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2001 Dodge 3500, 6 speed manual transmission.... hit with the dreaded "dead pedal" yesterday but after restarting the truck, it started working again which was great so I could get back home, to work today & the truck in the shop. Diagnostics on it can't find a computer code to determine the accurate diagnosis. So now what do I do, replace the APPS now or what and see if something else shows up? I often have a trailer hooked up with horses so really hate to get stranded out some where. It's the holiday week and I got a buddy that can put one in for me if I get one ordered today so whatcha' think? :confused: Help a gal out, won't ya?

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Well to make it easy for ya...

Use the key trick to pull codes...


Then there is only 2 thing that cause dead pedal...

1. APPS Sensor - Which ALWAYS throws a code when a dead pedal occurs (P0121, P0122 or P0123)

2. VP44 Injection pump - Which might or might not throw codes. Here is the list of codes.


When I got the truck home (after $90 for the shop to tell me they don't know exactly what the problem is...), I did do the turning of the key off and on to get the codes and I did get the 0121 code. Being the case, looks like I'm going to go ahead and order my part and have it put on this week. I appreciated the video demonstration as well just so I'd know what I was looking for! :thumbsup:


That why the error codes must be checked before you start buying parts... Because if it was a APPS sensor problem you would of had a P0121, P0122 or P0123 error code...

Yes I have the P0121 error code. And it DOES NOT show up doing the key trick, only when you use the OBD2 port.

When doing the key thing on my 01 5 speed it just says P DONE thats it. Also I never had a code even when the vp 44 was going out. Yesterday it stalled just for a second and picked back up, it did this twice. I am not even going to waste my time listing all the parts I have thrown at this thing,it is easyer to name what hadnt been replaced, Map sensor and AIT sensor, just keep driveing right.


The Timbo TPS work great. I have 20 more on order and have been selling a ton of these and VP44's. hope to get 1/2 of my TPS in on Tuesday. Tim is a great guy and all of my customers have been happy with his TPS.

  • 1 month later...

Installed my Timbo APPS on Friday night after a week long bout with a dying pedal and injector surging. I had narrowed it down to the APPS as the cruise control held engine speed rock steady, but off CC and I was timid to drive the bucking truck on icy roads.

Install took about an hour (but I was double and triple checking instructions as it was the first work I’ve done to my recently purchased truck). The included directions were very easy to follow. Overall an awesome setup and fix for the money, in my opinion.

Only issue that arose was I needed to trim some injection molding flash from the APPS so it could fit in the socket and flush to the mounting bracket. Took a straight blade razor and 30 seconds. No prob!

Thanks for the product Timbo! Works great and I am very satisfied. I highly recommend it!

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