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Inconvenience of EVs


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Some things to look at about Biden's green new deal.










So far there is bigger issues with the green new deal. So let's look how politicians travel by air and nothing said about jet pollution.


Let's start with a look at the most famous of jets, the Boeing 747. The Boeing website states that this model, with a gas tank capacity of 63,500 gallons, may burn five gallons of jet fuel per mile of flight. A 4,000-mile flight, then, requires 20,000 gallons of fuel. Sep 26, 2016.


Let's consider that there is no enough power to deal with just the EVs in California and lake Mead is almost dry main supply of California's power. Even that California's power is being rationed.




Then just consider all the forest fires the USFS is lighting up calling them a prescribed burn, also allowing fires to get out of hand. Huge pollution of CO2 here in the northwest. Then consider all the EV fires.




EVs are not going to solve any issues. Just consider the amount of fires EVs have had.


Just consider the Ford Lightning. How long would it take to tow 10k trailer 2,000 miles?



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Not to mention how soon the batteries need replacing and cost involved.


Technology to recycle the old is still a huge problem.


 Generally speaking there is a direct correlation between price tag, amount of money flow and the amount of environmental impact in any given market. This indicator is true around the globe. When GDP is totaled each year it gives an indication of how much air, water, soil, is affected on average by each individual for that economy or market.


Look how little we spend keeping our second gens going.  The older they get the cooler they are IMHO. :thumb1:

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Mike can you tell me why the trees are dying along interstate 5 and not dying along the lonely back roads? Something I observed on my last camp trip.

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 The technology has been invented several times over to greatly increase fuel efficiency of the internal combustion engine. Problem is the oil companies bought up the patents and buried the technology. I think they should bring some of it out now to save their own butts from this EV forced take over.

 There have been many cases where a vehicle was modified or fitted with a device to achieve 50+ mpg and even higher. I feel that would be the best way to go at this time. The electric vehicle issue is just not sustainable.

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1 hour ago, Doubletrouble said:

 The technology has been invented several times over to greatly increase fuel efficiency of the internal combustion engine. Problem is the oil companies bought up the patents and buried the technology. I think they should bring some of it out now to save their own butts from this EV forced take over.

 There have been many cases where a vehicle was modified or fitted with a device to achieve 50+ mpg and even higher. I feel that would be the best way to go at this time. The electric vehicle issue is just not sustainable.

Gov't. needs the road taxes since they are so exhausted from such hard work and so little benefits.

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1 hour ago, JAG1 said:

Mike can you tell me why the trees are dying along interstate 5 and not dying along the lonely back roads? Something I observed on my last camp trip.

Same thing out here road deicers and salt. Trees along the highway are dying too. Also the weed spraying and chemical weed control out here is killing trees. Go out on the back roads you don't see it either here. Blame your local government for thinking they know best on keeping the highways weed free or deiced. Its NOT the vehicle emissions. If it was vehicle emissions it would impact all roads and highways.

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7 hours ago, Mopar1973Man said:

Here check this out...




This is a gal over in UK and feeling the pinch of electric cars. 

 That's terrible, poor woman can't even get home from work. 

 What ever happened to those little VW's that ran on diesel and got like 40-50 mpg back in the day? I think it was a VW golf? Used to know a guy that had one. He drove that thing forever. It finally crapped out at like 400k miles.

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Just consider that I'll never buy a EV. At least I can get 5 gallons of fuel and get home. EVs have long recharge times 8 to 12 hours. I can fill my vehicles in under 5 minutes and drive 600 miles minimum.


In a city, never more than 20 miles from home, an electric car MIGHT be feasible. In the real world, they are a joke....

8 minutes ago, Mopar1973Man said:

Just consider that I'll never buy a EV. At least I can get 5 gallons of fuel and get home. EVs have long recharge times 8 to 12 hours. I can fill my vehicles in under 5 minutes and drive 600 miles minimum.

Where you live, there is no way I'd have an electric car. Even where I live, there is no way I'd have an electric car. Just too inconvenient and I'd be stressed staring at the battery miles till screwed guage....

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Hey Mike wouldn't a Honda 2200 watt generator save this lady? All she needs is to cut a hole in the side for a gen compartment and the exhaust piped outside. This would keep the batteries charged, making the lifetime of the batteries last forever. Right?


