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Are You Going To Stand Firm?


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How far will we continue to allow the, "line in the sand" to be crossed?

Take a moment here, dedicate 1 hour of your time to this and reflect upon this. The video with the Austrian woman; Pay acute attention to her speech! Are we going to sit idly by and let this continue? How long will you allow it before you have to do something?

It can be easy, right now for us to say, "Hey, right now my life is okay, I have my little bubble and if I can keep it, who cares what goes on?" "I don't want to deal with it, its too stressful to think about." "I don't have time to think about these sort of things!" "It does not matter anyways, were all gonna die..."

Are we going to continue and make excuses for ourselves to psychologically delay what WILL come to pass? Have we sought to be wise in our lives and how we live? Are we going to better ourselves, lives, family and society with the things I do? How do I align with the principals of our nation?

We cannot continue burying our head into the sand and think that REALITY is never going to sting! We need to pull our heads out of the sand, accept that this IS reality and DEAL with it! The time is running short!

If you naysay, consider this:

First they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Communist.

Then they came for the socialist,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Socialist.

Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.

Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.

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This why we need to improve the emrgency system in the U.S.


Have cell phones tied in with gps that tells where the closest law enforcement is located in case your being chased by a shooter for example.


Set up cell phone so you can press say star 1 for non emergency  where the closest officer can detect on his gps where you are and get there later when he has time.If you have a 'star 10 emergency' (mass shooting, robbery or major fire for examples) the closest officer can detect where you are.


According to the news and ever poorer examples of our leaders, things are going to get worse. One of the main examples of an ever worsening society is legislating God's law and obedience out of the equation. The Gov't. has no business passing laws that condone sin and disobedience to God. They should stay seperate from religion and not endorse sin. It's a slap in the face to those that believe and further destroys faith and sets bad examples to our young people.


Especially when a majority of Americans believe in God's law and precepts i.e. strong military against those who persecute and kill the innocent, building strong conscience in the early stages to care for others, to work hard and support your family, to always do what is right and good. These things alone are what makes a strong Government... it's the people having a Gov't. that helps these things stay alive and nurtures these principles in our young.

Edited by JAG1
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That is why I prefer private party sales of any weaponry.


But, do you even have a concealed permit at all? If there is a single shred of paper trail on you about being a possible gun owner, you are a target! As well, everyone thinks that they can hide from the inevitable! The moment you present yourself in some manner as being a gun owner, you are a target!


Remember the quote above, "Then, they came for me."


This why we need to improve the emrgency system in the U.S.


Have cell phones tied in with gps that tells where the closest law enforcement is located in case your being chased by a shooter for example.


Set up cell phone so you can press say star 1 for non emergency  where the closest officer can detect on his gps where you are and get there later when he has time.If you have a 'star 10 emergency' (mass shooting, robbery or major fire for examples) the closest officer can detect where you are.


According to the news and ever poorer examples of our leaders, things are going to get worse. One of the main examples of an ever worsening society is legislating God's law and obedience out of the equation. The Gov't. has no business passing laws that condone sin and disobedience to God. They should stay seperate from religion and not endorse sin. It's a slap in the face to those that believe and further destroys faith and sets bad examples to our young people.


Especially when a majority of Americans believe in God's law and precepts i.e. strong military against those who persecute and kill the innocent, building strong conscience in the early stages to care for others, to work hard and support your family, to always do what is right and good. These things alone are what makes a strong Government... it's the people having a Gov't. that helps these things stay alive and nurtures these principles in our young.


I'm a little confused on the first part about where you are coming from, JAG. The moment you call 911 with your cell phone, the gps is then "activated", I put it in quotations, because I believe your GPS is active all the time... Anyways, the dispatcher can give continued up to date information of your location to the LEO because of the GPS in your phone.


The object of this post is to point to a realization, that the majority of anyone in a branch of Govt. has forgotten their Oath. They are essentially blind followers. This is a HUGE problem for the US as, "We the people" are going to be on the receiving end of these Oath-breakers!


I agree with you that everyday there is someone out there trying to push God out of the picture of our lives and the blood of the nation. We see that when a nation turns from God, there is an aspect of judgement carried out on the nation for doing so. I believe we are reaping what we sow!


If we can remind ourselves, and get this country as whole back on course of the principles of God, we can once again see the blessings, instead of judgements!


