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I just find it ironically odd how all these poor "violence provoked" rioters are all parading around with similar high quality Trump hating T-shirts holding professionally printed protesting signs.....  What happened to colored pens, Sharpies, and misspellings on poster board?


If I wasn't such a mindless drone accepting everything I see plastered across mainstream media.....I may just take a wild guess in assuming that these seemingly haters of capitalism and free enterprise are financially supported by some large secret organization intent on using the public stupidity against ourselves.  Just a theory of course..... :whistle:

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2 hours ago, Me78569 said:

we need to scrap that "free healthcare" term.


Sure if you are a "illegal citizen" of the United States of America then its all FREE. Cross any border and get into the US there is free health care, welfare, and host of other free services for illegal citizens.


I've never filed for any Gov't assistance period! I've always made ends meet one way or another. If that means I work long hours, more often, so be it. Just like now paying off two transmission rebuilds and a brake job to boot on the 96 Dodge. All these lazy SOB's in the world with there hand out with perfectly good health should get the boot and made to working a job. If it means flipping burger so be it. At the same time anyone on Gov't assistance should be randomly drug and alcohol tested. If you are caught consuming alcohol or drugs of any sort you should removed from the program, PERIOD. I think that if you use the Gov't assistance system then after you on your feet I think you should pay back what you've used plus a percentage for the Gov't employees that handled your case. That's only fair right?


I've not ashamed to say I washed dishes in a restaurant for 3 years. Still I always paid my bills and NEVER had to have Gov't assistance with anything period. Like I'm going to hitching up the BigTex 70TV trailer as soon as the 2002 transmission is done and be hauling firewood. I've got neighbors around me that need firewood this year so I can make a few bucks supplying them wood. This brings up another funny one is all the people on welfare typically or obese people that can stand to lose a few ugly pounds. No problem get them cutting firewood that will work some pounds off you. People need to quit sitting around thinking that their entitled to something.


Thing is I'm not perfect by no means...

Edited by Mopar1973Man
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9 hours ago, JAG1 said:

But the thing I noticed most was the riot crowd looked like they were all mostly entitlement types, possible freeloaders, living off the working people.

                       These are the people Vladimir Lenin called useful idiots

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I might get flamed for this post but here goes.

The truth is, one cannot believe in authority and be free, because accepting the myth of government is accepting ones own obligation to obey a master. Which means accepting ones own enslavement. Sadly, many people believe that begging the master, via political action, is all they can do, So they forever engage in rituals which only legitimize the slave-master relationship. Instead of simply disobeying the tyrants. The idea of disobeying authority, breaking the law, and being criminals is more disturbing to them than the idea of being a slave. 

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Sad part is @Killer223 is right.


The worse part is people of the Untied States are to ignorant to realize that Gov't system is not our master. In original design the Gov't are servants of the people. Since so many people have forgotten this and too ignorant of how the system is suppose to work the Gov't has giving themselves power over the people which is why our founding fathers left England and gave them the big middle finger years ago. Here we are repeating history all over again but most people are too ignorant to know or too afraid to speak up. This why events like the "Oregon Standoff" occurred because "We The People" are getting tired of being kicked around by the Gov't and being told how we'll behave under Gov't laws.


Time to dig out the old history books boys and girls... :smart:

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2 hours ago, Mopar1973Man said:

Sad part is @Killer223 is right.


The worse part is people of the Untied States are to ignorant to realize that Gov't system is not our master. In original design the Gov't are servants of the people. Since so many people have forgotten this and too ignorant of how the system is suppose to work the Gov't has giving themselves power over the people which is why our founding fathers left England and gave them the big middle finger years ago. Here we are repeating history all over again but most people are too ignorant to know or too afraid to speak up. This why events like the "Oregon Standoff" occurred because "We The People" are getting tired of being kicked around by the Gov't and being told how we'll behave under Gov't laws.


Time to dig out the old history books boys and girls... :smart:



Whats really disturbing is the high number of seemingly educated American people who fail to understand that the Constitution was a well written document created by a few Godly men who sacrificed their lives and reputations in order to secure the rights and freedoms of the American people by protecting them from a rogue and militant government.  Take the time to read it and you'll see that its more about what the Gov "cant" do than what we "can" do.....


And I agree about digging out those history books because learning history is critical to our up and coming generations.  You cant know where you're going if you dont know where you've been.  But its become blatantly obvious that the goal is to no longer teach kids what truly happened but instead wipe the historical slate clean from the "old dead white guys" of America.  The framers of Common Core have even admitted that scary fact.....  So public schools are no longer about accurate history and colleges have become so distorted that you're lucky if you graduate without being complete brainwashed and hating everything America. 


A current example of whats going on is.....you all should have already heard about the removal of Andrew Jackson off the $20 bill and replaced by Harriet Tubman.  Why is this important to us?  Well its not because it feels good and is the epitome of political correctness but rather that our leaders are re-writing history by defacing currency and committing government tyranny.....right in front of our faces.  And.....the socialists in this country think its a great move as they rally around singing kumbaya from their achievement.  Yet if they truly wanted to honor this woman for what she stood for then they would have made another form of currency like they did for the activist Susan B Anthony dollar coin.  It may not be a widely popular form of money but it is used and people collect them too..... :USflag:

Edited by KATOOM
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I think I need to chime in on this great conversation, Ive always lived by this famous quote.


* When the people fear their government there is tyranny; when the government fears the people, there is liberty."

Thomas Jefferson


also with that being said I dug up this interesting quote, I hope it don't come to this but a lot of truth to it


* The end of America will come when she finally succumbs to the internal cancer that is creeping socialism, Each successive generation is being taught less and less about the basic tenants of America and more and more about "being green", accepting sexual perversions as normal, not being judgemental to the point that anything goes and that what you need will be supplied for you by an all powerful government because that is the only fair way to distribute wealth* 


I believe if we keep letting socialism take its path we are heading in this direction. We can only defeat this by exercising our rights of the us constitution our founding fathers set forth for us. And by teaching our younger generation the same



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1 hour ago, 01cummins4ever said:

Each successive generation is being taught less and less about the basic tenants of America and more and more about "being green", accepting sexual perversions as normal, not being judgemental to the point that anything goes and that what you need will be supplied for you by an all powerful government because that is the only fair way to distribute wealth* 


Funny how the upper class make sure they stay protected from the very same laws that would distribute their wealth back into the system. As for be green that's a crook of s__t. The Good Lord states "Nothing can be created and nothing can be destroyed." So the amount of carbon on this planet has never changed. Kind of blows holes in the whole "Carbon Tax" idea. As the sexual perversion again you can read the quotes I threw out from the Bible. Again these are measures to make the upper class more wealthy by taxing all the lower classes below. How about Obama and his plane trips here, there and everywhere? I don't see them being "Green" about upgrading Air Force One more efficient plane. More to home... Watching last year's forest fire and the MILLIONS of dollars spent. Now spending more rehabilitate the forest. Actually making money on logging out the burnt trees and closing more and more roads giving less access to the locals. Comes back around to the "Oregon Standoff" again. 

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