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Welcome To Mopar1973Man.Com LLC

We are privately owned, with access to a professional Diesel Mechanic, who can provide additional support for Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel vehicles. Many detailed information is FREE and available to read. However, in order to interact directly with our Diesel Mechanic, Michael, by phone, via zoom, or as the web-based option, Subscription Plans are offered that will enable these and other features.  Go to the Subscription Page and Select a desired plan. At any time you wish to cancel the Subscription, click Subscription Page, select the 'Cancel' button, and it will be canceled. For your convenience, all subscriptions are on auto-renewal.


I feel that it is time to start building a list of tunes that we all use.


Please learn what each tuning variable does.  There V2 tuning article covers everything in depth along with a video explaining each item.

This tool will allow you to edit Quadzilla tunes from your PC.


Update 1/15/17 V2.2 tunes should include timing maxes for various RPM's and fuel load timing


Copy this into your post and fill out the info


Power Levels:



Fuel Load Timing:

Low PSI Timing Reduct:

Timing Reduct Scaling:

Light Throttle Timing Adv:

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit:


Timing vs rpm





Timing Max:


Pump Stretch:

TPS Pump max:

TPS Pump Min

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI


Boost Scaling:


RPM Limit:


Power Reduction:


0 PSI %:

1 PSI %:

2 PSI %:

3 PSI %:

4 PSI %:

5 PSI %:

6 PSI %:

7 PSI %:

8 PSI %:

9 PSI %:

10 PSI %:

11 PSI %:

12 PSI %:

13 PSI %:

14 PSI %:

15 PSI %:

16 PSI %:

18 PSI %:

20 PSI %:

22 PSI %:

24 PSI %:

26 PSI %:

28 PSI %:

30 PSI %:


My Mods

7 x.009 DFI injectors, he351ve arduino controller



My Tunes



Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load Timing: 2

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 18

2500: 23

3000: 25

Timing Max: 26


Fuel Stretch: 1700

TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:0

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 8


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3500


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:84

1 PSI %:84

2 PSI %:85

3 PSI %:86

4 PSI %:87

5 PSI %:88

6 PSI %:89

7 PSI %:90

8 PSI %:92

9 PSI %:94

10 PSI %:96

11 PSI %:98

12 PSI %:100

13 PSI %:104

14 PSI %:108

15 PSI %:112

16 PSI %:116

17 PSI %:120

18 PSI %:124

20 PSI %:128

22 PSI %:132

24 PSI %:136

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138




Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load Timing: 1

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 19

2500: 24

3000: 26

Timing Max: 27


Fuel Stretch: 1400

TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:15

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 5


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3300


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:92

1 PSI %:92

2 PSI %:94

3 PSI %:96

4 PSI %:96

5 PSI %95

6 PSI %:95

7 PSI %:96

8 PSI %:97

9 PSI %:98

10 PSI %:99

11 PSI %:100

12 PSI %:102

13 PSI %:104

14 PSI %:108

15 PSI %:112

16 PSI %:116

17 PSI %:120

18 PSI %:124

20 PSI %:128

22 PSI %:132

24 PSI %:136

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138




Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load: 1.5

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 3

Timing Reduct Scaling:100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 18

2500: 23

3000: 25

Timing Max: 26

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30



Fuel Stretch: 1800

TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:10

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 5


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3700


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:94

1 PSI %:94

2 PSI %:95

3 PSI %:96

4 PSI %:97

5 PSI %:98

6 PSI %:99

7 PSI %:100

8 PSI %:102

9 PSI %:104

10 PSI %:106

11 PSI %:108

12 PSI %:110

13 PSI %:112

14 PSI %:114

15 PSI %:116

16 PSI %:118

17 PSI %:122

18 PSI %:126

20 PSI %:130

22 PSI %:134

24 PSI %:138

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138



@Carbur8tr For your towing tune.


lvl's I like 6 because I don't like having to push the plus button 1000 times.  but you can set this to whatever you like


Power Levels: 6


Fuel Load Timing: 2

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 2

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv:2

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 30


Timing vs rpm

1500: 16

2000: 18

2500: 23

3000: 25

Timing Max: 26


TPS Pump max: 100

TPS Pump Min 20

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage:15

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 0


Boost Scaling: 40


RPM Limit: 3300


Power Reduction: 15 


0 PSI %:94

1 PSI %:94

2 PSI %:95

3 PSI %:96

4 PSI %:97

5 PSI %:98

6 PSI %:99

7 PSI %:100

8 PSI %:102

9 PSI %:104

10 PSI %:106

11 PSI %:108

12 PSI %:110

13 PSI %:112

14 PSI %:114

15 PSI %:116

16 PSI %:118

17 PSI %:122

18 PSI %:126

20 PSI %:130

22 PSI %:134

24 PSI %:138

26 PSI %:138

28 PSI %:138

30 PSI %:138


Edited by Me78569

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    Not at this point. We are working on something that will enable measureing those as well but we don't have them in production yet. It will be some time.  -thanks again, 

  • yep, most complain coming to V2 tuning because they are used to the butt dyno telling them "WOW I just touch the throttle and it jumps out of it's own skin"       what people don't consider

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Couple of y'all earlier were talking about your truck will spin the tires easy..... 

