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Is anyone else as pissed off, upset, and concerned as I am about Trump banning "Bump Stock"???

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Yesterday the DOJ and BATFE announced that bump stocks are now banned and must be surrendered, destroyed, or made inoperable in the next 90 days WITHOUT just compensation.  If you DO NOT, you will be become a criminal federal felon in violation of the NFA Act of 1934 and a host of other unconstitutional, immoral, criminal laws and regulations imposed by an unconstitutional, immoral, and out of control government.  


Now........before you say that bump stocks are BS, they are a waste of ammunition, very inaccurate, over priced, et al, and etc.  I agree.  I have not use for them personally and if you DO understand how a semi-automatic firearm functions, you would readily know that NO bump stock is needed to make a semi-automatic firearm function in such a fashion. I DO strongly support the right to purchase and own one of these overpriced, silly plastic  firearm accessories that the BATFE has now classified as a machine gun.  


What SHOULD scare the hell out of any logical, thinking, intelligent person is that if Trump can reclassify a piece of plastic gun accessory that the BATFE for YEARS has previously ruled legal and a legal firearm accessory.........that Trump or any of the state sponsored domestic terrorists working in the BATFE can ban (read reclassify ANY semi automatic firearm).  


Think NOT???????  Oh Live Oak is just venting BS, etc. et al, addnosium.  Please allow me to refer you to Chapter 2.6.1 in the NFA Handbook that I have uploaded. and read it.........  pay special and VERY close attention to the part that reads:



readily restored to shoot, automatically more than one shot without manual
reloading by a single function of the trigger.
14 27


 Now watch this video which CLEARLY demonstrates readily restorability:



Now class..........:smart:........ are there ANY questions on the "progressive Marxist logic" being employed to change bump stocks from a cheap plastic gun accessory to a machine gun and that ANY firearm that can be "readily restored to shoot automatically" is NOW a machine gun?  That is lesson 1.  Lesson 2 is now that ANYTHING and ANY firearm can now be reclassified as a machine gun.........wait for it..........raise your hands class..........don't blurt out the answer..........:smart:........ANY firearm, especially ANY semi-automatic firearm can and you can expect WILL be banned.  Maybe not right away.  That is not how progressive Marxists operate.  They VERY gradually steal, corrode, and erode your Natural Born Liberties away.  With the help of organization like the NRA which stands for Negotiating Rights Away.  Notice that the NRA is VERY quiet about this issue right now and Gun Owners of America are the ONLY group I am aware of that is already moving to fight this ban in our corrupt and worthless court system.  


If you think this issue will not affect you one way or the other now or in the future, you are just sticking your head in the sand.  


You need to be REALLY pissed off, upset, and concerned about this and raising hell with your state and national elected representatives and senators.  You should also be raising hell with the NRA and donating money to Gun Owners of America to help them fund the court case they are taking to trial.  I am a Benefactor Life Member of the NRA and I am extremely embarrassed over how the NRA has conducted themselves on this issue and many others.  I am also a Life Member of Gun Owners of America and can personally attest to the fact that they are the most vocal and listened to 2nd Amendment organization by Congress.  If you are not already a member of the GOA, I strongly and humbly implore you to join. 


This is the first step of the FUSA following the path of Australia and the UK banning guns.  





  • Like 1
1 hour ago, LiveOak said:

Yesterday the DOJ and BATFE announced that bump stocks are now banned and must be surrendered, destroyed, or made inoperable in the next 90 days WITHOUT just compensation.  If you DO NOT, you will be become a criminal federal felon in violation of the NFA Act of 1934 and a host of other unconstitutional, immoral, criminal laws and regulations imposed by an unconstitutional, immoral, and out of control government.  


Now........before you say that bump stocks are BS, they are a waste of ammunition, very inaccurate, over priced, et al, and etc.  I agree.  I have not use for them personally and if you DO understand how a semi-automatic firearm functions, you would readily know that NO bump stock is needed to make a semi-automatic firearm function in such a fashion. I DO strongly support the right to purchase and own one of these overpriced, silly plastic  firearm accessories that the BATFE has now classified as a machine gun.  