Although, as well intended as said, I do not agree that a majority of people in this nation believe in God now his commands. If that were so, sin would not be as rampant and we would not be in the condition we are currently in.


Everyday I see an action carried out, I keep hearing the echos of the WWII era! You want to know what to expect next? Study the HISTORY!

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I agree with everything you say except when I last saw the statistics about the American people, they did show that 64% do believe in God.


I guess what I'm trying to say is a situation in which you have an assailant chasing you that your gps shows where the nearest law officer is located. You push the correct code buttons and it tells the officer you are heading his direction telling him to be aware of what level of emergency it is. I don't know I guess it's redundant with 911 already in place but, when you have a shooter on your tail it's hard to concentrate on your driving skills (avoid being a sitting duck) and talk to the 911 operator at the same time.


Or in a situation where you have a burgler and your so concerned about your family's safety you could loose important precautionary time while in a conversation with a 911 operator.


I guess I'm reading too many road rage/ crime shootings lately.


I think just moving to Riggins Idaho might be the answer. :thumb1:

Edited by JAG1
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Minnesota liberals are making fairly strict gun laws, Living in ND I can't buy from a Minn resident person to person it has to be registered via going through an FFL as per Minn law. I bought one from a guy in Minn a year ago and had to go through an FFL in fargo to get it because he lived in Moorehead.

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I agree with everything you say except when I last saw the statistics about the American people, they did show that 64% do believe in God.


I guess what I'm trying to say is a situation in which you have an assailant chasing you that your gps shows where the nearest law officer is located. You push the correct code buttons and it tells the officer you are heading his direction telling him to be aware of what level of emergency it is. I don't know I guess it's redundant with 911 already in place but, when you have a shooter on your tail it's hard to concentrate on your driving skills (avoid being a sitting duck) and talk to the 911 operator at the same time.


Or in a situation where you have a burgler and your so concerned about your family's safety you could loose important precautionary time while in a conversation with a 911 operator.


I guess I'm reading too many road rage/ crime shootings lately.


I think just moving to Riggins Idaho might be the answer. :thumb1:


Sure, 64% believe in God.. What God? Its easy for a person to be spiritual and believe in an intelligent designer and label it God. What % of that then says they're christian? What to them does it truly mean to be christian? ...you would be shocked by the answers!


I understand where you are coming from with the idea you present. Although, you are alluding to the fact it would then require a person to own a data phone as some people do not own a data phone, like me. I also believe there is nary a chance in the world, that law enforcement is EVER going to allow their location to be known! Think about that for a moment. Any criminal can use the app and tell where any cop is at, at any given moment! 911 only activated? Okay, but think about how an average person under extreme duress acts? Their reasoning and logic, or acting cool under a stressful situation flies right out the window! Their main concern is to escape the area of danger any possible way.


I'm not saying it could work, and the bugs would have to be worked out to make it a viable thing. But IMO, with my limited understanding, I would think it would be a difficult thing to work out.


Personally, given the nature of the person who I'am, I will concern myself in CYA. I will obey the necessary laws to keep myself from being guilty in a situation as best as possible. If there were a road rage incident, I would not stop and flee the aggressor. At this point, I have a chance to get on 911 and disclose my location. While doing so, police will be enroute to your location as you progress. Then they will intercept the aggressor and stop them. Now, if during this process I just so happen to be in a foreign area and end up on a dead end road, for instance, then I have fulfilled my duty to retreat as the law says. At this point there is no possible way for me to retreat and I then have to defend myself. This is where I must defend myself, and with deadly force if warranted.


At home, if a person is attempting to break in, the wife will be on the phone with 911 about the situation. She will be giving all pertinent information to dispatch as it unfolds. I will be at the ready with my firearm to defend my "castle" if said person is successful in entry of my castle.


By the time a person calls 911 and has connection with them, they already have 90% of your information they need.


Minnesota liberals are making fairly strict gun laws, Living in ND I can't buy from a Minn resident person to person it has to be registered via going through an FFL as per Minn law. I bought one from a guy in Minn a year ago and had to go through an FFL in fargo to get it because he lived in Moorehead.


:banghead:  ...and they are trying everyday to make this so everywhere! This is still part of a registration scheme. We have all been technically registering our firearms since NICS.


...I guess they just want an up to date database with all the "mandatory" registration! Now they can build census information on gun owners as well! Don't be so naive!

