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First off let me say... I've followed some of the advise here and double checked a bunch of stuff. The transmission is over filled enough that the sensor is submerged in fluid constantly even in 5th gear and transfer case in neutral. As for the shift quality after nearly 1,000 miles already is still really tight feeling and not sloppy. As for transmission fluid temps empty running I see no more that 130*F tops at 68 MPH after 40 miles of driving even climbing grades. If the morning temperatures are down around 45*F it takes nearly a full 20 miles to rise off of the 100*F mark of the gauge. At midday with 75-80*F temps outside its barely reaching 130*F with flat travel might bump 140*F if climbing a 7% grade.Remember this is all empty truck and no towing... Now you might question the number of the fluid temps from the gauge I've used 2 different thermometers to verify the temperature reported by the gauge and alway darn close to the same value. No I did not install fast coolers nor did I change anything since installing the transmission on the temp gauge other than adding enough fluid to keep the sensor submerged.





As you see the first few days after the transmission install MPG was bit low. After working hard and pulling thee RV down south and back which would say the break in period of the transmission occurred. Now with the job I had in New Meadows, ID and running back and forth to McCall climbing a 7% grade doesn't seem to bother the MPG's like in the past.




Other that that I will say I'm pleased with Weller Trucks transmission rebuild it very tight and precise feel in the stick now compared to before.  As for the transmission fluid I would have to say at this point of the game which is early yet but its a good solution for future fluid for NV4500.

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    A bit of information to add... Towing a 8k pound RV in 4th gear (Direct 1:1) up 7 mile 7% grade in 4th is MUCH COOLER than towing the same RV up the same grade in 3rd which actually tripped off my 220

  • Mopar1973Man

    108*F outside.      3rd Gear at 35 MPH and 2,200 RPMs   4th gear at 55 MPH at 2,100 RPMs

  • I agree that this is definitely not a direct comparison because I do know that the Fast Coolers do play a part and I know for fact that the blanketed exhaust does something as well.  But the informati

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The biggest thing I see is the temperature delta between 3rd and 4th. In 3rd your using gearing reduction and have more friction. Even with the coolers and exhaust wrap his delta was MUCH smaller than yours... not looking at actual temp, just the delta.


The SAE 50 had a very large delta when the gears had the load vs direct and the GL-4 NV4500 spec'd fluid did not. That's my point. You said it yourself, in caps, MUCH COOLER... KATOOM didn't have that delta.


I would like to see a more direct comparison for peak temps but the delta temp data cannot be thrown out here.

Well @KATOOM looks like it's time to drain that expensive fluid and hook up the RV :lol: 

Hey I was kinda hoping some other members would step up and install a temperature gauge..... :poke:

IF you really want me trans temp readings you can have them, but it wouldn't even be apples to oranges...more like underpants to orange comparison.

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That's the thing AH64ID is quote Delta value which to me is meaningless. To may factors involved to this "Delta" make it even valuable. Like starting temperature of the fluid, length of climb, then at what speed, what gear, how much hp & tq applied to the transmission, etc. All have an impact on the out come of the "Delta". So yeah I could hook up a heavy load climb a short 7% grade and turn a better delta too. I can stop before a grade have picnic and the climb it after it cooled still have wonderful delta.  Too many thing to impact the outcome more than just weight... 


Me78569 like you said not even a comparsion unless everything is equal and side by side. Then we can talk delta. 

Like I said before.... you can pick it apart to death supporting your theory but the data isn't bad.



1 hour ago, KATOOM said:

Hey I was kinda hoping some other members would step up and install a temperature gauge..... :poke:

If college tuition wasn't EATING every dime I had I would have installed a cooler, the temp probe, and changed to the correct fluid. Hopefully by mid August...

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3 hours ago, AH64ID said:

Like I said before.... you can pick it apart to death supporting your theory but the data isn't bad.



Sorry I'll have to agree to disagree. 


So many way I can alter you "delta" values that I make it look good..

Edited by Mopar1973Man

10 minutes ago, Mopar1973Man said:


Sorry I'll have to agree to disagree. 


About what I expected considering your hell bent on running the wrong fluid :-) You're far too predictable when it comes to bucking the flow.


You can keep trying to make this look good but it's far from it. You still call it a GL-4 which really, really doesn't make it look good when its clearly NOT.


The delta temp data is HUGE. In 4th the fluid is doing very little to protect any gears as there isn't any load on the gear. As soon as you place a load on the gears the temp went WAY up.. that's NOT good.


I'm all for looking at new things; however, don't skew the data, or specs, to suit your needs. It's always fun to watch people ignore the facts to push their opinions.

Edited by AH64ID

3 minutes ago, Mopar1973Man said:

Actually you are just hell bent on selling me AMSOil... Sorry No.





HAHAHA.... yeah that's completely it :doh:



I am still of the opinion that we haven't seen anywhere near enough testing or miles on this fluid in identical trucks with identical or even similar mods and usage to be able to compare. So there is no point arguing for either side at the moment. 

Edited by leathermaneod

Come on leathermaneod, install a gauge. :whistle2:

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I'm done even trying... No sense in even posting anymore so far I've lost 3 threads to oil related argument I'm done... 

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Welcome To Mopar1973Man.Com LLC

We are privately owned, with access to a professional Diesel Mechanic, who can provide additional support for Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel vehicles. Many detailed information is FREE and available to read. However, in order to interact directly with our Diesel Mechanic, Michael, by phone, via zoom, or as the web-based option, Subscription Plans are offered that will enable these and other features.  Go to the Subscription Page and Select a desired plan. At any time you wish to cancel the Subscription, click Subscription Page, select the 'Cancel' button, and it will be canceled. For your convenience, all subscriptions are on auto-renewal.