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My cancer returned.


Started bleeding Monday night light then it continued to get worse. Wednesday morning I got up went down talked to Mark informed him I'm heading to the hospital. Then woke Jakob up and also informed him. Got dressed and hauled for McCall ID to the hospital. Spent most of the day up there with tests and CT scans. Then informed i was discharged and to pack my stuff and haul to Boise ID. I made it here by 7pm. I'm in good hands even talked to my doctor this morning and should have my surgery by this evening.


Now at this time I'm hoping for all M73M.com  staff to step up and keep an eye on the site. I'll do what I can from here. I do have my laptop. One thing I'm short of is my updated password book. Opps. 


I did contact @Doubletrouble and he's going to keep eye on the site too.

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    I'm alive still after the surgery but this one is going to be tougher to handle. This time the cancer has obstructed both of my kidneys so this is like second day of my no food or water diet. Sometime

  • Mopar1973Man

    I'm back home. I've got much more to do yet. I've got to make phone calls to get started on chemo treatments. Then I'll have my final operation to remove the bladder and prostate. I was shocked tonigh

  • Mopar1973Man

    Update for everyone.   I'm alive doctor did his first exploration surgery for scraping my bladder out. Sadly I'm going to lose my bladder and prostate. I'm all good with that. Right now they

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My doctor is going to squeeze me in later this afternoon or evening for my surgery. I'll keep you all posted. 

Edited by Mopar1973Man

Praying for you I hope all goes good 

Praying for you, Mike. Looking forward to a successful outcome and update soon. 

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I'm alive still after the surgery but this one is going to be tougher to handle. This time the cancer has obstructed both of my kidneys so this is like second day of my no food or water diet. Sometime today I'm going to have drain out of both sides of my back for my kidneys. They have to clear up my plumbing so my kidneys can drain.


Strange enough that I was working on a clutch job for 3 days and did a trip to Lewiston. Next day I started to bleed light, by Wednesday it was really bleeding. I'm finding out I've got a super high pain tolerance. Which this is getting me in trouble. Never even knew I was having issues till the bleed.







seems this is going to be a long road. I'm going to have to do chemo this time. Being the cancer tore up my bladder pretty bad the doctor is opting to removing my bladder and prostate. Yup I'll be on a bag but I'll continue with life. This might slow me down for wrenching but I might finally get back to doing web work doing what I wanted to do.


Doctor assured me I will survive but I'm going to be missing parts. 

Edited by Mopar1973Man

Wow, what a Christmas gift your body has given you. You're in my prayers and hopefully the wisdom of the doc's will find a long term cure/solution to this. Get better soon Mike! 

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Update for everyone.


I'm alive doctor did his first exploration surgery for scraping my bladder out. Sadly I'm going to lose my bladder and prostate. I'm all good with that. Right now they are trying to save my right kidney. Strange enough there isn't any pain even the whole week before just a normal day.


So what happened is since I've got a super high pain tolerance I did even know that my bladder was cancer loaded again till the bleeding started.


My life will change. I'll no longer be laying on the shop floor doing clutches like my last 2 Tiktok videos I posted. Don't worry guys and gals I'll continue to support the Cummins Community from my website. Might have to find a apprentice to replace me and teach my knowledge too. Even with my health issues I'm going to keep trucking. 


I've got a great crew already covering me from home and down here in Boise. Mark Hall and Jakob Jackson is watching over my home. Mark is dealing with my last two jobs back home easy stuff doing injectors and the other truck rebuild the front and change fluids. Tianne Blynn (and family) my bookkeeper is down watching over me in the Boise valley. She going to take care of the hospital bills and such.


So when it done I'll be peeing in a bag but I will be 100% cancer free and alive. I appreciate all the get well wishes and love all of you. I might get discharged here in a few days possibly. We will see. I'm like a Cummins engine I can take a beating and putting down the miles. 


Promise to keep you all up to date. I've got my laptop so when I get freed up to walk again I'll get sat up and get busy on the laptop.

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Mike your my bud, you have to stay healthy. We all love you in the right way with God's blessing upon you from all of us with our fervent prayer.


When I was 3 days old there was a tumor blockage to one of my kidneys. They removed that kidney and the other one compensated by becoming the largest kidney they've ever seen today on x ray.


I have not been around much lately having gotten older and trying to fight it by hitting the bike trails with my ebike. I modified a harbor freight motorcycle rack so I can go do 30 milers without any vehicles trying to see how close they can come to running me down. A few have done that.  Crazy world! Anyway I did 28 miles the day after Thanksgiving on a beautiful rail trail. I felt weird, didn't know I had Covid except when I stopped for a water break (I use power level 1 for a workout) I suddenly had vision like everything was in  cartoon mode. The next two weeks I was sicker than ever. I believe it is an engineered flu because there wasn't anything like this ever before in my lifetime.


Please don't get the Covid it makes every existing condition you have worse. You cannot afford to get it Mike. I think they are releasing little squirts of worse strains and it acts like it is structured or even an engineered GMO flu. Been 3 weeks and I'm still having mild symptoms. I think they want a Logan's Run society.

Edited by Mopar1973Man

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 Prayers Mike! Glad to know your still here and kicking. Take it easy and recover, we all want to chat with you and wish you well but also take the time to heal, rest your tired body and recover. 

 Glad to hear that you will be cancer free after all of this, hopefully for good. 

 You'll be on my mind and in my prayers, get well soon my friend. 

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Thanks. I'm going to make it. Managed to get breakfast this morning and then walked the halls with 2 nurses. I'm more sore around the ports they put into my kidneys than my bladder being scrapped out. That's the weird part I never had any serious pain in my bladder area after the first surgery. It's nice I'm sitting on my bed right now and looking out the window at Boise Idaho which is hazy today here in downtown Boise. Just got a shot at getting my face shaved and washed up some and feeling more human after being pinned in bed for the last 2 days. Even got my laptop out so I can type a response to you all.

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Good news. I might get to go home soon. My first doctor from back in 19 looked me over and is going to see about getting me out of here. I've got to put in some walks today to gain my strength and I'll get to go home for awhile and schedule other procedures like I've gotta do chemo. Make sure we shrink it all down then have it all removed.

Edited by Mopar1973Man

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One trick I have seems to work well to helping me get better is a good steak, believe it or not celery and peanut butter and a nice cup of coffee those 3 things plus riding the bike. They might help you too when you get home Mike. The celery and peanut butter really helps a lot for some reason. Do you have someone to do the shopping for you?

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First step I've got to get released from the hospital to get home for even a short time. This bed sucks,  mattress I've got caved in. I'm seriously hoping they pull the catheter out today and get me ready to head home. Then I can work on food and more rest my style. Being stuck in a bed and allowed to get up and move without a nurse really kind of sucks.

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I've got a green light to head home. I've got most all tubes and wires off me. I've still got the two bags coming out my back. Yes I'll be heading home at about noon. I've got to get my discharge papers and then I can split.




Yeah those are my scrubs from home. No I didn't steal them from the hospital. But alot of nurses thought I was part of the staff. :lmao2::lmao:

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You look better in the last pic. I am glad your going home too Mike.


Don't be getting into a wrestling match with that problem bear again, you got to wait a few weeks.:)

Glad you’re out and doing better. Take care Mike! 

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