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Makes me sick

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Our dollars need to be backed by 2 stoke oil and diesel. That's what we got and lots of it. Biden is just saving our reserves for when OPEC runs out. Biden is very smart and doesn't know it. :thumb1:

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51 minutes ago, Mopar1973Man said:



Now on the right side of the debt clock look at dollars vs oil, silver and gold. Dollar is worthless.

What should we do? I ask because gold is like a stick in the mud,  lost it's luster and doesn't move a whole lot compared to the current situation. Why is that? Or do you think investors are going to a monstrous jump on it soon. It will upend the Dollar and hurt a lot of people relying on paper.

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 Before long cash as we know it will be gone. All virtual money for us citizens,  the elite will hold the gold and other precious commodities. 

 More control from the elites. That's all it is. It won't change until something monumental happens.


We used to be guaranteed by gold. Fort Knox is the depository. We've far out borrowed our assets.  No different than a home equity loan of 100 million on a house worth 100 thousand. The problem is, the owners of the house are the ones writing the loans against it with absolute abandon. We are so intrenched in debt and spending, there is no way out. You can't pay interest on a loan with another made up number that you can't possibly pay back. The debt ceiling is a made up number based on nothing more than a bunch of people saying this is what we owe. Owe to who? The world bank that will collapse the same time we do? We can't  survive because nobody in power wants to face reality and live within our means. By that I mean our tax dollars is the governments paycheck and they need to stop living on more. Doesn't work very long for the working class, it can't work for long for government. 

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1 hour ago, Doubletrouble said:

All virtual money for us citizens,  the elite will hold the gold and other precious commodities. 

No. Not true. China has gone to gold back money and several other countries have too. So this means the US Govt will have to gold back monies to continue to trade with other countries. The E-cash or Bitcoin type (electronic money) money will not work because it will not be backed by gold. Other countries will not trade in fiat money that is worthless. 


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