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I have been seeing this a lot lately and don't get what the deal is with them. You guys know how gassers give off steam on very cold days in the winter that only lasts like, 5ft out the exhaust pipe.. Well I keep seeing CR's doing this, only with black smoke. Same amount of smoke as the frigid gasser but black. I followed a CR cummins yesterday and we were doing 55 on level ground (I barely have to give it any fuel at all to hold that speed) and his was blowing a little black smoke the entire time. It only seems to be the CR's with this issue and isn't brand specific as I have seen it on all 3. Only thing I can think of is dirty air filter. What else could it be?

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Read it again. I said it's like a gassers steam trail (white steam), as in it is the same small amount, but it is BLACK smoke. I realize diesels can steam (white) also, especially dmax's I've noticed. Mine never steams at all (white). But these CR's are blowing BLACK crap and it was 30F. I've seen it in the summer too.


I didn't think the 5.9's had DPF's on them. Is that to say the new trucks with DPF's smoke like that during regen and thats supposed to be "cleaner than the air we breath"?


I didn't think the 5.9's had DPF's on them. Is that to say the new trucks with DPF's smoke like that during regen and thats supposed to be "cleaner than the air we breath"?


DPF regen cycle. When my 05 smarty jr is on level 3 it smokes pretty constant with any sort of load at all during DD.

My 04.5 doesn't smoke(black) at all unless I put my foot down...............Then she'll blot out the highway. My truck does the white smoke/steam first thing in the AM when it's cold or very damp outside. Black smoke=extra fuel..................leaky injectors, or bigger injectors and not enough air.

My 04.5 doesn't smoke(black) at all unless I put my foot down...............Then she'll blot out the highway. My truck does the white smoke/steam first thing in the AM when it's cold or very damp outside. Black smoke=extra fuel..................leaky injectors, or bigger injectors and not enough air.

You have a regular revo smarty, mine is a standard JR which is known for the smoke. If I am on a normal low load cruise its clear but any sort of hill or any other little load will cause it to haze really good and if I have a trailer on it smokes pretty good pulling hills ect. Drop down to level 2 towing level and it doesn't smoke at all driving but it will still smoke pretty good on hills with a trailer. Just the nature of the standard smarty jr, If I would update it to the POD version I could tone it down a bit but I am happy with it the way it is for now.
  • 2 weeks later...
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My CR only smokes at low boost and when I really get on it. I can get a slight haze sometimes just accelerating, but for the most part smoke free. On stock tuning I am 100% smoke free, but if I go up to TM4 (most advanced) I can blow a constant haze if towing at rpms below 2K. The 04.5-07 5.9 CR's are more sensitive about timing at low load due to the piston design.


:drool:c.r.'s have 3 injection pulses/cycles....stock vs.stock more horsepower...and that is another reason why the c.r.'s are quiter than the other engine..preceeding!!:drool:


My CR only smokes at low boost and when I really get on it. I can get a slight haze sometimes just accelerating, but for the most part smoke free. On stock tuning I am 100% smoke free, but if I go up to TM4 (most advanced) I can blow a constant haze if towing at rpms below 2K. The 5.9 CR's are more sensitive about timing at low load due to the piston design.

The quote here is pertaining to you last sentence. I know there is a piston difference between the '03-'04 CR's vs. the '04.5+ CR's in 5.9 liter. I read about that in a long drawn out discussion on CompD. Too long to go into here. What are the differences from the 2nd gens into the 3rd gens as far as piston design goes??? That's one I don't know about. Thanks!!:thumb1:
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The 2nd gen pistons are more similar in design to the 03-04 and 6.7 piston, which is called a reentrant design. Its why 04.5-07's melts pistons easier than any other Cummins.

Here are some visual examples.


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Lip renentrant

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The 2nd gen pistons are more similar in design to the 03-04 and 6.7 piston, which is called a reentrant design. Its why 04.5-07's melts pistons easier than any other Cummins.

Here are some visual examples.


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Lip renentrant

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The pix that I saw on CompD had the '03-'04 and 6.7 liter pistons looking like your middle picture. While the 04.5+ were more like the bottom picture. Not arguing, just saying!!:doh:

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The pix that I saw on CompD had the '03-'04 and 6.7 liter pistons looking like your middle picture. While the 04.5+ were more like the bottom picture. Not arguing, just saying!!:doh:

Am I missing something? Thats what I am saying. Lip renentrant and reentrant are essentially the same design, one just has a little more lip for flow. The illustrations are extreme's ( stole them from compD) for visual purposes... 03-04, 6.7 and 2nd gen are all closest to the middle photo.

Am I missing something? Thats what I am saying. Lip renentrant and reentrant are essentially the same design, one just has a little more lip for flow. The illustrations are extreme's ( stole them from compD) for visual purposes... 03-04, 6.7 and 2nd gen are all closest to the middle photo.

OK, that's what I thought I saw!!!!! Not thinking, just typing!!!:doh::lmao2: Thanks!!:smart:

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