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Pulled my adr box to flash it with V2 and it had something knocking around inside it. It's been working great so I'm not sure if it's a needed part but I'll attach a picture 




you have a very old ADR box.  That piece is what makes wiretap work.  You can solider it back into place.


The side with the yellow part goes towards the main connector


And that's what controls the extra fuel? That's strange it seams like is been working great. Even got 18.5 mpg with 35 in tries driving around 2400 miles this summer 

Posted (edited)

Excuse my ignorance but I'm confused. Wire tap is what adds fuel over stock. With out it it would just fuel like a normal truck? Because right now with out that part. it was fueling hard at WOT. Acting like it was getting plenty of extra fuel 

Edited by Redroan

It probably still using canbus fuel which is about 70% of fueling and wire tap adds another 30 or so. On level 0 i can maybe get to 3000 canbus and max is 4095 Nick knows best. I hardly use wite tap on my truck usually just have it on level 3. 

@Me78569 I thought it was anything after level 3 that adds wire tap :think: Unless something changed and I'm not up to speed.

0 stock with boost fool

1 valley mode (power reduction )

2 canbus to something 

3 canbus to something else 

4 and up canbus plus wire tap




I don't have the v2 flash done yet so no valet mode.  And that makes sense about the can bus fueling. I really haven't looked into how this box works I bought it back when they first came out played with the custom tunes very little and just left it on the default tune. So really I must have been like this for a while. Maybe 2 years ago I felt some surging but went away. Most likely when it broke off completely. 


Basically, everything that they said. 


Yes you will get up to 65HP gains without that part functioning, but you are leaving power on the table. If you are happy with the fueling before hooking that up you can still flash the V2 and possibly get some additional MPG gains, but if you want more power you will need to solder that back together. 

You can always get a board replacement if you choose: 


You will notice in the picture of the description we have revved the board to allow the yellow piece to have its own spot instead of weird wiring. 

-Thanks again

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