current display or after the update? If it’s on their right now I’ve been missing out ?‍♂️


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right meow.  


are you sure your smoke is just not more like haze now?   I would spend some more time dialing in your tune.

2 minutes ago, Me78569 said:

right meow.  


are you sure your smoke is just not more like haze now?   I would spend some more time dialing in your tune.

Wow I feel stupid for not seeing that ??

Im using the same tune and everything. Haven’t made any changes to it but now it’s grey/white smoke. This is on my fast tune which is the only one that smokes at all under hard acceleration or hard shifts a little puff will come out but now if will just do a little cloud of grey/white so I haven’t been running that tune since or any of my higher tunes actually ?

16 minutes ago, Me78569 said:

you can select different gauge sets, swipe left or right to change the screen.  


Just swiped through all the guage set ups. This is a game changer ? glad I asked that question or I would have never known ? that just made my day!! 

  • Author

yea I like the main gauge in the middle and the 9 around the outside.  


Might throw a little more timing in the rpm range that you are seeing the grey smoke.  Do you have studs? ( please say yes)

6 minutes ago, Me78569 said:

yea I like the main gauge in the middle and the 9 around the outside.  


Might throw a little more timing in the rpm range that you are seeing the grey smoke.  Do you have studs? ( please say yes)

Nope haha, I’ve been watching it closely and am not putting a lot of timing into it for that reason. No oil in coolant and I’m not losing any coolant so I haven’t blown my gasket(knock on wood). Ordering some arp 2000’s before I get into more extreme tunes for that reason 

  • Author

you grey smoke might clear up with more timing, or less timing lolol.    Can you isolate a rpm range where you have this smoke?

6 minutes ago, Me78569 said:

you grey smoke might clear up with more timing, or less timing lolol.    Can you isolate a rpm range where you have this smoke?

Haven’t been paying attention to the rpm range, but it’s under hard acceleration where it should be black smoke but is coming out as grey which I don’t know why because I haven’t changed the tune. So I’m just gunna run the mpg tune til I get studs then I’ll mess with it 

Sounds good. I really like how we can be so controlling of the truck. Really appriciate the work you and others have been doing.   


ME The injectors you have on your truck those are about 75hp right?  Also do you have head studs? Are your tunes pretty safe to run on a 50hp, so pump'd, no other improvement 01 HO?  


Ive been reading however I am not 100% confident on the timing portion yet so I am leary of messing with things I don't totally understand yet. 

  • Author

I have ~200 hp region injectors currently   I have head studs.    


My tunes will not be suited for your truck it will be a dog.  You will want to run Mikes tunes or the tunes I put out for mild injectors.  

14 minutes ago, Me78569 said:

I have ~200 hp region injectors currently   I have head studs.    


My tunes will not be suited for your truck it will be a dog.  You will want to run Mikes tunes or the tunes I put out for mild injectors.  

How do you like those 200hp? I’ve got a buddy selling some 200’s and I’m currently running stocks 

  • Author

I very much like them.   You need to pull fueling down a lot at idle to clean them up, but you get a lot more meat under the curve.   


I would verify what brand and configuration they are.  ETC are they 7 x .012 or 6 x .013 or vco or sac what cone angle etc.  When you talk injectors that size you need to be careful to ensure they are right for your application.  


Mine are 7 x .012 vco at 330 bar in an effort to make them more dd friendly.

@Youngblood24v your pump low boost scale is at 5 psi that means your wire tap will come in at that if your tps is at 20% or above. Unless you're driving in level 3 where it only uses canbus fueling, you're dumping extra fuel. You might want to up your canbus a little more to start of and maybe slightly steeper curve, and set pump low boost scale to about 14psi. And at 80mph I would think you should see about 22-23 degrees of timing. That means your rpm range timing needs to be at that or higher or it will limit your cruise timing. I hope I explained it correctly, if not I'll get corrected :wink:

Sorry ME know this is a pretty basic question, what would be a better starting point the Stock tunes or the mid injector tunes for 50HP DAP?  

  • Author

Try both see how smoke is.  You want to see haze on the darker side if you got wot from a light.  See which one you like better


I would guess stock though.  The mid might be a little weak.  There's also a75 tow tune.

Edited by Me78569

Thanks.  I did some comparison of the injector numbers and figured that those mid tunes were for 100hp plus trucks which put my 50hp right in the middle.  


Once again thanks for wverything your doing.  I can't wait to get back home and start learning.  

  • Author

No prob, let me know what you think,  I don't have a good grasp on how 50 hp fuel compared to stock so it is hard for me to build a tune for them. I am guessing you can get away with a good bit of fuel without running into smoke issues.  

I've been traveling a lot, 8 out of the last 9 weeks in LA (by the way I hate LA).  I got the Adrenaline last Friday which was the first day id been home in 3 weeks, then left Monday morning to go back.  I didn't get a whole lot of time to play with it but I had to have the fuel on the CAN bus way up to get smoke, i believe outside the green area.  Pretty excited to get home and play with it this weekend. 


Like i said before I really don't understand the timing portion but i think i understand the fuel portion.  So i will most definitely be posting up what i find do and find for your advice.  

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Welcome To Mopar1973Man.Com LLC

We are privately owned, with access to a professional Diesel Mechanic, who can provide additional support for Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel vehicles. Many detailed information is FREE and available to read. However, in order to interact directly with our Diesel Mechanic, Michael, by phone, via zoom, or as the web-based option, Subscription Plans are offered that will enable these and other features.  Go to the Subscription Page and Select a desired plan. At any time you wish to cancel the Subscription, click Subscription Page, select the 'Cancel' button, and it will be canceled. For your convenience, all subscriptions are on auto-renewal.