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Purpose Of Likes?

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More or less giving the author pat on the back for good work, or well written article. Basically stating you like what was said in the post or the action taken in the post.


Bring this topic up I want to ask people here would they like to change the rulers a bit?


Right now the like system is set up just the way we had it before with the Thank You button. But I can change it to go both way positive and negative. Right now it set as a like system which only gives positive reputation points. Where other way it can go both ways.

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As with many other forums, I think it ought to correlate with a reputation system that is under ones avatar. :2cents:


It does. Click on anyone's avatar and look to the right side at the green block (number of likes)


I notice on other forums one can not thank another member more than one time in a row without giving a reputation vote to other members in between.


Bit different here you allotted a number of likes you may give out per 24 hour period.

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Recognition and thanks is good when you have given or received help (information) from others and is has been beneficial.


However, I don't feel like I need to be nor want to be measured by some metric that communicates an opinion that I am better or worse than some one else.


Actually I am a member of this forum because for the most part people aren't being berated of jumped on for their posts or questions. 


It is my opinion that many forums are all about telling the others that I am the best and other people are stupid. (High testostorone levels and vigorous chest pounding).




I kind of like the atmosphere of just helping when you can and thanking someone when thay have helped you out.

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Atta boys are good to get and give. I deal with it on the job regularly. When my subs are producing the work needed for us all to be successful they hear the appreciation from me. And when it all works, I get them in return from grateful clients and bosses. 


I am here for the same reasons you are, War Eagle. Good honest info from good people. There are some differences of opinion, but  think thats to be expected. I dont think any one has told me to use the search button to find an answer to my question.


I appreciate you all. :cheers:

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