What SHOULD scare the hell out of any logical, thinking, intelligent person is that if Trump can reclassify a piece of plastic gun accessory that the BATFE for YEARS has previously ruled legal and a legal firearm accessory.........that Trump or any of the state sponsored domestic terrorists working in the BATFE can ban (read reclassify ANY semi automatic firearm).  


Think NOT???????  Oh Live Oak is just venting BS, etc. et al, addnosium.  Please allow me to refer you to Chapter 2.6.1 in the NFA Handbook that I have uploaded. and read it.........  pay special and VERY close attention to the part that reads:



 Now watch this video which CLEARLY demonstrates readily restorability:



Now class..........:smart:........ are there ANY questions on the "progressive Marxist logic" being employed to change bump stocks from a cheap plastic gun accessory to a machine gun and that ANY firearm that can be "readily restored to shoot automatically" is NOW a machine gun?  That is lesson 1.  Lesson 2 is now that ANYTHING and ANY firearm can now be reclassified as a machine gun.........wait for it..........raise your hands class..........don't blurt out the answer..........:smart:........ANY firearm, especially ANY semi-automatic firearm can and you can expect WILL be banned.  Maybe not right away.  That is not how progressive Marxists operate.  They VERY gradually steal, corrode, and erode your Natural Born Liberties away.  With the help of organization like the NRA which stands for Negotiating Rights Away.  Notice that the NRA is VERY quiet about this issue right now and Gun Owners of America are the ONLY group I am aware of that is already moving to fight this ban in our corrupt and worthless court system.  


If you think this issue will not affect you one way or the other now or in the future, you are just sticking your head in the sand.  


You need to be REALLY pissed off, upset, and concerned about this and raising hell with your state and national elected representatives and senators.  You should also be raising hell with the NRA and donating money to Gun Owners of America to help them fund the court case they are taking to trial.  I am a Benefactor Life Member of the NRA and I am extremely embarrassed over how the NRA has conducted themselves on this issue and many others.  I am also a Life Member of Gun Owners of America and can personally attest to the fact that they are the most vocal and listened to 2nd Amendment organization by Congress.  If you are not already a member of the GOA, I strongly and humbly implore you to join. 


This is the first step of the FUSA following the path of Australia and the UK banning guns.  





I agree, but me crossing an invisible line from IA into IL  and several other states already makes me a felon, even with my NE issued CWP, Our "party" supposedly that represents us has let us down, and Trump is only the Preident, he is fighting everybody, the whole hate America left, the GOP/DOJ/FBI the Bureaucratic state, China, name it they oppose him & us ,No matter what I will support him! Need to vote out the Old Guard GOP.

  • Like 2
4 hours ago, Blueox01 said:

Do you think this is the hill we stand on? Or are there bigger battles to fight?


At the moment, I am just not sure yet.  I am going to take a wait and see approach and observe what happens to the legal challenge Gun Owners of America presents in court.  In the FUSA (former USA), this would be declared unconstitutional on a number of legal grounds.  The court system we have now it is anybody's guess as to what will happen.  


I am not one to advocate rushes to judgement nor taking rash action.  Common sense and patience is important in this matter.  


The passage of the NFA Act of 1934 and 1968 was bad enough.  BOTH were acts of tyranny and absolutely unconstitutional yet they stand because most people figured they did not care about machine guns, SBR's, and destructive devices.  


The bump stock ban sets the president to ban and confiscate ALL semi-automatic firearms.  We ALL need to be employing all lawful and peaceful means to challenge and resist this ban.  I think this is the hill we find ourselves on at the moment.  We have legal and constitutional remedies at hand.......WE THE PEOPLE need to use them or ignore them at our own peril.  IF and when our firearms are banned and ordered to be confiscated.........there will be no bigger battle to fight.  If the Second Amendment is stricken down, then NONE of the other amendments or governmental founding documents matter at that point.  


It would appear Trump's ship is sinking:


Mattis is NOT retiring as this article lies which is typical for National Review.......he resigned over disagreement with withdrawing from Syria.  






Even one of Trump's most ardent supporters has dumped him:




It would not surprise me to see more of Trump's staff rush for the door as well following in General Kelly's example and resigning.  


Trump only has a few adults remaining to guide him like Mike Pompeo, maybe Rick Perry.  Pence is an unknown quantity and if he resigns, we are in some DEEP schitt.  

