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I need to vent before my head explodes

Max Tune

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3 hours ago, wil440 said:



Not sure if you guys will be able to view it, if not fire up a vpn and change the country to the UK


Ya, pretty much what I've seen. I just can't fathom things like this happening in this day and age. You'd think the world would learn from the past.

59 minutes ago, Mopar1973Man said:

Like Biden and Putin. And few others. Heck diesel in Nampa area is 5.359. Ugh.

$4.79 a gallon here yesterday. Why so high by you? Long haul from the refinery maybe?

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I really hope a Russian revolution comes out of this.  What the Russian military is doing right now is able to be called war crimes.    Ignore the news and report and watch the videos of people in the area and the drone footage of the area.   Cell phones have made it easy for all of Ukraine to show the extent of the crimes.  Without even searching for videos I have seen 3 videos of civilians being gunned down and the aftermath of maternity ward being bombed.


I really hope this ends before Putin can aggress nato.   If it gets to that point I am really worried about a man on a button ending.

Edited by Me78569
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A government that controls the media controls the people,  there are a lot of good Russians out there and a lot of good Russian Soldiers, but there are also a lot of Russians that believe Putin.   The consequence of a failed coup attempt is death, so I understand the good Russians hesitation.   


another great example is North Korea, there is no way to gauge how many North Korean's do not actually support Kim, because you do not know who around agree's with your point of view, it is common for people to turn in their own family to the government if they are suspected of being untrue to Kim.  The punishment for this is death / jail or work camp's without trial.       How do you turn on the government when the vast majority of the population is scared to death, literally,  that they might get taken away at the slightest indication of not agreeing with the government.  


we are extremely lucky to be born in the free world.   Say what you want about things going on in the government, but we do not hold a candle in the room to places like this.


Anyone who has not read 1984 needs to asap as it is shocking.  George Orwell must have been a time traveler is the most reasonable explanation.

Edited by Me78569
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1 hour ago, Me78569 said:

another great example is North Korea, there is no way to gauge how many North Korean's do not actually support Kim, because you do not know who around agree's with your point of view, it is common for people to turn in their own family to the government if they are suspected of being untrue to Kim.  The punishment for this is death / jail or work camp's without trial.       How do you turn on the government when the vast majority of the population is scared to death, literally,  that they might get taken away at the slightest indication of not agreeing with the government. 

There has been a documentary on over here Michael Palin visited North Korea, he was assigned several guides to make sure he didn't go where he shouldn't or ask what he shouldn't as the docu went on and they spent more time together one young woman started to talk a bit, Palin asked about famine in NK.... totally denied, next day he was taken to a house to meet another woman and her son, he was buried in food while there, but the host woman let slip that after receiving a commendation for something from the ruling party she was given fish as a reward and she really could not hide her pride in being given fish. This woman was  as thin as a stick

He was taken to a airport.... fully working, bars, shops etc, fully staffed but NO planes and no people other than the workers, he guessed it was for propaganda and to be shown on state news channels

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Along with 1984, you should read Atlas Shrugged. It’s long…so long…but prophetic. 

Also, maybe some of y’all have seen this…but this happened a few months after the fall of the Soviet Union. The concert is in Moscow. Reports show 1.2m attended. Watch the aerial footage, and notice the Russian soldiers there to contain the crowd, many just said screw it and joined in the fun. Up to this point, the only way the soviets heard western rock music like this was bootlegged tapes…this wasn’t on the local Moscow rock station. Pantera played also and melted their Soviet faces off. 


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1984s motto is Big Brother is watching. Also they have thought crimes (yes, if you merely think about doing something against Big Brother you could get brought in and "reprocessed" to go back into the public. And anyone can turn you in). The book isnt overly long, just around 150-200 pages. 


The movie more or less follows the book. Some stuff gets lost in the adaptation as always. It is a bit boring in the first half.  World and character building then things hit a bit of the go button.. Its not an action movie, and if i remember it was a British movie so its a bit dry. Trying to remember back to high school, 2010 area..


1984 was meant as a warning to us, but somehow people took it as an instruction manual.


Also the book was written in 1949.

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