Edited by hex0rz
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Good news is here in ND personal gun sales are huge and even at gun shows from private sellers. if buying from a business then you have to do the background paperwork but cash swapped for guns from private sellers at gun shows is still accepted without question here which is why I buy most from personal sales as well. actually have a huge gun show coming up in a week in Bismarck. Reasonj I got the one from the guy in Minn was it was an uncommon gun and the price was right, so I had to let one get on the books on occasion lol.

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No, Hex, I don't have a CCW permit. I have thought about getting it, but decided I don't need to get one. You guys do realize that there are certain "trigger" words that cause topics like this to show up on a gov't data base, don't you? Trace your IP and they can tell you who posted and where to look for you.

Edited by MnTom
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No, Hex, I don't have a CCW permit. I have thought about getting it, but decided I don't need to get one. You guys do realize that there are certain "trigger" words that cause topics like this to show up on a gov't data base, don't you? Trace your IP and they can tell you who posted and where to look for you.


Another reason I'm trying hard to finish working on the site and close up the 2 forum back to private status again. Not easy re-mapping a security layout on a new software. :doh:


As for cell phones and connection with law enforcement I'm really against it myself. I prefer to keep my privacy and location unknown to people. Another reason I really never got big on cellphones but I do own one but since the cell coverage is very limited I'm not to worried. Like Riggins, ID has about a 2 square mile cell coverage enter town on the south end you got cell signal leave town on the north end you lose cell signal that simple.


As for Adams, Co Sheriff I've already been told a couple of time if some is to happen down here I'm basically on my own. The average response time to my place is going to be better than a hour maybe 2 hours depending. Even then they don't like coming into the canyon themselves because there is no radio signal nor cell service so they are on there own too.

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Good news is here in ND personal gun sales are huge and even at gun shows from private sellers. if buying from a business then you have to do the background paperwork but cash swapped for guns from private sellers at gun shows is still accepted without question here which is why I buy most from personal sales as well. actually have a huge gun show coming up in a week in Bismarck. Reasonj I got the one from the guy in Minn was it was an uncommon gun and the price was right, so I had to let one get on the books on occasion lol.


Yea, we got one coming up at the end of February. The last couple shows have not been that great though. Jacked up prices and not a great selection of things. I always wish I could get down to Spokane for their shows but seem to never go. Meh...


No, Hex, I don't have a CCW permit. I have thought about getting it, but decided I don't need to get one. You guys do realize that there are certain "trigger" words that cause topics like this to show up on a gov't data base, don't you? Trace your IP and they can tell you who posted and where to look for you.


So, do you carry then? Does your state have laws on carry? Some states like AZ IIRC you do not even need a concealed to carry concealed. Here in ID we must have a concealed permit, but you can carry open without. So if you open carry, you do not need a permit, and that also does not warrant you must have proof of legal ownership, either. As far as being traced, I'm not concerned, the NSA snoops know all they need to know about me anyways. I'm sure I'll make it on some kill list and be put in some color category, but thats not relevant. I'd rather die standing than live on my knees!


Another reason I'm trying hard to finish working on the site and close up the 2 forum back to private status again. Not easy re-mapping a security layout on a new software. :doh:


As for cell phones and connection with law enforcement I'm really against it myself. I prefer to keep my privacy and location unknown to people. Another reason I really never got big on cellphones but I do own one but since the cell coverage is very limited I'm not to worried. Like Riggins, ID has about a 2 square mile cell coverage enter town on the south end you got cell signal leave town on the north end you lose cell signal that simple.


As for Adams, Co Sheriff I've already been told a couple of time if some is to happen down here I'm basically on my own. The average response time to my place is going to be better than a hour maybe 2 hours depending. Even then they don't like coming into the canyon themselves because there is no radio signal nor cell service so they are on there own too.


Mike, I have a good little video to show you:



As well, it does not matter so much, because the NSA can still listen, watch and track you if your phone is on or off. You have to remove the battery to keep it from being hacked. Lots of people have experienced some funky things with their phone. Like recently, I cant remember which carrier, but people received a call from a number that they seen correlated to the word "UNKOWN" and no one was on the other side. Some speculated it was a packet download to the phone, like a trojan to hack into the phone. Some speculate it was NSA, but who knows? It was reported to only to happen with people that I think had the Iphone 2 or 3 or something with Sprint?


