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Ahhh... There is an extra button for the Admin side so you can view the post in HTML coding. This has to be kept to staff only being a hack could code a script to highjack any information he wanted and possibly gain access to the server.


So, to show your previous post.

	Well mate the above is the reason you&#39;re on you&#39;re own that is way way way above many including me and I&#39;m not dumb, I&#39;m typing a post here with no

<pre class="ipsCode prettyprint lang-html prettyprinted">
<span class="tag">&lt;p</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="atn">style</span><span class="pun">=</span><span class="atv">&quot;</span><span class="kwd">margin</span><span class="pun">:</span><span class="lit">0px</span><span class="pun">;</span><span class="kwd">line-height</span><span class="pun">:</span><span class="pln">normal</span><span class="pun">;</span><span class="atv">&quot;</span><span class="tag">&gt;</span><span class="pln">
	</span><span class="tag">&lt;span</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="atn">style</span><span class="pun">=</span><span class="atv">&quot;</span><span class="kwd">margin</span><span class="pun">:</span><span class="lit">0px</span><span class="pun">;</span><span class="kwd">font-size</span><span class="pun">:</span><span class="lit">18pt</span><span class="pun">;</span><span class="atv">&quot;</span><span class="tag">&gt;&lt;font</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="atn">face</span><span class="pun">=</span><span class="atv">&quot;Calibri&quot;</span><span class="tag">&gt;&lt;font</span><span class="pln"> </span><span class="atn">color</span><span class="pun">=</span><span class="atv">&quot;#000000&quot;</span><span class="tag">&gt;</span><span class="pln">Study the wiring diagram and have </span></pre>

	rubbish so how is that ? I had my own website up to 2009 selling Mopar Perf parts and I did the lot and It wasn&#39;t like the above and for a short time had my own forum, only ended in the 08/09 recession and I do excavators and dumptrucks much better

	I can&#39;t write that

This is why there so few people that can help me. Again you need to have these skills to be able to create high ranking SEO searches. LAMP HTML5 coding, CSS3 coding. Etc.


Here is an example of the raw pages before rendering to the public. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
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                <a href="https://www.w3.org/TR/html5/"><img src={resource="html5.jpg" app="core" location="front"} alt="HTML5 and CCS3 Code"></a>
                <a href="https://www.paypal.com"><img src={resource="paypal.png" app="core" location="front"} alt="Paypal Logo"></a>
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All about the coding...



Then Microcode...



It goes on and on. 


This is why M73M outranks both CF and TDR in some of the searches. I've invested mass amounts of time and effort into proper SEO coding and its paid off by placing M73M at the top of the list for searches. In the begining, I was helping Timbo APPS with his site because I stole his number 1 rank position from him. So I told him how to take it back over.




Look at the search I need to invest time into the articles again to boost the results again I use to be in second place but I've not updated the article in a long time. Now others with fresher timestamps take the lead and push us down a few ranks. Yeah there is a lot of work to be done. My time is very limited though. 


Edited by Mopar1973Man
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I can't do that  sorry. but if I was to write something now as in this why don't I have to go through all that web/pc/code rubbish ??

This **** winds me through the roof that all the desk sitting idiots from the start of the interweb just shut most of mankind out with their stupid shite

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5 hours ago, Mopar1973Man said:

JAG1 and IBmobile are gone traveling,

I'm back home for awhile from traveling.  


 I can do general accounting.  I don't do QuickBooks; I tried it for my business years ago and found that the old pencil and paper worked faster and better.  


There is also vender outreach for advertising and supplied product for raffles.     .   

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Well @Mopar1973Man I haven't used Red Hat in 20 years, but I'll dive in and brush up. I have a friend who can help me figure out SEO. she did a phenomenal job with my website. I do understand that whatever work I put into the website would be purely voluntary. I'll do it to keep the site up and running. I would hate to loose this resource. I completely understand the burning out situation. I took a personal day myself and just stayed in bed. I haven't written anything in html5 but I'm gonna dive into that as well. Guess I'll spend some time digging!

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1 hour ago, syndicateshop said:

Well @Mopar1973Man I haven't used Red Hat in 20 years

Great we are on a CentOS 6 which is a Red Hat family. You have at least some experience.


1 hour ago, syndicateshop said:

I have a friend who can help me figure out SEO.

Basically, in a nutshell, your code work should be clean. No excessive use of style scripts. The proper use of H1 and H2 header tags. Then keep your focus on keyword usage. Should be roughly 2% to 3% in volume of the article using keyword counter. 


1 hour ago, syndicateshop said:

I do understand that whatever work I put into the website would be purely voluntary.

Thank you. I'll try to make it fair the best I can.


1 hour ago, syndicateshop said:

I completely understand the burning out situation.

Like myself, I've just setup TampCamp on my PC to track the number of hours I'm putting into this website.


