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COVID Deaths after being Vaccinated


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Since January, at least 113 Oregonians who were completely vaccinated have died of COVID-19. At least 63 of the deaths affected adults above the age of 80. There were 29 cases involving persons aged 70 to 79, 15 cases involving people aged 60 to 69, three cases involving people aged 50 to 59, and three cases involving residents aged 40 to 49.


Ok so does it actually work? I would say no. If a side effect of death because the vaccine doesn't protect you.

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Very true... not to mention the main side effect of death. I've seen another report the chances of death is higher after you been vaccinated. 


A good friend has COVID right now but after he's cleared the infection his antibodies will be much better than any vaccine. His wife already kicked it. 

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Having had covid does not make you immune to getting it again. I know several people that have had it more than once. 

When you get down to it the leading cause of death is life, it kills you 100% of the time. 


113 out of how many? Percentage is the important number, not number of cases. 

The vaccine is not intended to make you immune, but rather to lessen the effects. That means that it can still kill you, but it’s less likely to. 


Not advocating one way or the other, just needing to see the whole picture to make an accurate judgement. 

Edited by AH64ID
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2 hours ago, Mopar1973Man said:

I've already seen one doctor get the vaccine and still got COVID. 

Not surprising. Like I said it’s not designed to keep you from getting it, it’s designed to keep you out of the hospital when you get it. 

Like I said, not advocating one way or the other just making sure facts are being stated. 

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There is much more to blame than just a virus, which BTW are everywhere and our immune system has been very finely built to deal with them but, what I'm saying is there are many factors why we see this happening because our food, our water, our air have all been compromised in some way. in turn our immune systems have been comprimised. They are seeing the same with bee populations not able to fight off disease as well. Bird populations are diminishing in a lot of areas too.


Another thing to consider is that our elderly population has never been as large as it is on the planet today and they are most vulnerable. Combine that with what the Gov't pays each hospital for taking care of a covid patient that passes and you can see the numbers. Additionally the only test known to find out whether you have it or not is not reliable. The PCR test will show positive in many cases of  simple cold or flu because it cannot differentiate between different virus with a specific novel RNA. In fact the Corona Virus itself has not been isolated to show a specific novel virus.


Keep in mind that it's long been known that a vaccine or booster shot causes the immune system to concentrate only on a specific type of virus thus showing a trade off in which your immune system becomes weak against many other types of disease.

Edited by JAG1
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 Very well put @JAG1. With that all being said you can imagine how this "viral pandemic" has tured into a cash machine for some. A way to control population for others and just plain old control through fear for the rest of them. 

 I may be called a "conspiracy theorist" of sorts but it's hard to ignore the possibilities. This country is in turmoil to put it lightly. The world in general is a mess as well. We live in turbulent times ladies and gentlemen.  Do what you see fit to take care of yourself and those you love.

 Truth be told, I am scared of our future and I don't scare easily. 

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22 hours ago, Doubletrouble said:

 Very well put @JAG1. With that all being said you can imagine how this "viral pandemic" has tured into a cash machine for some. A way to control population for others and just plain old control through fear for the rest of them. 

 I may be called a "conspiracy theorist" of sorts but it's hard to ignore the possibilities. This country is in turmoil to put it lightly. The world in general is a mess as well. We live in turbulent times ladies and gentlemen.  Do what you see fit to take care of yourself and those you love.

 Truth be told, I am scared of our future and I don't scare easily. 

Thanks Doubletrouble. I am learning to accept the things in this world foretold 2,000 years ago, written down, given to us so we would know how real He is. He foretold these times before population explosion or waste and pollution where ever a thought.... Hence, I have come to relax because as we progress further into these times it allows our faith to progress ever stronger as you see it with your eyes and heart.  


Sorry to wax religious you guys..... it's the only way I can explain all the crazy things happening these last couple years.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I just tested positive for Covid Monday just gone, fully vaccinated which here in the UK is 3 doses, this will be the 3rd or 4th time here we are right in the middle of another wave with cases going up fast but hospital admins NOT following the cases which is good


I have felt terrible all week but carried on doing some repairs on vehicles at home  albeit very slowly, where I didn't need to be around anyone else


The vaccine does not stop you getting Covid, what it does do is give you a much better chance of not getting dead from Covid and usually what causes Covid to become really bad is the persons own immune response to the virus, for some it is a very bad cold or mild flu, for others it's seriously life threatening and with no obvious reasons why.


Our neighbors got it before the vaccine was available, one of their 2 youngest boys bought it home from school

Eldest boy never got it

Youngest and the middle boys got it but not bad

Dad got it and was very ill but stayed at home

Wife and wifes mother got it and was in hospital in adjacent beds on same ward,  mother died while in the bed next to her daughter, daughter survived, was on oxygen for over a year, now got long covid and is still not back to right

Dad and his wife are fitness people wife went to gym 3 times a week Dad went running and biking all the time fit as fiddles 


They are now all vaccinated and have had it again with no serious problems


I'm not bothered I got it as I think it's better to have mild covid every so often to assist immunity but I'm glad I'm vaccinated and over 50's here will get a 4th booster in september 


I'm not advocating one way or the other for anyone else.....  

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@wil440, I'm not going to start a debate about the vaccines, i dont judge anyone if they have taken 1, 2 or 5. Thats your choice and I fully respect that. 

 I myself, being a bit of a conspiracy theorist, I just don't trust what they're doing. I seen and heard from various sources what the shots can and have done to people. I'm glad to hear that you are doing OK with it and I wish you a speedy recovery.

 I have not taken any shots for covid and so far I have been well. I do however live in a rural area, my contact with others is limited to work for the most part and then it's brief.

 My take on it is this: if you want it fine, it's your choice and yours alone. I don't agree with mandates at all. I don't want to be an experiment and that is basically what this is. It's a new "vaccine" so it has barely been tested if at all. We are the test. 

 Hope I don't ruffle any feathers, not trying to. Just my opinion. 


 Get well soon my freind.

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I fully agree with everything you say


It is everyone's personal choice and this place is too friendly to get into a debate on stuff that's NOT trucks


For information, last week here in the UK there was 800,000 reported cases, my guess is that it is really more like millions as there is no need now to report or isolate here, I didn't report but have stayed away from people

On top of covid rates right now our NHS is struggling to cope with a rediculous heatwave where this coming Monday/Tuesday could top 40c or 104F, this might sound find to a lot of you guys but don't forget a hot day here is 25C

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You can make of that what you will


A year ago there was only 27% of the UK population unvaccinated that did include kids

10% of over 16 are not vaccinated now so there is 67 million so that's maybe 6.7 million


If you do the maths, of the people that are not vaccinated ie 6.7 million  288 equates to 0.04% died in the period 1st April 2022 till 31st May 2022


if you then take the rest which is approx 60 million people then 0.04% would be 24000 not the actual 8962 that the above says so the % of people dying from covid in the UK is greater among the unvaccinated


The maths are probably out a bit but you need to figure out the very low amount of people here that didn't bother before looking at the 288 figure, the vac figure deaths is 0.015%


Like I say I don't care what anyone thinks or believes we're all adults

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Did you know it's possible to be come strile from the Vax? Did you know in the the US they are paying big money for un-vax sperm? Did you know the vax alters your DNA? Then as pointed out that the Vax could kill you.


Those are enough reasons for me not take the stab. I've already seen friend that had the Vax still get seriously sick, hospital stays, and death.

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