The fact of the matter remains, unfortunately, only a portion of our law enforcement, military, and any public official is going to stick to their guns. The rest, will continue as they are now, being brainwashed to forget their oath and disregard all of that in the name of public safety.


Don't put it past anyone that they won't come one day. We have multiple fronts of different people who are more than willing to disarm the American public! Which one will be assigned to you, you must wonder?


Here, let my first recall what you watched and read. Specifically the austrian woman and what they saw in her time. Now, watch this video and tell me what they are doing!


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Hex, have you ever looked into the John Birch society? You need to get active and participate and go to or organize local events and JBS is a great way of doing this.

I have been a member for a few years and attend many local gatherings plus if you join you get a lot of news letters and a subscription to the New American magazine.

JBS is the one organization in this country that has saved us from going off a cliff decades ago already.

Well worth the time to read into it and join.


Posting on boards all day is ok but you need to get out into society and do one on one interventions and JBS has all the tools to do this.

Go to your local gov meetings get involved with your local district conservative groups and become a delegate at a state convention, I was elected a state delegate for the ND republican party last election and it was a very educational experience.

As a delegate YOU are the front line in choosing who goes on the ballot, YOU get to weed through the BS and talk one on one with the folks looking for the nominations.

Once elected you are the go to person with all the power, I had many many hours of phone conversations from a lot of the people looking to get the nod from me the delegate. A lot of the people looking for nominations from the state delegations call you and ask questions about what you would like to see from them if elected and the fun part is you get to drill them on their stance on things as well.

We can complain all day long but the seditary life we have lived over the last 30-40 years and the lack of involvement from the average Joe which starts at the local level is what got us here......................Walk away from your computer and get out into the action personally, getting elected a delegate is part luck and a lot of name recognition so by involving ones self in things locally to meet folks and get your name into the mix is the biggest factor in getting elected as a local district delegate.

I stumped for Ron Paul last couple election. He is single handedly responsible for waking people up and exposing the corruption and getting the Grass roots folks involved again but we need to keep it rolling.

Stand With Rand in 2016!

Edited by Wild and Free
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Still kind of have to giggle to myself. Different world where I live.


First of all you have to have a functional transmit and receive system going. There is no cell towers in my area for miles and miles. Like even our fire radio don't even work in certain areas because of the metals within the mountain. CB Radios are no different. So good luck for NSA they would have to be parked on the highway with a portable tower.


Now I could see something like Spokane area and CDA being a issues because there is towers everywhere. Even with 3 radio towers transmitting at way more than a cell tower I cannot transmit from my handheld to Grangeville, ID for a fire call at the house I have to drive to the fire shed pick up the fire truck and still keep driving for another 5 miles to get good signal. This is true story. Even GPS signal out here is spotty because of the canyon walls and tree cover that's way SAR leader is forces us to drop the GPS and use a paper map mostly.


Even the scare of the Smart Meter is not true down here because the signal can't get out of the canyon the power company has to still drive the highway and to get all the meter reading it just they don't have to drive in your yard.


Even going farther. I've been studying on how hackers crack WPA and WEP WiFi signals and that doesn't take too much. Pretty easy I might say and gain much more information about a person.


There is a sign over in LonePine, ID that is a huge warning sign stating, "All CB communication are null and void for the next 15 miles" This a warning for mostly logging trucks but the issue is the mountain absorbs the the signal.


But now on the flip side when I leave the canyon yes I return to normal cell signal yes I can see being tracked. Be my guest your most likely find my truck parked in Ontario, OR Wal-Mart or Home Depot. :lmao2::lmao:

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I have known for years the cell phone mics could be turned on at will by the ones in 'power'. I have a sister that retired from US Customs and another sister the retired form the US Department of Navy as a civilian and at one time was cleared for top secret material and was responsible for about half of the navy's payroll. The FBI and NSA know more about me than I know about me.........

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shoot,   last person  I  knew  that  dialed  '911' on their  cell phone  around  'here'...    ended up talking to a   dispatcher    in   Pennsylvania.   but  didn't realize it  until  they  figured out   dispatch  was  having a hard time  finding them  on a  'map'.   Precious  minutes  were wasted.    Most of  us   'know'   the  people on  the   response teams     and  have  their   personal    numbers   in   contacts.