1 hour ago, syndicateshop said:

I haven't written anything in html5 but I'm gonna dive into that as well.

It's the same for the most part but some commands have been obsoleted. Like <center> tag is a obsolete tag. You have to use CSS3 script to center text now. Just doing a quick search for the tag you wish to use and then check if its HTML5 ready.



The biggest thing is to have people that I know are going to continue to keep doing a small task on a schedule. As long as all the tasks are being done then everything gets done and everything flows smoothly. It when everyone bails out and it rest solely on one person to keeping things going it gets crazy. Like I've got Nick trying to get me to write articles because SEO would benefit us better than me fighting the server. In the same token, I'm wanting to fix the email problem so I can get a bulk email going again. That way to get all members notified of new stuff, subscription, new server, etc. But if I'm busy on the phone fighting for the email issues then I can't be writing articles. Back to all resting on person and I'm just crawling forward.

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Man I wish I could do that kinda stuff, I'd be all over it. I can write stuff, excel, basic computer skills I guess, but nothing like what you been posting. I wish it was simpler, get what you mean by being limited due to the complexity of this. 

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Actually, HTML5 coding is very simple Basically no different than typing this post now. The only difference is you have to tell the browser what everything is by tags. The only tags I use typically is <p> paragraph and <h1> header 1 and <h2> header 2. So since I didn't hit the enter key yet this would be a full paragraph according to HTML5 coding.


	Actually, HTML5 coding is very simple Basically no different than typing this post now. The only difference is you have to tell the browser what everything is by tags. The only tags I use typically is &lt;p&gt; paragraph and &lt;h1&gt; header 1 and &lt;h2&gt; header 2. So since I didn&#39;t hit the enter key yet this would be a full paragraph according to HTML5 coding.

As you can see an example of HTML5 code copying the actual post. The funny part is the Linux Operating system is totally designed around software and web production. This stuff comes totally natural to me. Where in the Windows world you would end up using another program to actually write HTML which complicates the whole learning curve. Once I ditched Windows back in 2006 and switched to Linux this became very easy. I've been writing HTML and CSS code since 2004. 


You have to remember back in 2004 when it was www.frontiernet.net/~mopar1973man which was the first website I built it strictly on Microsoft Frontpage. Which now I know is junk. Then swapped to Adobe which was also high priced junk. 2007 Bought the domain mopar1973man.com and the was learning Linux back in 2006. Then total flip to raw HTML on Linux and never looked back.


Websites are not an easy thing to deal with. Then everyone wants to compare CF or TDR to M73M which you can't. When all the other websites now are corporate owned and under a billion dollar roof. It doesn't matter if the site is good or bad. As long as there money from the parent corporation. That why CF still exist with vBulletin 3.8 which was end of life way back. They can afford to hire code monkey to band-aid or fix the broken site to what they want. M73M it only me. I've got HTML and CSS skills but very basic PHP coding skills not nearly good enough to handle what CF code monkeys do. Knowing this secret has given me an edge to climb in the Google ranks.


Still in all what knowledge of SEO and HTML I've got I've been rocking the Google Ranks and kicking :moon:. The sad part is everyone wants me to keep the site free and pay me nothing. Now since my bladder cancer and trying to pay medical bills it been a battle to just survive. Right now the last two month I can for sure say we have been running in the red. The expenses are higher than the income. Then if I start trying to cut a paycheck for what I'm worth and my skills I would deplete the account rapidly. The donation system is no longer cutting it if only less than 2% are holding the site up. The only way to keep M73M going is everyone has to kick in a small amount per month. 


Now you toss in my knowledge and skills for the Cummins world and what I've managed to do with my own truck and others I've worked on. My knowledge should be worth something as well. So for all my efforts last month all I made was $20 days for 30 days of work. Really?!?! This is absolutely heartbreaking. 


Then when you toss in people that whine and complain on top of my already heavy workload it doesn't take me long before I snap. Yeah and rightfully so.  People that contribute absolutely nothing and whine. But do nothing to help support the site, reduce my workload or contribute funds. Yeah, I lose it rather quickly because of it is unfair and not right. I'm the one that sits on hold and the phone talking to hosting companies and deal with all the problems. There is so much I'm doing that most of you don't even see. 

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Mike would explain your "support ticket"?


Is this for tech problems I'm having on your site?


Or is this a way that I could get your help on my trucks problem one on one with you,  for a fee of course. 




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Support tickets can be done in two ways.


1. Email to support@mopar1973man.com automagically converted from email to a forum post and back to email in reply.

2. Using the Support option on the webpage.


Now, either way, the communication is done in the Admin backroom and only you vs the staff. Any Admin or BoD's can answer the support ticket. When you PM me its strictly one on one which I'm not really fond of. The Support Ticket system allows all staff to handle the request. If I'm missing in action then other staff can handle the request and no one is left hanging.