My will not spin them period! 

I'm not wire tapped maybe that's way but I'm running canbus starting around 95 up to 145 and timing. 

Basically even if I brake boost my turbo, it takes off pretty good, stutter a couple of times then pulls hard.... but NEVER tire spin....

I'm 150hp injectors, bw 362 sxe turbo, 4in exhaust etc, 265 /75 tires auto trans.

I feel like I should be about to cook these tires.... but nope. 

What do y'all think ? Do I have it turn down to much? 

  • Author

you have torque management cutting fueling.  

check this thread out



I just posted this in another thread, but I just realized that this is a much better link. 

First of all, a shout-out to Me78569 for his video on custom tuning the Adrenaline with the Quadzilla Adrenaline V2 custom tuning options. Its just too bad that Youtube flubbed up his video and flipped it horizontally and vertically making it nearly impossible to watch. 

I put this together and posted it a couple of days ago so it should be there as a resource. 


Alright guys so i have been pretty busy with work and cant get logged into my old account so i made a new one. Yall were helping me back around September/October of last year. 


Since then i have swapped out the map sensor so i think that issue has been solved but now im looking to squeeze some more mpg out of the truck. I recently weighed my truck at the scales and it weighed 11250, quite a bit heaver than i was expecting but in my line of work i wont be able to shave much weight without leaving a lot of tools at home.


So currently i have been averaging 15.2 to 15.5 mpg pretty consistently with speed between 68 and 75. I know most people will say to slow down but if i go much slower its harder for me to maintain speed without dropping down to the low 60s and becoming a road block even in the slow lane. If the speed limit is 70 most people drive 75/80. If you have ever driven in Dallas during rush hour you know what im experiencing. lol I have been as low as 13 but that was towing a trailer and thru some stop and go traffic/hills. I am thinking i can squeeze some more mileage out of this heavy pig so i would like some suggestions on what to do with the tuning to see what y'all think will be beneficial.


Here is the current tune.


Number of Power levels: 7

RPM Limit: 3200



Maximum Valet Mode Power: 50



Maximum Fuel Stretch: 1800

TPS Pump Maximum: 100

TPS Pump Minimum: 30

Minimum Pump Tap Fueling Percentage: 0

Pump Low Boost Scale PSI: 10

Boost Scaling: 38



Fuel Load Timing: 2

Low PSI Timing Reduct: 1.5

Timing Reduct Scaling: 100

Light Throttle Timing Adv: 1

Light Throttle Timing Load Limit: 37



1500 RPM: 15

2000 RPM: 18

2500 RPM: 23

3000 RPM: 25

Max RPM:26 




PSI: 107

PSI: 109

PSI: 111

PSI: 113

PSI: 115

PSI: 119

PSI: 122

PSI: 125

PSI: 128

PSI: 130

10 PSI: 134

11 PSI: 137

12 PSI: 140

13 PSI: 143

14 PSI: 145

15 PSI: 148

16 PSI: 150

18 PSI: 150

20 PSI: 150

22 PSI: 150

24 PSI: 150

26 PSI: 150

28 PSI: 150

30 PSI: 150


I would like to be around 16.5 to 17mpg average and i would be extremely happy with the current setup. I will be stepping up to 7 x .010s in the not to distant future in anticipation for a set of hx35/s472 compounds.


Any suggestions would be much appreciated. I've been moving cruise timing around a bit but it doesn't seem to change mileage much. 


If there is any info I have missed please ask. 


I will post a data log tomorrow to see if anything stands out.


2 minutes ago, Dodgeih said:

@KMayborn do you have studs?


Not currently but they will be ordered at the same time as the new injectors. I will be ordering them in the next week or two.

Bump up timing pull down can bus just a hair and run on level 3.. forget wire tap

  • Owner
9 minutes ago, KMayborn said:

cant get logged into my old account so i made a new one.


PM me I'll get your account merged together and fix the other one for you.


9 minutes ago, KMayborn said:

If the speed limit is 70 most people drive 75/80. If you have ever driven in Dallas during rush hour you know what im experiencing.


That's a tough problem. Even with stock sized tires and 3.55 gears your still twisting 2,300 or so at 80 MPH. No matter what you do it going to be a pig at those speeds. You would need to get back below 2,000 RPM like 65 MPH range to gain something back. Even my truck 17-19 MPG at 65 MPH rare time or two I can push 20 MPG at 65 MPH


The other problem is the engine load will be too high to even hit cruise timing and even if you could it would be too high to use. I've use to do trips on the I84 to Boise quite a bit and there is no way to reach cruise timing while travel those speeds. If you do manage to hit it like I said the timing might be too high. I'm aiming for 18.5 to 19 degrees cruise timing at 2,000 RPM's. 

Edited by Mopar1973Man

@KMayborn I’ve learned that anything over 70mph my mpgs drop fast. The speed limit is 75 around here in Michigan and the fastest I go is 70 just enough to stay ahead of the semis. Anything that will bring your engine load % down more is a big plus also. 