I thought it was Fed law that  NO  firearm  can  cross  any  State line   (even  private  sale)    without  going  FFL.     


My  local  gun shop   dude,  says    when  he  sells  a  firearm,   the  paper work  that gets  filled out   STAYS   with him.  It never  gets  'turned in'.   The  only time   it  might get turned in  is  IF

The   gun  is   found    as  an instrument of  a  crime.  Then  those  serial  numbers  are  taken to the  mfg.    The  mfg.  will  then  say  where the  gun  was  sold,  and  so on.....  until  the  LAST  known  owner is  found....   (That  poor  dude  better have a dang good  reason  HE  didn't  have the  gun in possession  at time of  crime!)    saying  "it  was  stolen"    (especially   if  he never  reported it)    doesn't work!


I  don't have  a  permit to  carry,  but  I  do have  a 'permit'  to  purchase.       It's  just like a  DL,    and  good for  3 years.      I can go  to any  shop,  show,   and  walk out the door  with  anything  but a handgun.... still have to wait  (cool down period??)

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I thought it was Fed law that  NO  firearm  can  cross  any  State line   (even  private  sale)    without  going  FFL.

Nope. what the Fed law is that if a firearm is "shipped" anywhere an FFL must ship and receive it. Crossing state lines is state to state regulated not fed. Like the gun I bought from a minn man we can cross lines with it no issue back and forth but the minn man has to "sell" it across state lines through an FFL only, within Minn he can sell person to person, ND can sell to whomever but if the purchaser's state law requires it through an FFL then that what has to be done.

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Hex, have you ever looked into the John Birch society? You need to get active and participate and go to or organize local events and JBS is a great way of doing this.

I have been a member for a few years and attend many local gatherings plus if you join you get a lot of news letters and a subscription to the New American magazine.

JBS is the one organization in this country that has saved us from going off a cliff decades ago already.

Well worth the time to read into it and join.


Posting on boards all day is ok but you need to get out into society and do one on one interventions and JBS has all the tools to do this.

Go to your local gov meetings get involved with your local district conservative groups and become a delegate at a state convention, I was elected a state delegate for the ND republican party last election and it was a very educational experience.

As a delegate YOU are the front line in choosing who goes on the ballot, YOU get to weed through the BS and talk one on one with the folks looking for the nominations.

Once elected you are the go to person with all the power, I had many many hours of phone conversations from a lot of the people looking to get the nod from me the delegate. A lot of the people looking for nominations from the state delegations call you and ask questions about what you would like to see from them if elected and the fun part is you get to drill them on their stance on things as well.

We can complain all day long but the seditary life we have lived over the last 30-40 years and the lack of involvement from the average Joe which starts at the local level is what got us here......................Walk away from your computer and get out into the action personally, getting elected a delegate is part luck and a lot of name recognition so by involving ones self in things locally to meet folks and get your name into the mix is the biggest factor in getting elected as a local district delegate.

I stumped for Ron Paul last couple election. He is single handedly responsible for waking people up and exposing the corruption and getting the Grass roots folks involved again but we need to keep it rolling.

Stand With Rand in 2016!

Thanks, I'll look into the site. I do definitely try and talk to people about it. Seems around here you already have someone that knows exactly what your saying, or they do not want to give you the time of day and call you crazy. Hmm, sounds like trying to spread the gospel, lol. I've never seen myself involved in politics in such a manner. Yea, I'm pretty passionate about things, but to be quit honest, its a headache to me. I really hate politics, in fact. But I try not to be the type of person that will roll over and take it either.


Currently, my biggest problem is that I have been very nomadic. I have not been known to stay in one geographic area for any extended period of time. With my work taking me places, I would think its a little difficult to get involved in such a manner. Although, I'am currently trying to get myself a steady job, here back at homebase, so that may change soon.


Still kind of have to giggle to myself. Different world where I live.


First of all you have to have a functional transmit and receive system going. There is no cell towers in my area for miles and miles. Like even our fire radio don't even work in certain areas because of the metals within the mountain. CB Radios are no different. So good luck for NSA they would have to be parked on the highway with a portable tower.


