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"Beta" Articles

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I'm sure some of you are wondering what that tab is. Your welcome to click on it as a member and look around. This will be our new article database for the site. I'm looking for feedback, layout ideas, etc. I'm looking for way of keeping the articles easy and uncluttered. So this very BETA right now and I'm not going to put a whole lot of articles into it as of yet.

When this is is all done all members given permission will be able to post articles themselves, edit, and so forth. Be no different that posting on the forum which will make life very easy for all of you. Here is a preview of the articles in edit mode.


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I was just aiming for a general category layout. I know it going to require tweaking as we populate the old articles over. I've also ran across some well "unfinished articles" that I'm not sure if someone will finish or we just ditch. I'm going to start at least with my own articles so I can get some good examples of what we need to aim for.

Goal right now is to "Beta" the article database to the closed membership till we get things the way most would like to see it. I've always heard the little comments of "I couldn't find that article". So I more or less drew out a block diagram of the vehicle and broke it down in that manner. I know this isn't prefect either but its a good start in the right direction. (I think? :think:) That why when I was talking to Me78569 (Nick) I told him that we should get all the membership pool involved in this process giving feedback so we can build a better database.

So at this point the old article database will be closed to any further editing or updates. It going to be more effort placed into the new system. So if there is anyone wanting to create we want to do it as a group to figure out how to stream-line this process making it easy for the member and simple for the staff to place.


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I think the BOD needs to get together and discuss the organization method.  There is another issue, head porting, where does that end up?  Engine? or Intake/Exhaust.  Having articles is great, but being able to find them easily makes them better.  What I think would be cool is things like head porting, have it in the 'Engine' section, but have a link in 'Intake/Exhaust' that redirects them to that page... not sure how possible it will be. 

In my opinion it should be something like this:

Engine (includes everything bolted to the engine)

Fuel System (Everything that touches fuel)

Intake & Exhaust (Air filters, turbo's, exhaust systems)

Steering & Suspension (....)

Interior/Exterior (bumpers, hitches, grilles, steering wheels, seats. etc)


These are only ideas.

We also need to put the "Search the Articles" box thing smack dab in the way so everyone sees it and can use it.

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That's the thing there are weird subjects some are good across several different titles and other articles fit only one. Like your head porting I would classify that as an engine because it's dealing with the head. It does impact air/exhaust flows but as an end result.

There is going to RV/Trailer database as well so some of the hitch and stuff can be over in that area.

Create search box is automatically set for "Articles" as soon as you click on the box. You can do a site wide or just articles. You can click on "Tags" and search that way as well. So it going to take the effor of everyone to get this tweaked in. As from what the BoD is figuring that we'll most likely release this in the late spring to summer range.

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Mike and were talking about doing a "search page" We really need to make it easier to find what you are looking for if you don't know what you are looking exactly, or where to find it.


I was even picking his brain on trying to grab the requested url request and populating the search box with it.  That would allow us to get around any Dead url issues.

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