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On ‎12‎/‎19‎/‎2018 at 10:34 AM, Blueox01 said:

already makes me a felon,

Here in the progressive state of California my AR has been banded in it's current configuration, it's very bad, looks like an assault weapon and those 30 round mags I had to get rid of so I wouldn't be a felon.  In another state it would all be legal.


As for the NRA,  They haven't helped out here at all.  


The Dems are not going to be happy until Trump is behind bars. That is what they are after. The next  2 years is going to be very unproductive. 

On 12/19/2018 at 8:40 PM, LiveOak said:


At the moment, I am just not sure yet.  I am going to take a wait and see approach and observe what happens to the legal challenge Gun Owners of America presents in court.  In the FUSA (former USA), this would be declared unconstitutional on a number of legal grounds.  The court system we have now it is anybody's guess as to what will happen.  


I am not one to advocate rushes to judgement nor taking rash action.  Common sense and patience is important in this matter.  


The passage of the NFA Act of 1934 and 1968 was bad enough.  BOTH were acts of tyranny and absolutely unconstitutional yet they stand because most people figured they did not care about machine guns, SBR's, and destructive devices.  


The bump stock ban sets the president to ban and confiscate ALL semi-automatic firearms.  We ALL need to be employing all lawful and peaceful means to challenge and resist this ban.  I think this is the hill we find ourselves on at the moment.  We have legal and constitutional remedies at hand.......WE THE PEOPLE need to use them or ignore them at our own peril.  IF and when our firearms are banned and ordered to be confiscated.........there will be no bigger battle to fight.  If the Second Amendment is stricken down, then NONE of the other amendments or governmental founding documents matter at that point.  

I agree with all you say, we already know that the left wants to disarm America, as well as all the bill of rights, they are already chipping away at our first Amend, with wanting hate speech Regulation, In the Universities, censoring by FB, Google, Twatter, they are doing this always one nudge at a time. I have to ask, knowing the left wants any reason to disarm us, why would someone with a PRO 2 Amend mindset design and mass produce the bump stock? Maybe Trump knew politically defending the bump stock that was only highlighted because on the Las Vegas shooting was a loser, I think he betting on the Courts to make a favorable ruling. Hence placing Pro 2 Amend. Judges in the District Courts, Appeals and Supreme Court is the Answer, And he is nominating more Conservative Judges than any other POTUS has in modern history. Trump is using the lefts long term plan against them, The Courts,(Remember CA never voted for *** Marriage, in fact voted it down more than once) How did the left get *** Marriage in CA(THE COURTS) why did the left oppose Kavanaugh so rabidly? Do you think RBG will last much longer?  If Trump can win in 2020 we might get a 6-3 Conservative SCOTUS. The Courts are where long term power is held.


I can honestly say that there is a lot I don't like about Trump and there is a lot I DO like about Trump.  Overall Trump has done more in 2 years to effect positive & productive change than ANY president has in my lifetime and since Calvin Coolidge in my opinion.  It totally escapes me as to why Trump would betray a significant part of his political base and most loyal supporters like he has.  


I understand and to a large degree agree with and follow your reasoning leading up to the courts.  In a rational and constitutional republic I would most certainly agree 100% but we no longer live in a constitutional republic and rationality is totally absent.  The Supreme court is without any doubt a unrealiable and unpredictable wild card.  Let us NOT forget about the traitor chief just-us John Roberts who employed senseless judicial acrobatics and progressive Marxist reasoning in his tie breaking decision to rationalize the ACA as constitutional when it TOTALLY was NOT.  Now, Trump has appointed yet another John Roberts type judge to the SCOTUS, Bret Kavanaugh.  I NEVER supported Kavanaugh.  Not the kind of judge that belongs on the SCOTUS.  Neil Gorsuch was a MUCH better pick and at least tolerable.  


Until Trumps reverses course on the Bump Stock (read semi-automatic firearm) ban and totally eliminates it,  I DO NOT trust him or his judgement to do ANYTHING.  As I have said above, once the firearm confiscation process starts, NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.  


When a government terrorizes its lawful citizens the choice to surrender of their natural born rights or die protecting them.........you are NOT living in freedom/liberty much less a free country.  

