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Be totally honest with you all my birthday is October 26, 1970. So I'm 43 years old today. Then just for Fun Mopar1973Man.Com had its Birthday back in October 4, 2007 and its 6 years old now. Actually the Mopar1973Man Web Site actually start well back in 2004... (Heck I've been helping people now for over 10 years! Wow!)


Happy Birthday, Son and thank you for saving my life!!!!! I will always be eternally grateful to you and God. Michael, based on his experience with Search & Rescue and the fire depart., knew that when blood started to flow he had only 1 hour to get medical attention to the injured. He was aware that he had spent sufficient time trying to stop the bleeding and it was now time to move and move rapidly as the hospital was an hour away. At 3am in the morning, up the canyon along the river, through the grazing land shroud in fog and up to 5500 elevation to McCall. It was a ugly scene believe me. Michael was doing all this for me and at the same time he was in pain with a pinched nerve in his back. We have both taken the time to mend. I am thankful for all of your prayers, concerns and words of comfort. (I cracked up with Dorkweed and his lime bean spin-off). Laughter is wonderful medicine. Thank you all and to my son, I love you. MoparMom

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Lima Beans aren't that bad if you put enough salt & butter on them. After the corn on the cob & lobster!! I'm glad somebody besides me knew I was joking about the lima beans... Glad you are both on the mend. ++ When one lives at the end of the Earth... gotta allow time to get to help. WE don't wait for a Rescue. We meet them at the Rte3 turn off.

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Well MoparMom went back up to McCall and had the balloon removed from her beak and doctor took a look and it looks good. So MoparMom has a sore beak for a while and have to be nice to it for a while longer being the lining in her nose is rather thin right now from the injury.


When I was a kid... I got nose bleeds all the time. I'd probably have gotten better grades if I'm not spent so much time in the nurse's office. I still get them once in a while... funny I can feel then starting even before the first drip. Been known to wake me from a sound sleep... I think my current meds aggravate it.


When I was a kid... I got nose bleeds all the time. I'd probably have gotten better grades if I'm not spent so much time in the nurse's office. I still get them once in a while... funny I can feel then starting even before the first drip. Been known to wake me from a sound sleep... I think my current meds aggravate it.

Aren't many nose bleeds caused by "long finger-nails"???:sofa::lmao::lmao2:

I wouldn't know... you tell me? Cold meds can trigger them, my recent ones have been before/during/after a cold. I can't remember the nurse... I should though. Same one who thought my arm wasn't broken after I got "bumped" off a jungle gym at recess. Well how'd you get your winter coat off with a broken arm? I got the other arm out & let the broken arm hang & coat fell on the floor... where it still was.


Way, way back when I was in Jr. High I used to get a lot of nosebleeds. After seven in one day I got sent home from school. Finally the doctor cauterized one spot in my nose (burnt like you wouldn't believe) and that took care of them.


Well MoparMom went back up to McCall and had the balloon removed from her beak and doctor took a look and it looks good. So MoparMom has a sore beak for a while and have to be nice to it for a while longer being the lining in her nose is rather thin right now from the injury.

Beak?? She turn into a bird? :lmao::lmao:

I never got 7 in one day... but cauterizing was discussed. I pretty much outgrew them except when the irritation of a cold weakens the nasal membrane.

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