Now I could see something like Spokane area and CDA being a issues because there is towers everywhere. Even with 3 radio towers transmitting at way more than a cell tower I cannot transmit from my handheld to Grangeville, ID for a fire call at the house I have to drive to the fire shed pick up the fire truck and still keep driving for another 5 miles to get good signal. This is true story. Even GPS signal out here is spotty because of the canyon walls and tree cover that's way SAR leader is forces us to drop the GPS and use a paper map mostly.


Even the scare of the Smart Meter is not true down here because the signal can't get out of the canyon the power company has to still drive the highway and to get all the meter reading it just they don't have to drive in your yard.


Even going farther. I've been studying on how hackers crack WPA and WEP WiFi signals and that doesn't take too much. Pretty easy I might say and gain much more information about a person.


There is a sign over in LonePine, ID that is a huge warning sign stating, "All CB communication are null and void for the next 15 miles" This a warning for mostly logging trucks but the issue is the mountain absorbs the the signal.


But now on the flip side when I leave the canyon yes I return to normal cell signal yes I can see being tracked. Be my guest your most likely find my truck parked in Ontario, OR Wal-Mart or Home Depot. :lmao2::lmao:

You know, I'm not sure how the growing season is down in the Salmon area, but I do like the idea of being remote! Unfortunately, the in-laws place has a smart meter and it was installed before they started renting it. But last time I talked to an Avista personnel, she said it was coming to the Spokane area veeeery soon. She was concerned by it too because that means she will be out of a job, being a meter reader.


I have known for years the cell phone mics could be turned on at will by the ones in 'power'. I have a sister that retired from US Customs and another sister the retired form the US Department of Navy as a civilian and at one time was cleared for top secret material and was responsible for about half of the navy's payroll. The FBI and NSA know more about me than I know about me.........


Hence why the "keyword" thing does not bother me when I discuss it on an internet website! It will be interesting to see what happens when Google and the NSA get thier quantum computer running. Although, I suspect no good will come from it!


Here is a recent contest entry posted yesterday on infowars that goes right along with this conversation some what.




shoot,   last person  I  knew  that  dialed  '911' on their  cell phone  around  'here'...    ended up talking to a   dispatcher    in   Pennsylvania.   but  didn't realize it  until  they  figured out   dispatch  was  having a hard time  finding them  on a  'map'.   Precious  minutes  were wasted.    Most of  us   'know'   the  people on  the   response teams     and  have  their   personal    numbers   in   contacts.


I thought it was Fed law that  NO  firearm  can  cross  any  State line   (even  private  sale)    without  going  FFL.     


My  local  gun shop   dude,  says    when  he  sells  a  firearm,   the  paper work  that gets  filled out   STAYS   with him.  It never  gets  'turned in'.   The  only time   it  might get turned in  is  IF

The   gun  is   found    as  an instrument of  a  crime.  Then  those  serial  numbers  are  taken to the  mfg.    The  mfg.  will  then  say  where the  gun  was  sold,  and  so on.....  until  the  LAST  known  owner is  found....   (That  poor  dude  better have a dang good  reason  HE  didn't  have the  gun in possession  at time of  crime!)    saying  "it  was  stolen"    (especially   if  he never  reported it)    doesn't work!


I  don't have  a  permit to  carry,  but  I  do have  a 'permit'  to  purchase.       It's  just like a  DL,    and  good for  3 years.      I can go  to any  shop,  show,   and  walk out the door  with  anything  but a handgun.... still have to wait  (cool down period??)

I have had to call 911 a few times and actually got the wrong dispatch. I guess the cell towers did not update my current location. I keep the local FD on my phone just in case, but have not needed it, yet.


Here it is from the horses mouth:



Even if he does not turn in paperwork, he still called the NICS and did a background check on me and I believe they give them the serial number to the firearm as well.


I feel much remorse for the people of your state, as I find it unfortunate that you need a permit to even be able to go through the purchasing process for a firearm.


Here, I'm able to go into any store that sells a firearm, purchase it and walk out the door with it as long as they can do a NICS check. Sometimes they are busy or closed.. As well, after the first time purchasing my pistol, that gives me clearance to purchase a pistol and walk out the door with it. Having a concealed permit also helps as well. So if I never purchased a pistol before, if I went got a concealed first, that would clear me as well.


If I go to a store in a diff. state and want a pistol, it has to be an FFL transfer to my home state. Then again, these instances I've experienced are through just WA and ID.


I have yet to do any personal transactions over state lines..

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