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Welcome To Mopar1973Man.Com LLC

We are privately owned, with access to a professional Diesel Mechanic, who can provide additional support for Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel vehicles. Many detailed information is FREE and available to read. However, in order to interact directly with our Diesel Mechanic, Michael, by phone, via zoom, or as the web-based option, Subscription Plans are offered that will enable these and other features.  Go to the Subscription Page and Select a desired plan. At any time you wish to cancel the Subscription, click Subscription Page, select the 'Cancel' button, and it will be canceled. For your convenience, all subscriptions are on auto-renewal.


I feel that it is time to start building a list of tunes that we all use.


Please learn what each tuning variable does.  There V2 tuning article covers everything in depth along with a video explaining each item.

This tool will allow you to edit Quadzilla tunes from your PC.


Update 1/15/17 V2.2 tunes should include timing maxes for various RPM's and fuel load timing


Copy this into your post and fill out the info


Power Levels:



Fuel Load Timing:

Low PSI Timing Reduct:

Timing Reduct Scaling:

Light Throttle Timing Adv:

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit:


Timing vs rpm





Timing Max:


Pump Stretch:

TPS Pump max:

TPS Pump Min

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI


Boost Scaling:


RPM Limit:


Power Reduction:


0 PSI %:

1 PSI %:

2 PSI %:

3 PSI %:

4 PSI %:

5 PSI %:

6 PSI %:

7 PSI %:

8 PSI %:

9 PSI %:

10 PSI %:

11 PSI %:

12 PSI %:

13 PSI %:

14 PSI %:

15 PSI %:

16 PSI %:

18 PSI %:

20 PSI %:

22 PSI %:

24 PSI %:

26 PSI %:

28 PSI %:

30 PSI %:


My Mods

7 x.009 DFI injectors, he351ve arduino controller



My Tunes



Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load Timing: 2

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 18

2500: 23

3000: 25

Timing Max: 26


Fuel Stretch: 1700

TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:0

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 8


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3500


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:84

1 PSI %:84

2 PSI %:85

3 PSI %:86

4 PSI %:87

5 PSI %:88

6 PSI %:89

7 PSI %:90

8 PSI %:92

9 PSI %:94

10 PSI %:96

11 PSI %:98

12 PSI %:100

13 PSI %:104

14 PSI %:108

15 PSI %:112

16 PSI %:116

17 PSI %:120

18 PSI %:124

20 PSI %:128

22 PSI %:132

24 PSI %:136

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138




Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load Timing: 1

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 19

2500: 24

3000: 26

Timing Max: 27


Fuel Stretch: 1400

TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:15

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 5


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3300


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:92

1 PSI %:92

2 PSI %:94

3 PSI %:96

4 PSI %:96

5 PSI %95

6 PSI %:95

7 PSI %:96

8 PSI %:97

9 PSI %:98

10 PSI %:99

11 PSI %:100

12 PSI %:102

13 PSI %:104

14 PSI %:108

15 PSI %:112

16 PSI %:116

17 PSI %:120

18 PSI %:124

20 PSI %:128

22 PSI %:132

24 PSI %:136

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138




Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load: 1.5

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 3

Timing Reduct Scaling:100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 18

2500: 23

3000: 25

Timing Max: 26

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30



Fuel Stretch: 1800

TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:10

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 5


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3700


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:94

1 PSI %:94

2 PSI %:95

3 PSI %:96

4 PSI %:97

5 PSI %:98

6 PSI %:99

7 PSI %:100

8 PSI %:102

9 PSI %:104

10 PSI %:106

11 PSI %:108

12 PSI %:110

13 PSI %:112

14 PSI %:114

15 PSI %:116

16 PSI %:118

17 PSI %:122

18 PSI %:126

20 PSI %:130

22 PSI %:134

24 PSI %:138

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138



@Carbur8tr For your towing tune.


lvl's I like 6 because I don't like having to push the plus button 1000 times.  but you can set this to whatever you like


Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load Timing: 2

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 18

2500: 23

3000: 25

Timing Max: 26


TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:15

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 0


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3300


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:94

1 PSI %:94

2 PSI %:95

3 PSI %:96

4 PSI %:97

5 PSI %:98

6 PSI %:99

7 PSI %:100

8 PSI %:102

9 PSI %:104

10 PSI %:106

11 PSI %:108

12 PSI %:110

13 PSI %:112

14 PSI %:114

15 PSI %:116

16 PSI %:118

17 PSI %:122

18 PSI %:126

20 PSI %:130

22 PSI %:134

24 PSI %:138

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138


Edited by Me78569

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    Not at this point. We are working on something that will enable measureing those as well but we don't have them in production yet. It will be some time.  -thanks again, 

  • yep, most complain coming to V2 tuning because they are used to the butt dyno telling them "WOW I just touch the throttle and it jumps out of it's own skin"       what people don't consider

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Yea but they are lame and they only change the fueling stretch 

  • Author

well I know that's not true because I wrote a lot of them.  