On 12/20/2018 at 5:03 PM, LiveOak said:

It would appear Trump's ship is sinking:


Mattis is NOT retiring as this article lies which is typical for National Review.......he resigned over disagreement with withdrawing from Syria.  






Even one of Trump's most ardent supporters has dumped him:




It would not surprise me to see more of Trump's staff rush for the door as well following in General Kelly's example and resigning.  


Trump only has a few adults remaining to guide him like Mike Pompeo, maybe Rick Perry.  Pence is an unknown quantity and if he resigns, we are in some DEEP schitt.  

The Strategic genius of Trump, See Why Trump would not abandon MBS over Kashoggi


SOS Mike Pomeo Speech and transcript, obviously thinks Trump is the only Adult in the room.


27 minutes ago, Blueox01 said:

The Strategic genius of Trump, See Why Trump would not abandon MBS over Kashoggi


SOS Mike Pomeo Speech and transcript, obviously thinks Trump is the only Adult in the room.



 Totally agree and view these as smart moves.  That having been said, once gun confiscation starts.........and the precursors of it ALREADY have.........tell me about Trump's strategic genius again when the bump stock ban issue gets to the SCOTUS and that back stabbing, liberal progressive Marxist Chief Justice John Roberts pulls his usual left wing extremist stunts like he did here:




Again, once gun confiscation begins.......NOTHING that Trump or anyone else does matters.  It will become a matter of self preservation on all sides.  


There may be one not too remote possible saving grace and that would be if RGB steps down or is medically incapacitated.  




5 hours ago, LiveOak said:

Ya, I read that article a few days ago.

6 hours ago, LiveOak said:


 Totally agree and view these as smart moves.  That having been said, once gun confiscation starts.........and the precursors of it ALREADY have.........tell me about Trump's strategic genius again when the bump stock ban issue gets to the SCOTUS and that back stabbing, liberal progressive Marxist Chief Justice John Roberts pulls his usual left wing extremist stunts like he did here:




Again, once gun confiscation begins.......NOTHING that Trump or anyone else does matters.  It will become a matter of self preservation on all sides.  


There may be one not too remote possible saving grace and that would be if RGB steps down or is medically incapacitated.  




She'll probably be casting votes from her grave, She just cast one from intensive as you reference above

On 12/22/2018 at 11:17 AM, LiveOak said:


 Totally agree and view these as smart moves.  That having been said, once gun confiscation starts.........and the precursors of it ALREADY have.........tell me about Trump's strategic genius again when the bump stock ban issue gets to the SCOTUS and that back stabbing, liberal progressive Marxist Chief Justice John Roberts pulls his usual left wing extremist stunts like he did here:




Again, once gun confiscation begins.......NOTHING that Trump or anyone else does matters.  It will become a matter of self preservation on all sides.  


There may be one not too remote possible saving grace and that would be if RGB steps down or is medically incapacitated.  




What pains me more than anything is your links to left wing news articles, AP, Reuters, The Atlantic, Try looking at other news sources, I just pulled this up (not a news site I visit) what confiscation? They can't enforce the BS laws unless the populace is compliant.  https://www.ammoland.com/2018/12/new-jersey-magazine-ban-goes-into-effect/.

This is the True 2nd Amendment.


The bigger threat to America is far bigger than (bump stocks), don't get sidelined on small battle's, look to winning the war. Why do Dem's need open borders? Why is the media, EU, Fed, DOJ, Rino's, everybody oppose Trump? When that is answered it will be obvious? How did a man with NO support from the RNC, Media Win?   Did Obama fire all the "adults in the room" when he fired 197 Field grade Officers? https://rense.com/general96/listof.html

Look for the name Gen.Mattis , look at Dates and research what was happening during this time period.


That's why "bump stocks", "Trump's tweets" are way at the bottom of my concerns.


That's all white noise.  I voted for Trump for ONE reason and ONE reason ONLY.  That reason is that Trump would be the murder weapon to kill the Republican Party (the current progressive socialist big over reaching government advocates party).  He is NOT doing that.  Trump is NOT a conservative.  Not even close.  I am still not sure exactly what he is.  There are no conservative news  sources.  


What pains me is that you think there are.


If you are looking for reality, go here:




You are far more likely to get the facts, the truth, and reality here than not.    