Too bad that lady has to swear like that... looses credibility with me. May have had time to fix the home charger instead of getting into a fix. At least the electrician should have been called right away and mentioned if he couldn't make it on time.

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16 minutes ago, JAG1 said:

Hey Mike wouldn't a Honda 2200 watt generator save this lady?

No because a 2 kw generator is way to small... Has to be minimum of 11 kw diesel generator so it would charge fast enough so she go home in about 8 hours. Also that is one of the main causes of these EV fires is that people are always in a hurry and don't have time to wait so they use high speed chargers that over heat the battery and it also shortens its life span. Rule of thumb is you take and amp/hour rating of a battery divide by 20 that is your maximum charge rate that gives the best life span and not overheating batteries. Remember again who has 8 to 12 hours to wait for a car to charge up? 


I can fill my 2002 or 2006 Cummins in just under 5 minutes? Why would I buy a EV so I can drive to Boise and have to get a motel room for the next day so I can wait for the EV to charge up so I can drive home? Pollution all your doing is moving it to where the power plant is. Then driving a rolling fire trap that could bust into flames at anytime while driving or parked. You will lose the entire car and insurance company are not replacing the entire value of the car. So you stuck buying a car again that might burn up next month or next week. I've never had a vehicle fire yet in all the miles I've drove and worked on vehicles. Fire dept are having issues even putting the cars out and having the battery later re-ignite the car again. EV fires require a lot of water to cool and put out the fires.


Oh just for fun I looked up a battery for a Telsa the replacement battery is right at $25,000 if the car doesn't burn down first. I still think its stupid of Ford to release a EV truck made for towing but only got a range 120 miles EMPTY, then lose 66% of the capacity to haul a 10k pound trailer barely 10 miles and dropped the battery down quick. Then even if you get 60 miles you have to plug in for a mere 8 to 12 hours. I still ask people... Basically drive it for 1 hour at 60 MPH and have to park and wait for the batteries to recharge the average time for a Ford Lightning is about 12 hours just for 120 miles!


How many months would it take to tow a 10k trailer across the US (Coast to Coast) with a Ford Lightning?


Just because something doesn't fit your use case doesn't mean it doesn't fit the use case for a vast % of the population.   It is insane to think that battery technology is not going to improve to the point of being a direct competitor of gas in the near future.  If you want proof look at the average EV range from a decade ago vs now.  in 10 years it has gone from 


a 2010 nissan leaf has a 73 mile range,   


here is 11 years later.


Screenshot 2022-11-25 084621.png


this conversation happened 120 years ago when the car was being introduced, it happened 60 years ago when points got replaced, it happened 40 years ago when carbs were being replaced, and it is happening now again.  Nothing new here technology advances.  





An ev will be the next car we buy,  wife drives 40 miles a day, even on 120v outlet that range can be charged over night for less than $2 at my current  .12 kwh cost.  and yes I live in the country, no I will not be selling my diesel truck, it fits a different need I have.    




You wouldn't buy a honda civic to haul drywall, why would you buy an current EV to drive across the country?   



and no the EV is not a tool of the government to keep people from moving around, if that was the case we would not be seeing the advancements in battery technology we have seen in the last 10 years.     as for the lady in the video, bad luck for her.  I guess ICE engines never fail to do their job.............



issues we currently have with EV tech


1. grid is not up to snuff

2. battery storage is not good enough

3. charge times are too long

4. mining cannot provide enough material



1. I sure as **** hope we fix our grid because it is in shambles, the TRILLIONS the government has subsidized the power companies needs to be put into the grid to bring it up to the increasing need of the country.  even without EV's we are power hungry and the grid is failing to provide.  fix the damn thing


2/3/4 are all solvable issues  to say they are not is like saying we couldn't make it to the moon in the 60's




point is get out of your bubble and try and see the perks that EV do provide, don't just point at faults.  I have NUMEROUS friends in all walks of life with an EV as their DD that has been working perfectly for years and years.




8 minutes ago, Mopar1973Man said:

Has to be minimum of 11 kw diesel generator so it would charge fast enough so she go home in about 8 hours.

how much range did she need?  you are assuming she needed a full charge.  I might have missed it but I didn't hear anything, all I heard is I have 38 miles of range left which is not enough to get home.   