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Like my economy tune could be adapted to fit 100 HP


I'm not into building performance tunes. Being I drive close to 1,000 miles a week but I do have an awesome economy tune. Matter of fact even with my current setup and 245's tires running 82 MPH at 2,500 RPM I still netted 19.58 MPG for the nearly 100-mile trip. So, there is a lot more to it than just fuel stretch. 


Edited by Mopar1973Man

Im interested in a power tune for my 1999 3500 Dodge Ram ,any ideas

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just bought a iquad, a new turbo (smeding 362/65/14) with 4in downpipe to 5in exhaust ,and 125hp sac injectors.I was told this was a decent set up from where I got it (Rather not say where incase some one disagrees and wants to bash) but would have a little bit of turbo lag Can any one point me in the right direction for some base tunes? I have tried Mopar mans tunes for towing and DD but they are both lacking in the bottom, once the turbo spools its gets up and boogies in a hurry, maybe the turbo is to big or just needs to be tuned out better for my set up? im not overly concerned with smoke living in rural Minnesota no one really cares as long as I don't leave a cloud a mile long. would like a good tow tune and a good DD tune and a get up and go tune if I go into more populated areas and need that low end/get out of the way power. all the information on here is really overwhelming and partially confusing because a lot of people don't have their set up and total mods posted.... maybe for good reason :evilgrin:

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Have you worked through the tuning article?




The lower section has a how to.



Mainly if you want more bottom end add more fuel.

I did read through that and it was pretty confusing, im not so much in the technically advanced area. ill try adding some more fuel to the lower boost areas

  • Author

Section 2: Getting Started with Quadzilla Adrenaline V2 Custom Tuning



When you are starting to use V2 Tune on your truck you should follow these steps.  

1. Find your starting %

2. Set your base map

3. Fine tune your base map

4. Set your Wiretap start point

5. Set your Wiretap Fueling %


This tuning should not be done on busy roads or in any place that risk of crashing or hurting others. A back country road is recommended.


Save your tune after EVERY change.


Don't forget you are able to create more than one custom tune so you can setup a race tune or tow tune or DD tune.  Tune your custom tunes with something in mind. Don't try to make the truck do everything on one tune.  


Step 1.

If you have stock injectors you can set this to 100% or above so you can skip this step and move to Step 2.


Use LVL1 and the Power reduction % to find a good point for the CANbus fueling %.  For 50 hp injectors start at %95 and move up or down by %1 depending on if you get smoke when you snap throttle from 0-%50  while in gear.  Find a reasonable % for smoke output vs low-end power.  Remember this is to handle off idle power.   ENSURE WHEN YOU ARE TESTING YOUR STARTING POINT YOU GO %100 THROTTLE INPut.  You want to set your smoke level as WOT.  This will give you the most resolution in your throttle movement.  IE: if you truck maxes out fueling at %30 throttle, what's the point of the other %70 of throttle movement.  Make %100 fuel %100 throttle.


Good starting points per injector size ***use only as a guide you will need to go through some trial and error.
50 hp injectors %95

100 hp injectors %90

150 hp injectors %85

200 hp injectors %80

250 hp injectors %75

300 hp injectors %70


Once you have found a good starting point Set your 0 PSI % to this power reduction % and set your Power Reduction scale to a % that you want to allow for a valet mode or antitheft or emissions or whatever for reduced power.


Step 2.

Set Quad to Power LVL3

Once you have a good starting point defined for 0 psi scaling increase every % by 1 as you move up in psi.  As you hit 10-15 psi you can move up by 2 or 3 % per psi until you max out at ~%130.  You will notice that the Canbus HP limit is somewhere around %130 depending on the truck and the mods.


This should give you a good base fueling map to fine tune your truck by.


Step 3.

Once you have your base map do some 0-%50 APPS take off's on LVL3 only.  Pay attention to Boost numbers and smoke output.   a video camera is very helpful.  ENSURE YOU ARE NOT AROUND OTHER DRIVERS OR PEOPLE WHEN DOING THIS!!!!!!


You may notice puffs of smoke as PSI climbs, reduce the % at that psi point by 1 if smoke is too much.  If the truck feels laggy at a given PSIincrease by %1 until your truck feels good.  Keep in mind that smoke from the tailpipe may cause flooding of the turbo.  A truck will respond best when there is a slight haze under high throttle input.    Don't be afraid to use high TPS input to get the truck moving.  That is what the throttle pedal is for!