Edit: going from stock injectors to 7x.010’s I went from 37% load at 70mph to 29% load. I’m sure I’ve gained a few mpgs but I’ve been too busy playing around with the new set up 

Edited by Youngblood24v

2 minutes ago, Dodgeih said:

Bump up timing pull down can bus just a hair and run on level 3.. forget wire tap

Pull down canbus across the board? Maybe 2 each psi?

I should pry look into your setup a little better but pry wouldn't hurt

  • Owner
4 minutes ago, Youngblood24v said:

Anything that will bring your engine load % down more is a big plus also. 


Engine Load = Amount of fuel being injected including the injector size. So if you cruising at 40-50% engine load you flowing 50% of capable fuel through those bigger nozzles just means even more fuel burned. If you want MPG numbers you need your engine load as LOW as possible. For me to tip 21 MPG I need to say below 20% engine load. This will give a clue.

6 minutes ago, Mopar1973Man said:


PM me I'll get your account merged together and fix the other one for you.



That's a tough problem. Even with stock sized tires and 3.55 gears your still twisting 2,300 or so at 80 MPH. No matter what you do it going to be a pig at those speeds. You would need to get back below 2,000 RPM like 65 MPH range to gain something back. Even my truck 17-19 MPG at 65 MPH rare time or two I can push 20 MPG at 65 MPH


The other problem is the engine load will be too high to even hit cruise timing and even if you could it would be too high to use. I've use to do trips on the I84 to Boise quite a bit and there is no way to reach cruise timing while travel those speeds. If you do manage to hit it like I said the timing might be too high. I'm aiming for 18.5 to 19 degrees cruise timing at 2,000 RPM's. 

If i could hold 65 to 70 without being down to 58 to 60 climbing the slightest hill i would be fone with that. The only reason i am running 75 is so that i dont lose all my momentum.


If im not mistaken my timing should be right around what you are suggesting.


At this point do you thing 150hp injectors will help or hurt my situation? 

  • Owner
Just now, KMayborn said:

The only reason i am running 75 is so that i dont lose all my momentum.


What size tires are you running?


2 minutes ago, Mopar1973Man said:


Engine Load = Amount of fuel being injected including the injector size. So if you cruising at 40-50% engine load you flowing 50% of capable fuel through those bigger nozzles just means even more fuel burned. If you want MPG numbers you need your engine load as LOW as possible. For me to tip 21 MPG I need to say below 20% engine load. This will give a clue.


Your truck is just a aerodynamic beast! I’m still seeing 25% load at 65mph, granted I weigh a fair bit more 

1 minute ago, Mopar1973Man said:


What size tires are you running?


Stock 235/85r16s


I filled out my signature with my setup. How can i make it show up? 

Just now, KMayborn said:

Stock 235/85r16s


I filled out my signature with my setup. How can i make it show up? 

Hit the save button and it should refresh onto your signature I believe 

4 minutes ago, Youngblood24v said:


Your truck is just a aerodynamic beast! I’m still seeing 25% load at 65mph, granted I weigh a fair bit more 

I have all the aerodynamics of a brick. Ill see if i can attach a picture of my rig. I know its not helping but just trying to get the best out of what i got.

UNT Welding Rig.jpg

  • Owner
1 minute ago, Youngblood24v said:


Your truck is just a aerodynamic beast! I’m still seeing 25% load at 65mph, granted I weigh a fair bit more 


Take note @Youngblood24v your running 7 x 0.010 injectors vs my 7 x 0.0085 injectors so you'll need to be below 15% to reach 21 MPG. Bigger the nozzles the lower in the engine load percentage you need to be. Just to show how this works...


Engine Load = Quadzilla CANBus Fuel / 4,095


So if you have CANBus Fuel of 2,000 on the Quadzilla that is equal 48.8% Engine Load. If you want MPG you need to address all rolling resistance loads, drag, excessive weight, etc. Either way you need Engine Load numbers down as low as possible to gain MPG's.

Basically as your tuning if any adjustment changes the engine load higher you are going the wrong direction. Timing is a tough one to call out. Like on my truck knowing my injectors are set for 305 bar and have over 60k miles on them that means they are most likely lower. This means the injectors are firing sooner. I'm using @Me78569 19 degree rule at the 2,000k mark and figuring that my injectors are popping a bit early and not atomizing as well. Hence why I'm set the timing for 18.5 at 2,000 RPMs because of possible wear. Either way I make adjustments and check my engine load value on flat ground cruise set. Look for change of the engine load value if its going up your going the wrong way. 

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Welcome To Mopar1973Man.Com LLC

We are privately owned, with access to a professional Diesel Mechanic, who can provide additional support for Dodge Ram Cummins Diesel vehicles. Many detailed information is FREE and available to read. However, in order to interact directly with our Diesel Mechanic, Michael, by phone, via zoom, or as the web-based option, Subscription Plans are offered that will enable these and other features.  Go to the Subscription Page and Select a desired plan. At any time you wish to cancel the Subscription, click Subscription Page, select the 'Cancel' button, and it will be canceled. For your convenience, all subscriptions are on auto-renewal.