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Its two in the morning and wondering if I will be able to save my home. It is a mobil home and it started in my daughters room.We pulled carpet and pad.Painted the floor and walls with kilzs and it seems it is fighting back.So Ithought mabe it is not mold and looked at gray water lines. Got a plummer friend to come over and check what I did and he found a couple lines that where not right and rerouted them. It is a funky smell I dont know else to explain. I went and bought ac window unit to put in bed room and it is 65 degress in there I thought it would dry it out and kill mold. There is no insluation under house pulled it down to see and spray with clorox. I mean I have had clorox driping off of the floor and nothing. I cant see anything growing so how do I fight what I cant see? If anybody knows anything please post or pray .Thanks Joe

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I would take a bug sprayer and mix the bleach with water. Spray down practically everything that won't be damaged by the bleach. Then give it a couple days to air out with the a/c running and see if the smell goes away.


Mold... it has to be wet from somewhere. Check roof, vents, stacks, seal everything. Check siding, windows. Bathroom vents. Condensation. If it's into the walls, they may have to be opened to get access. Moisture can come up from the ground. Our soil is very wet... why my truck is rusting from underneath. If I was to built my long planned shop in the barn, I'f have to divert rainwater, put in drains & still lay a plastic vapor barrior on top of soil. You're supposed to be able to ventilate away excess moisture but I gave up... in this humid New England climate, I run a dehumifier in the half burried basement 3 seasons or everything there would mold. There has got to be a leak somewhere. First you must fix that.

  • 2 weeks later...

One of the things hat KILL mold ( and fungus ) is ethlyne glycol anti-freeze. Wet all discolored places at least 6 in past the last signs - if it is indoors cover with plastic film for a week, the vapor is not recommended for respiration. It takes about 3 days to soak through paint.You WILL have to find the water source - roof leak, wall leak, plumbing leak, kid hoarding water or condensate - the 65 F temp can collect water in the wall or roof if that is below dewpoint. Condensate is a very common problem where the temperature is 3-4 months below freezingStripping the room and raising the temp to 160 F for a day is another way as is tenting the house the same as for termites.Then there is always the bunny suits and stripping the inside to the out at $3.50 a pound if the gov finds it.I looked at the ozone generators, and yes they will kill the mold but no it is not safe to share mold and ozone to breath at the same time. And there is no marker that will tell when the mold is gone.One more thought Texas has been in the 'news' about mold , a lot of the cause is northern style vapor barrier - up north the put it in the inside wall, down south we put it on the outside wall. All of the rust belt refugees kept building northern style when they relocated. If that is the problem with your trailer the insulation will best be changed to foam.keydl

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hey thanks for all the replys, I thought this thread was gone. Update trailer was a total lose it was moved to a guys place out in the country. It is still a nasty smelling mess, I dont know what kind of mold it was but it was not the bad stuff we sent off mold samples.We lost everything we had nothing was saved, we tryed to save some furniture but it started growing nasty green and some white junk. Built new house thanks to family and one friend, you find out who they are as soon as the crap hits the fan dont ya. Cost was about 30k for a really nice custom built home with 1100 feet. Yea friend is carpenter by trade thank god for that or we would really been screwed. And now the county wonts to value at 90k,I told the wife we would be ok in a tent. lmao


The Stachybotrys is black and can cause some serious health issues. I worked in the federal court house in St. Louis hanging all the doors and installing hard ware they had a real Stachybotrys case they had to totally wreck two floors down to the bare concrete. Plus the elevator shafts had it in it as well.You are better off in the house than a tent even if you have to pay a few tax dollars.Bill


Is there any way of killing it or clean up? Curious...:confused:

If you catch it soon enough bleach is the best tool other wise if it get out of control demoing it is really the most efficient way. Like Joe did remove it i would burn it if it was mine. There is a special paint as well for clearing up that encapsulates it. I hope i picked the right spelling.:lmao: Bill
  • 11 months later...

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