This for all you that want to talk about religion and spiritual topics.
43 topics in this forum
I don't know what's wrong or if things are the way it's supposed to be. I know the world and U.S. news is getting worse in general but what I mean is it seems like everyone's personal lives are kind of going unhappy or there's something affecting all of us lately that is hard to pin point. I'm just not sure what it is but it's like fun and happiness something anyways seems to be diminishing everywhere. Am I the only one that sees this or is it just me? I just don't know for sure except things are different somehow. What do all you guys think and feel inside about things these days?
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May you all have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year
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Eileen is back at McCall, ID St. Lukes hospital. Her chest pain, vomiting, etc. returned. I rushed her to the hospital at about 2pm yesterday. I left this morning and went back up to get more information about what is going on. Still fighting to control the pain and control her blood sugar. I don't have much info right now. I waited nearly 4 hours for the doctor to get off the phone so I could find out more. I'm currently fielding all the phone calls for Eileen and I've got family members wanting to know what is going on. I came home to feed the wood stove and get a meal in me. Last meal for me was at 4pm yesterday, now eating at 2pm my breakfast. …
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- 1 follower
Very sad news... We got to the Boise St. Luke's hospital to have the blood flow issues addressed in her legs but her body isn't able to hold up to another surgery. The only thing I can do is let her pass on. With her dementia issues she would never be able to finish rehab. With the blood flow issues she would end up losing both feet and be a painful 2 months more to live. The heart is already got the cardiac enzyme elevated showing she has had heart issues even during the time she had be in. I had to make the hard choice of letting Mom go. Yeah its breaking my heart to do but there is no way to fix her problems. Please say a prayer for @MoparMom that she pass…
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I'm sure you guys are tired of all the coverage of the latest shooting at the community college here in Oregon, about 100 miles from me. One aspect we've not heard much about this is the persecution aspect. We hear about persecution of Christians all over the world and revolations talks about it a lot. Good time to discuss having your head straight with God. If someone points a gun at your head and asks if you are a'd better say yes! Regardless of the outcome. Jesus said on the cross as his last words ..." Father, into your hands I commit my spirit." Luke 23:46. I'm thinking about making bracelets with this quote out of leather and copper. Such a powe…
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An atheist was seated next to a little girl on an airplane and he turned to her and asked, "Do you want to talk? Flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger." The little girl, who had just started to read her book, replied to the total stranger, "What would you want to talk about?" "Oh, I don't know," said the atheist. "How about why there is no God, or no Heaven or Hell, or no life after death?" as he smiled smugly. "Okay," she said. "Those could be interesting topics but let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat…
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In my little community I'm watching so many family torn apart, marriages failing from alcohol, drug use, etc. You wish you can help these people but there isn't much you can do but offer up a prayer and hope that it come to solution. All them I'm coming in contact with usually has one abusive natured person and this can be either male of female. What few people there in this group could you offer a prayer to these people to find there way. Just sad to see such things even a member here on the site is having issues as well.
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So last night I went to the store to get some flowers and a card for the wife. We have an agreement no vday stuff, so I thought it would be nice to get her something yesterday. I went into the card isle, and was suprised that I had to walk all the way to the back past the 100's of easter cards and birthday cards to find a general " I love you " type sappy card. Found a nice blue card, 2 people on the front mid chest down holding hands sitting in country attire saying something to the effect of "no matter what I love you yadda yadda" It was gooshy enough I felt sick buying the thing, but I knew the wife would like it. Took it home signed…
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Had an interesting message yesterday. About blessings in prayer...we often ask to be blessed or to bless our food, etc.. Well, since Christ we've been given the biggest blessing we could ask for. God gave us Christ and the promise of eternal life. What more could we ask for? We need to turn it around in prayer...bless God. Our new motto should be...America Bless God. Not God Bless America. He's already blessed us more than we can ask for.
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Recent divorce and that was my second. Never married a Christian gal before. I met a Christian gal recently. Boy what a journey I am on! I believe God has me on a path to a biblical relationship. I’m telling her things I’ve never shared about myself before. Grace is an amazing thing! God being in control lifts a ton of worry off my shoulders! Being able to share information and feelings without fear of disappointment condemnation is wonderful. I was trying to stay married and as a Christian there was no biblical reason to divorce a non believer. But finally she initiated the divorce and under that circumstance I am able to grant it. Bible says if an unbe…
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- wife's older sisters family friend...
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Could use some prayers... In recent development, my grandpa that has recently made his way into our family's life, has been diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor. Hospice is coming in. I was just told today that it is twice the size of a walnut now. It's a vey aggressive and fast and rare cancer. He probably won't make it to fall of this year. He has a living will and a DNR. Essentially its in his thalamus so it'll end up killing him through dehydration and starvation according to the doctors. His dnr states that he will not receive care or intervention. I get to watch my grandpa die in a cruel way. We pray he goes in his sleep instead of the c…
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It seems that the more simple, honest and peaceful Godlike aspects of life in America are disappearing, as I've known anyways, is being invaded in some form. We may think its because of this or that reason, yet to me seems more like a sign of the times. A penny for your thoughts and I thank you guys for helping in the forum and me on my trucks. Mike .
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Eric at Vulcan Performance went to the Docs last week. His assistant, Barbara, said that he is not going to do any return calls after he gets back so I would have to wait. It's been 3 days now and has not called. I need an injection pump for my work truck and he knows how badly I need one. Especially after looking at used trucks on line and the one I saw today they are over priced or are worse yet with the amount of repairs needed. I'm thankful my 1st gen is in such great shape after looking. Please pray for Eric and Barbara... she might be his wife not sure, but, he ALWAYS calls me back over the 10 yrs I've been dealing with such a great guy. …
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Check this out. It makes "Obama Care" a joke.
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Is for the power to stay on! With the amount of snowfall we've seen lately, our total accumulation has seemed to reach about two feet by now. In doing so, we've lost power literally 6 times or more in the past few days. I just lost power again. Heres to hoping the Christmas dinner Will go good tonight! Don't want to get caught without power in the middle I making a big dinner! Many times already, on the way home from work, I've Had to cut trees out of the road just to get home. It's never a dull moment around here..
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