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Jobs around the house you hate


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:lmao::lmao2: Were a pretty hardy breed around these northern parts. After 5 months of 10*/-10* average Come March when the temps hit the 20's everyone is in tee shirts and shorts once it hits 30-40*. The Missouri river rarely gets above 62* surface temps to 50's a couple feet down on average and on 90*+ days pretty much everyone in the country is in the water.Our big lakes rarely get above 70* surface temps and upper 60's a few inches down and that is hardly relief on 90*+ days for us.:pant:
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There is a few household reodeling jobs I hate... Either drywalling or house painting (interior / exterior). I simply suck at doing either one. But most other jobs around the house I enjoy doing. Mowing the grass, weed wacking, bushing out the hill side, wood hauling, splitting firewood, working on the trucks, irrigation work, fencing, etc.

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:lmao::lmao2: Were a pretty hardy breed around these northern parts. After 5 months of 10*/-10* average Come March when the temps hit the 20's everyone is in tee shirts and shorts once it hits 30-40*. The Missouri river rarely gets above 62* surface temps to 50's a couple feet down on average and on 90*+ days pretty much everyone in the country is in the water. Our big lakes rarely get above 70* surface temps and upper 60's a few inches down and that is hardly relief on 90*+ days for us.:pant:

I can verify this post with many stories, but I'll tell you's guys only one. On my first hunting trip to NoDak with my friend, we took a mid-afternoon drive to the Jamestown WallyWorld for some "stuff". The weather had turned cold the day prior down to the mid 30's from the upper 60's. I just wore jeans, flannel and a goose down vest...........my bud from KY (thin blood) had his long johns on, gloves, warm hat and heavy coat etc. Walking up to the WallyWorld entrance doors, there were kids playing out front still in shorts and t-shirts!!!!! Seemingly oblivious to the weather!!:cool:
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  • Staff

There is a few household reodeling jobs I hate... Either drywalling or house painting (interior / exterior). I simply suck at doing either one. But most other jobs around the house I enjoy doing. Mowing the grass, weed wacking, bushing out the hill side, wood hauling, splitting firewood, working on the trucks, irrigation work, fencing, etc.

I'm with on that one too so I became a firm believer in getting the nail gun and some tongue and groove pine.
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Seems the older I get the more I enjoy working on and around the house as long as it is on my terms and not say the water heater blew up and HAS to be replaced now. Painting is definitely my least favorite. I get home so little though that I am always behind.

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