8 minutes ago, Mopar1973Man said:

Oh just for fun I looked up a battery for a Telsa the replacement battery is right at $25,000 if the car doesn't burn down first. 

Screenshot 2022-11-25 090111.png

Don't cherry pick.  Here is the mileage vs range of battery.   what is the NORMAL amount of mileage a car gets used before it is no longer deemed useful?   the trend line for the tesla shows pretty impressive range % even at 100,000 + km of use.  


Gasses need expensive replacements as well, what's the replacement cost of a new 6.7 cummins at a dealership?



as for ev's burning down. don't act as if gas vehicles don't get set ablaze, I have SEEN numerous examples in my life, my aunts jeep burned to the ground in her driveway last year.  I promise you there are many many many times more gas vehicle fires than ev.





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Thank you Nick, you always have certain perspective. My neighbor charges his EV over night off his solar panels, it is a very small car he runs around for free to make errands.


There may be an electric Bike in my future, that's about it but, I don't like the battery near or between my legs.

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Just remember those quote distance of run is a single 150 pound driver, no cargo, no A/C or heat running, no lights on. 


Real life people are much heavier, Like myself 230 pounds, I carry around a few hundred pounds of stuff in my vehicles. I do run heater and A/C. For safety in several places out here I run headlights. Now those quoted distance numbers will decrease quite a bit. 


17 minutes ago, Me78569 said:

issues we currently have with EV tech


1. grid is not up to snuff

2. battery storage is not good enough

3. charge times are too long

4. mining cannot provide enough material


1. I know for a fact Idaho Power already told me they are already at 90% capacity and couldn't tolerate the added load if everyone bought EV's.

2. Batteries are always suffer when forced to charge as high rates, causing overheating and cell damage. Batteries have never been able to fast charge and it a physics limitation. Its a chemical change that takes time. 

3. Just like a fuel tank bigger the battery the longer it will take to charge up. Doing it right would would use the slowest charging rate to reduce cell damage and battery heating but who has time for that?

4. Thank You Biden he's already put a limit on copper mining here in the US I found out. Then running out of nickle. Lithium is super toxic to produce, dispose of and there is no current plan for recycling of disposal of lithium batteries.  What do you do with these toxic batteries?


Did you know out here in Idaho Telsa have been in more slide off accidents than any other AWD vehicle? They are considered one of the worse vehicles to drive in the snow. 


Just consider my trip to Texas and back...


EV vehicle would of cost me way more in power costs, then motel stays every time I had to charge up. 


We rented a Kia Forte brand new car it was getting 45 to 53 MPG. Every time I stopped for fuel at around a 1/2 tank it was like $20 to $25 dollars to go the next 300 to 400 miles down the road. If I was driving a Ford Lightning it would take 15 days to make the trip not counting charging time. I made the trip in 4 days from Dallas / Fort Worth to Home. I would have to buy a motel room every 120 miles, allow the truck to charge 8 to 12 hours depending on the charger and speed. Anyone can show me where a EV can do it for less money I'd love to see it. 


I'm still waiting for my flying car that as a kid in the 60s was told it would happen. 


I don't believe batteries will ever become the way of the future. Just like extracting energy from a gallon of gas, there will be a limit to how much energy can be stored and used in a battery. I figure when the world runs out of mineable and usable  minerals, they'll have hydrogen or even cold fusion  figured out.....


I won't be around to see it and the world may purge human life from itself like immune systems purge germs before it gets figured out. Neither side of the equation will ever convince the other side to see things their way, and reality will always end up somewhere in the middle. 


the grid is obviously an issue, why does no one want to fix it?  answer that question before saying "ev's will break it"    screw complaining about it, lets spend some tax money and fix it. 


Range is an issue, again why use an ev for that trip?   you wouldn't use a civic to haul drywall.   your argument for use case can be used when comparing an ICE car to an ICE truck.


we need plans to deal with the recycling. lets get a plan going, this isn't about Biden is about the lack of future planning being done.   



EV's will fill a very useful spot of the car market.   at this point they won't work in all situations.    



It's not possible right now != it isn't possible.  


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