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THAT IS CRAZY! We American's need to clean house and I mean not by voting other corrupt officials into office!

ANARCHY!!!!!!!! Just kidding! :thumbup2:


It's the "entitlement/welfare" and the "publicly funded pensions" that are bankrupting our "once greater than it is now country"!!!!!!! Reform only those two things, and we've got problem solved!!!Hell.............me as a self-employed individual can fund my retirement funds, I sure as sam-hell think those government "***-suckers" can do the same!!!! It's pisses me off to no end when I get my property tax bill to see the "Taxing Authority bodies"!!!!!!!! Pension this, and pension that.Not only am I funding my own retirement, I'm funding every GD county worker in the county I live in!!!:banghead::2cents:


If this country got back on course like it was intended to be from the start, I would be tickled 'till I sh!t myself...Maybe I just have too much of an eore type of attitude when it comes to this issue, but I seriously do not think our country is ever gonna recover. Its going to hell in a handbasket and there is NO turning back. :banghead:


THAT IS CRAZY! We American's need to clean house and I mean not by voting other corrupt officials into office!

ANARCHY!!!!!!!! Just kidding! :thumbup2:

im not kidding, this sh!t needs to be changed along with our government. its all about greed and its bringing the house of cards down.

I am amazed that this surprises so many. I am sensing an awakening of sorts. It is not just about greed. It IS about CONTROL & MONOPOLY on POWER. Here are a few links that will help you to understand better: http://westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/ http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/ http://www.lewrockwell.com/ http://freedominourtime.blogspot.com/ Please DON'T be fooled into thinking that voting Democrat (read Marxist) or Republican (read neocon progressive Marxist) will change ANYTHING. This is EXACTLY what brought things to where they are now.


You'd think that the polution per mile traveled would be the way to do it. You'd think. I don't think anybody else is (thinking).


Please DON'T be fooled into thinking that voting Democrat (read Marxist) or Republican (read neocon progressive Marxist) will change ANYTHING. This is EXACTLY what brought things to where they are now.

I continue and will continue to compare our current govt. antics as a professional wrestling match. Our politicians go on stage and do "battle" with each other, acting as if they are siding with their respective people. But, behind the stage, they are al buddy buddy and act as if there was never a difference between them. When we continue to play along with this sharade and watch this puppet show and get into it like the nation does when they watch American idol, we continue along the path of insanity. If you want to undersand what I speak of, watch this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jYhmATD8hLk

So what can individual people do achieve such great mileage? Obviously we can't buy the motors in the car, but what exactly is needed to build a similar motor here in the US? Is it in the tuning? Surely there has to be some kind of information on these high mileage motors that can be transferred to our diesels by anyone with some mechanical know how. Just because the government won't sell the motors as a whole, shouldn't stop people from trying achieve these numbers. I'm not into politics, but I'm going to look into some of this.

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