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Cold in Tx


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Going to be -12F tomorrow night. We were in the eye of the storm with 2ft of snow and the wind is so fierce that the snow drifts are up to 5ft, even in the middle of the road. Driving home in my brothers dakota, I usually lug it at 1200RPM when I have to drive slow (15mph), but I was pushing snow to the point that it would flat out kill it, I had to run 2000+RPM for that little V6 to not peter out. I walked out to the garage in all the snow drifts, walked back out a minute later and couldn't find my footprints. You can barely breath it is so windy. The snow is coming down in sheets. At the edge of the house the wind is taking the snow away, you can see grass, but past the edge of the house is a line of a 4ft snow drift, right next to the bare grass.But, my truck is in the garage, hasn't been touched by a snowflake lol.

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Last night we had -18 andf tonight supposed to be -25 and the actual wind chills were in the -40--70 range depending on where in the state you were last night. Just 3 days ago it hit a whopping 38 degree.. Around 3-4 feet of snow on the ground here not counting the 10 foot deep drifts behind my house So quit all yer whinin:nono::spank::wts::4wd:

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Last night we had -18 andf tonight supposed to be -25 and the actual wind chills were in the -40--70 range depending on where in the state you were last night. Just 3 days ago it hit a whopping 38 degree.. Around 3-4 feet of snow on the ground here not counting the 10 foot deep drifts behind my house So quit all yer whinin:nono::spank::wts::4wd:

But you get that all the time :lmao: They said this is the first time we have got over 15" here at one time since some time in the 1800's.
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I wore shorts when I got off yesterday. This morning, we went to get breakfast and it dropped probably 15 degrees when we where out. Its 24 here with a wind chill of 0. Me and a buddy were driving today and the truck got sideways on a corner that didnt look icy and someone was killed not more than 2 hours later in the same corner. I hate that it happened but I thank God he was watching out for us.:pray:

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You all are getting slammed with the snow and drifting but here in Idaho not a single flake of snow has fallen yet. But we are forecasted for more cold and as I type this its down to 24*F and still falling again... (Mopar Mom) Be careful out there gang... Make sure you pack along a extra blanket, and supplies just in case you break down or get stuck...

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Last night we had -18 andf tonight supposed to be -25 and the actual wind chills were in the -40--70 range depending on where in the state you were last night. Just 3 days ago it hit a whopping 38 degree.. Around 3-4 feet of snow on the ground here not counting the 10 foot deep drifts behind my house So quit all yer whinin:nono::spank::wts::4wd:

You should just move farther north for warmer temps.:lol: Wind chill is only -27 here. Temp is -13
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I wore shorts when I got off yesterday. This morning, we went to get breakfast and it dropped probably 15 degrees when we where out. Its 24 here with a wind chill of 0. Me and a buddy were driving today and the truck got sideways on a corner that didnt look icy and someone was killed not more than 2 hours later in the same corner. I hate that it happened but I thank God he was watching out for us.:pray:

Amen brother!!!:thumb1:
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