16 minutes ago, LiveOak said:

That's all white noise.  I voted for Trump for ONE reason and ONE reason ONLY.  That reason is that Trump would be the murder weapon to kill the Republican Party (the current progressive socialist big over reaching government advocates party).  He is NOT doing that.  Trump is NOT a conservative.  Not even close.  I am still not sure exactly what he is.  There are no conservative news  sources.  


What pains me is that you think there are.


If you are looking for reality, go here:




You are far more likely to get the facts, the truth, and reality here than not.    

Your a one issue voter and the big picture evades you, Trump has done one thing that you should see, Kept his campaign promise's like his policy or not, he has done what he said he would do during the campaign. If the Demoncraps are able to give citizenship to 22 million Illegals that vote against America, where do "bump stocks" land in your priorities, question is will you comply with unconstitutional laws? I want you to know I stand with you! But see the global chess game, if not America is already lost, like Europe is.

He is trying to destroy the Bureaucratic State, Deep State, Swamp whatever you want to call it, but he needs US to keep the faith that he is smarter than the idiots that are still trying to remove him! Sorry but I believe his is of last hope to forge a path back to the America I grew up in, but he IS not a Dictator and has to navigate through all the activist court rulings, congress (even the GOP) and those that portray themselves as friends, that are actually enemies embedded in the bureaucracy, that not only openly thwart his America first Agenda but use the bureaucracy to slow it down. But Trump is NOT only dealing with the domestic threat to OUR America but is out flanking our Global enemies   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suC1I2MCVtE

While evweryone is screaming tariffs, the Chicoms are starting to see they have been out flanked!

Look at CTH for some good outlook on what Trump is facing, and how he has outmaneuvered them.

Also watch this clip to understand "Spygate"






I hope you know I stand with you, and relish the conversation and opinions you put forth. I still stand on willing to losing a battle to focus on the war before us. Read thru the articles, Sundance put his perspective on these events, mostly based on open source doc, but he does lend to the thought of issue's before us.



If I came across poorly the other day, please forgive me.  I had a REALLY bad and potentially costly day Thursday and Friday.  


I DO realize that to say the least Trump and the issues are very complicated.  


I am by far not a single issue voter.  I AM however a voter who is concerned about multiple issues in order of precedence and importance. 


Of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, which of them is the most important?  To my way of thinking, if the 2nd amendment is removed or undermined, the rest will be severely weakened and fall.  It certainly does NOT mean that the remaining 9 are not important though.  


I read Conservative Tree House but consider it a "neocon advocate website" that is not too much different than the Weekly Standard which thankfully recently announced it is closing.  


The most important issue of protecting the 2nd amendment, Trump has flopped on.


Immigration is the next most important issue.  This issue is not really about immigration.  It IS however about election fraud and disenfranchisement of conservative voters.  This is why the communists (aka Democrats) want it so badly.  Open borders means more democrat votes. The fact that immigration that allows and encourages outright refusal to integrate into American society and culture is a side issue now.  I want immigration banned for at least the next 10 years and on a case by case basis in addition to EB-5 Green Card immigration ONLY.  Illegal immigrants should NEVER be allowed to vote.  NO immigration should be allowed unless the immigrant speaks fluent English and demonstrates they have 100% assimilated.  Chain migration should be banned permanently.  Immigration lottery banned.  Only American citizens allowed to serve in the military.    


Border security and NOT a wall is very important.  A wall that keeps everything out also keeps us and things we may in the future want if things go bad.  Trump has flopped on this.  He has had many opportunities to stand his ground but waits until the communists in the Democrat Party take over congress to do it.  


The size, scope, reach, power, and cost of government must be reduced to (to quote Grover Norquist) where it can be drowned in a bath tub.  There is so much wrong here that it would take multiple pages to flesh out.  For starters, strip all of the guns, ammunition, MRAPS, swat teams, and surveillance powers of government branchs like the IRS, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Energy, Dept. of the Interior, etc., etc. Repeal the USA Patriot Act, strip the NSA, DIA, CIA, and the FBI of their capability to conduct secret surveillance on American citizens.  Strip ALL government employees, federal, state, local, and contractors of sovereign/limited immunity and strictly allow it only on a case by case basis decided in a public forum.  Trump has done NOTHING here. 