The only problem if I charge a fee the payment is made first and then I would support the ticket. If your request is something myself or staff can't handle that means we would have to do a refund of funds. 

Edited by Mopar1973Man
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I say sit back a little. let the site take care of itself and quit pushing thE steam roller thinking if you slack off it will roll back all over you. Believe me it won't. Spend no longer than an hour per day or an hour per week, but shoot me in the foot with 50 rounds, get your life back, step away for God's sake.... it is healthy bud. Good energy for life and happiness go hand in hand, are more important. Having fun again like the old days, joking around, lite hearted is what made this site shine. Your 'buck the trend' honesty and advice made this site shine above all others.


Let the site go so you have time and energy to work on  others rigs not burned out.


BTW, I'm not much of a guy to be on any Board of directors really. I'm at a point in life where if I cannot take care of my being happy and limit the stress level I automatically back away. It's a defense mechanism I found very important to my health.



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Ok @Mopar1973Man apparently my HAXOR skills aren't what they were 20 yrs ago. I seem to remember that Red Hat was open source (free to download) but I can't find it. I have an older laptop that I am going to use so I don't have to partition a harddrive and make it play nice.  Feel free to call me me if you can help so we don't clog up the page. After hours is perfectly fine, I'm usually up until 11 or so. Thanks Mike and Nick for everything you do. I look forward to becoming more of an asset than just a pretty face........

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22 hours ago, JAG1 said:

say sit back a little. let the site take care of itself and quit pushing thE steam roller thinking if you slack off it will roll back all over you. Believe me it won't. Spend no longer than an hour per day or an hour per week, but shoot me in the foot with 50 rounds, get your life back, step away for God's sake....

I really can't. If I continue to cut a paycheck to pay my medical bills and other bills then I will deplete the account very quickly. Just figure all the bills, hosting, domain name, software, SSL certificate, phone, internet, etc. Then cut me a check for my efforts and let me put $200 on my medical bills. With a income that didn't make it last month, we are running in the red and it will not change unless someone steps up and steers the truck in a new direction. Once the money runs out... That's the end of M73M.com.


22 hours ago, JAG1 said:
22 hours ago, JAG1 said:

Having fun again like the old days, joking around, lite hearted is what made this site shine. Your 'buck the trend' honesty and advice made this site shine above all others.

That would happen if it wasn't all riding on me again. I know Nick is busy with work and limited on what he can do here so I had to buck it up and get after the work since no one else is will to fix the server and software issues. 



So last night I finally took the time and called @syndicateshop and talked to him about helping out with the server. He's going to get his feet wet by firing up a laptop with CentOS Linux so he can refresh his memory of servers and Linux operations. This will be a plus. Taking part of the load off of me. I can then switch gears back to article writing. So thanks Will and we'll get you set up here really soon. 



@IBMobile you mention you can do the bookkeeping even but pencil and paper? is it possible if you can put it all to a spreadsheet like Excel or LibreCalc? At least showing the Income and sources and the expenses and where it's going. Then bring it back to the site for the entire BoD's can see this? That would take another load off me and have to work for trade for my current bookkeeper in Riggins. 

Edited by Mopar1973Man
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23 hours ago, JAG1 said:

I say sit back a little. let the site take care of itself and quit pushing thE steam roller thinking if you slack off it will roll back all over you. Believe me it won't. Spend no longer than an hour per day or an hour per week, but shoot me in the foot with 50 rounds, get your life back, step away for God's sake....


The steam roller isn't the website but St. Lukes Hospital. 


Like I just sat down and paid $200 toward my every growing medical bill. I've managed to knock down the first surgery to $6,6xx.xx so far. Now my second surgery is now just making the billing department. Raw bill is $28,xxx.xx roughly speaking it's still got to pass through the billing dept and financial aid. Then you have to consider the 3rd surgery which I'm going to be doing sometime after June 8th. The bad news is this bill MUST be paid in full in 2 years! No exceptions. This means my payments are going to have to get larger income to make the 2-year deadline.


I do not have time to slack off. If I lose this battle I lose our home for both MoparMom and Me. Being I'm not capable right now to work any job till I get done with my 3rd surgery I've got no choice but to struggle and do the odd jobs I am doing but deal with the pain it creates. 


Edited by Mopar1973Man
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Small tweak to make the site a bit more fun. For subscription people I increased the signature photo size to 600x200 pixels this should allow a fair sized photo of your truck in the signature box without adding too much to the mobile side people. Now you can share a photo of your truck in the signature box.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Here is the effect of these changes on traffic





Overall traffic appears to not be effected, but I do think posting is down.  Summer months are always slow.  It will take ~1 year for us to see the overall results, but so far so good in terms of not killing traffic.


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