Tweak your 0-30 settings until you are happy with how the truck drives on LVL3


Step 4.

Once you have your CANbus tuning done move to wiretap tuning.  Wiretap fueling will increase power significantly when it is used.  Depending on your wants you can set low limit fueling for wiretap.  This will allow for smoke reduction when wiretap comes on.   


Set your low limit for a PSI that is above your normal DD / cruising PSI.  IE if you drive to work every day and don't normally hit 10 psi  set your low limit above 10 psi.     If you want wiretap fueling when you typically drive set the low limit below that.  I would not recommend setting this below 5psi as smoke control is much harder.  Remember low limit allows for wiretap scaling below that point.  TPS min also comes into play so set your pump TPS min at a point that makes sense for your driving style / needs 


Step 5.

Timing tuning is a little tricky and should not be taken lightly.  I suggest that you keep your timing tuning configured as

1500 max: 14*

2000 max: 18*

2500 max: 22*  

3000 max: 25*

max: 26*


UNLESS you have time to do a good amount of data logging and figure out what is best for your truck.  Keep in mind that aggressive timing can cause issues. The above should be considered very safe on pretty much any truck.  OEM timing will hit 26* in stock form.  What you will find however is under the curve power will be improved by adjusting these settings.   


Step 6.


Once you have set your low limit for Wiretap fueling set your scaling.  This scaling will set how much wiretap fueling is added before the low limit is reached.  If you want no wiretap before the low limit set this to %0, if you want half set this to %50 and so forth.  


Typically I leave this between %15 and %25 depending on how aggressive you want the truck to feel when DD'ing the truck.    Setting this % higher will increase smoke output off idle.  



Did you work through these 5 steps in that article?

ok so if I go through these steps and want to make a tow tune, do I repeat with a trailer on loaded or do I just tweak it a bit to make it more aggressive? im not sure what canbus is or when to use some of the settings like pretty much anything in the timing and how do I know how long to set the PS



Edited by zxzredneckzxz

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if you just want more meat down low then you only need to work through steps 1 and 2.  


Can bus fueling is your sliders for fuel for 0-30 psi


I am guessing you will be happy if you add 5 or 10 % from 0 psi to 10 psi.

  • Owner
14 hours ago, zxzredneckzxz said:

I have tried Mopar mans tunes for towing and DD but they are both lacking in the bottom, once the turbo spools its gets up and boogies in a hurry, maybe the turbo is to big or just needs to be tuned out better for my set up?


I've got a smaller turbo. (60/60/12) plus my injectors are 150 HP (7 x 0.010 @ 320 bar) so I require less fuel to spool up. Bottom end for mine is just slightly smoky but clean enough to keep big city cops off of me. Beyond that I built the tune to keep the wiretap high in the boost realm so you run mostly on the CANBus till you stand on it. Designed most for MPG numbers.


You can bring the wiretap down in boost pressure and it would kick in quicker. 


That the beauty of Quadzilla you can have as many tunes as you want. 

Edited by Mopar1973Man

  • 2 months later...

Got a question, so Is brokepainters stock dd tune look like a very good tune for a mainly stock truck? I would like to know because I've read alot of how I should tune towards my stock truck and his tune is quite different than what I hypothetically came up with. Would his tune be a good base for me to try and maybe adjust if and where needed for a stock daily driver/fun ride ?



Edited by RdieselZ

  • Author

I dont know what tune you are talking about.

On 4/13/2019 at 6:16 PM, BrokeAssPainter said:









^ this tune Me.

  • Author

looks like a typical stock truck tune,  timing is a little "safe"  in the 2500+ area.  I would not have any issues adding 2* of timing from 2500 and above

On 4/13/2019 at 6:16 PM, BrokeAssPainter said:









^ this tune Me.

Would it be safe to change timing to 17,20,23,28,30?


  • 1 year later...

i have 02 dodge 2500 24 valve cumins 6 speed

125hp injectors

afe intercooler and hose

afe intake elbow

air dog 100


s464 borg warner turbo non wastegate

dual disc race southbend clutch

i need a good tune for street  and a hot tune aka "hold on tight"

Edited by 24valve gear jammer

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Look in the starter tune download section.

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Welcome To Mopar1973Man.Com LLC

We are privately owned, with access to a professional Diesel Mechanic, who can provide additional support for Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel vehicles. Many detailed information is FREE and available to read. However, in order to interact directly with our Diesel Mechanic, Michael, by phone, via zoom, or as the web-based option, Subscription Plans are offered that will enable these and other features.  Go to the Subscription Page and Select a desired plan. At any time you wish to cancel the Subscription, click Subscription Page, select the 'Cancel' button, and it will be canceled. For your convenience, all subscriptions are on auto-renewal.