The above are just a few of the main issues. 


To be fair, Trump has delivered on MANY campaign promises.  More so than any president in my lifetime.  Cudo's to him for that. None of this matters when Trump has betrayed us and started the foundation for gun confiscation.  If Trump wants my support (if that is even possible now in light of caving in to the progressive Marxists on gun control) and the support of about 50% of his political base.......he must reverse himself on Bump Stocks but even if he does, he will NEVER be trusted by about half of his former supporters.  


I have been down this road with Ronald Reagan who was great on most issues but in the end betrayed us on the most critical and important issues like gun control, big government, immigration, and tax reform.  Hence my intolerance of Trump trying to do the same thing.   









55 minutes ago, LiveOak said:

If I came across poorly the other day, please forgive me.  I had a REALLY bad and potentially costly day Thursday and Friday.  


I DO realize that to say the least Trump and the issues are very complicated.  


I am by far not a single issue voter.  I AM however a voter who is concerned about multiple issues in order of precedence and importance. 


Of the first 10 amendments to the Constitution, which of them is the most important?  To my way of thinking, if the 2nd amendment is removed or undermined, the rest will be severely weakened and fall.  It certainly does NOT mean that the remaining 9 are not important though.  


I read Conservative Tree House but consider it a "neocon advocate website" that is not too much different than the Weekly Standard which thankfully recently announced it is closing.  


The most important issue of protecting the 2nd amendment, Trump has flopped on.


Immigration is the next most important issue.  This issue is not really about immigration.  It IS however about election fraud and disenfranchisement of conservative voters.  This is why the communists (aka Democrats) want it so badly.  Open borders means more democrat votes. The fact that immigration that allows and encourages outright refusal to integrate into American society and culture is a side issue now.  I want immigration banned for at least the next 10 years and on a case by case basis in addition to EB-5 Green Card immigration ONLY.  Illegal immigrants should NEVER be allowed to vote.  NO immigration should be allowed unless the immigrant speaks fluent English and demonstrates they have 100% assimilated.  Chain migration should be banned permanently.  Immigration lottery banned.  Only American citizens allowed to serve in the military.    


Border security and NOT a wall is very important.  A wall that keeps everything out also keeps us and things we may in the future want if things go bad.  Trump has flopped on this.  He has had many opportunities to stand his ground but waits until the communists in the Democrat Party take over congress to do it.  


The size, scope, reach, power, and cost of government must be reduced to (to quote Grover Norquist) where it can be drowned in a bath tub.  There is so much wrong here that it would take multiple pages to flesh out.  For starters, strip all of the guns, ammunition, MRAPS, swat teams, and surveillance powers of government branchs like the IRS, Dept. of Education, Dept. of Energy, Dept. of the Interior, etc., etc. Repeal the USA Patriot Act, strip the NSA, DIA, CIA, and the FBI of their capability to conduct secret surveillance on American citizens.  Strip ALL government employees, federal, state, local, and contractors of sovereign/limited immunity and strictly allow it only on a case by case basis decided in a public forum.  Trump has done NOTHING here. 


The above are just a few of the main issues. 


To be fair, Trump has delivered on MANY campaign promises.  More so than any president in my lifetime.  Cudo's to him for that. None of this matters when Trump has betrayed us and started the foundation for gun confiscation.  If Trump wants my support (if that is even possible now in light of caving in to the progressive Marxists on gun control) and the support of about 50% of his political base.......he must reverse himself on Bump Stocks but even if he does, he will NEVER be trusted by about half of his former supporters.  


I have been down this road with Ronald Reagan who was great on most issues but in the end betrayed us on the most critical and important issues like gun control, big government, immigration, and tax reform.  Hence my intolerance of Trump trying to do the same thing. 


So you want a Dictator that can proclaim laws by decree?  Look at the big board, Who is on Trumps side? The courts, the EU, the bureaucratic STATE i.e. (Swamp) The Fed, DOJ/FBI/CIA Congress, please name the ONE ally Trump has other than US  the voter?









Watch this and a few of the following videos  THIS IS WHAT SCARES ME, These people that run our Federal Gov't are this stupid, not to mention Alex Occasional- Kotex from the Bronx




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