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Happy Thanksgiving


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My wife went to Bozeman MT with her mom to spend the day with her sister and her man at his mansion on the mountain and to run the Huffin for Stuffin 5K in Bozeman this AM as well.I am going into Bismarck to spend the day with my Great Aunt, she is in her 80's and is the last of the Great Generation in my family on either side and still cooks the entire meal herself, and a couple of uncles and other relates on my moms side will be there too and then on the my brother inlaws for a bit afterwards if I have time and the BS with my uncles doesn't go into the night, we can talk politics all day long.Hope everyone else has a nice belly filling day don't forget the stretchy pants.

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Happy Thanksgiving! We are staying home, and family is coming over. Should be a nice day, once I get this 5K out of the way...

I drove 5k (or a tad more) by 6am this morning, no sweat! LOL All kidding aside, happy thanksgiving to all. This day has always been celebrated at my grandparents, just the tradition of the family. However my grandmother fell and broke her arm last week while out feeding the newest calf on the farm and is now sidelined from the kitchen so my aunt is picking up the duties for this year. Grandma is not too happy about it! JR
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Today, we celebrate the blessings of a people dedicated to liberty. Our forefathers fled religious prosecution to pursue the freedom of conscience in the New World, a bedrock principle we must continue to protect. As the pilgrims in their November 1620 Mayflower Compact, their very first governing framework, wrote: “[We] solemnly and mutually, in the Presence of God and one another, covenant and combine ourselves together into a civil Body Politick, for our better Ordering and Preservation.” A year later they thanked God for his providence, their first harvest, and a new land of opportunity. It was the nation’s very first Thanksgiving. Despite the many trials they faced, they expressed gratitude for the opportunity to live freely. President Calvin Coolidge reminded us nearly a century ago: “We have been a most favored people. We ought to be a most generous people. We have been a most blessed people. We ought to be a most thankful people.”I hope every one has a great day today, please remember to take a moment or 5 and remember what you have to be thankful for. For instance, I'm thankful my wife doesn't know how much I spend on my truck, I'm thankful she loves me.I'm thankful my kids are good, happy, and healthy kids,I'm thankful Obama will be out of office soon!!!

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I went pheasant hunting this AM…………just got home…………………..2 birds in less than an hour with my 9.5 year old lab!! Going over to friends to spend the afternoon.

Sure miss doing that!:thumbup2: The Kids have grown up , and the Dog's are just too old ,to chase birds anymore (I'm sure they'd love the chance though!). We have a short walk across the street for lunch with our son, and his in-laws, then a 30 mi drive for supper with the wife's family- lots of eating today!
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Having an early dinner with our kids who are home from college and visiting with some friends locally. Remember our troops overseas and those who are no longer with us as we give thanks for all of the blessings the Lord brings our way. Enjoy a great meal with friends and family!

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Last time on the scale I weighed out at 205 lbs. I've lost my spare tire and my pants are falling off me now. I wear suspenders just to keep my britches from falling down with a fire radio, multi-tool, and a 9mm pistol on my hip.I'm not doing T-day here. Just going to be another day for me. Our neighbor down the road just stopped in with dinner rolls and blueberry pie. (Yummy!)So far my morning I loaded my trailer full of old stuff from the attic and haul it to the dump. I got to admit it was nice to drive the diesel for the first time in nearly a month now. Fuel light is on and nearly out of fuel.

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Last time on the scale I weighed out at 205 lbs. I've lost my spare tire and my pants are falling off me now. I wear suspenders just to keep my britches from falling down with a fire radio, multi-tool, and a 9mm pistol on my hip. I'm not doing T-day here. Just going to be another day for me. Our neighbor down the road just stopped in with dinner rolls and blueberry pie. (Yummy!) So far my morning I loaded my trailer full of old stuff from the attic and haul it to the dump. I got to admit it was nice to drive the diesel for the first time in nearly a month now. Fuel light is on and nearly out of fuel.

You're gonna have to let me know what diet you are on. I need to lose about 20 lbs. Last time I was on the scale at the VA it showed 247 but that with my boots and street clothes on. Still too much.
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Strange but true... But mostly lean meat and veggies and drop as much salt (sodium) out of your diet. I cut back soda pop to occasionally drink mostly water and fruit juice. I normally don't eat breakfast till about 10-11am some days skipped completely on the breakfast and eat a light lunch. Then dinner back to the meat and veggies. My highest weight was 235-240 pounds. Now as of today 205 pounds hoping to break under 200 soon.Sure make it nice when you doing search and rescue or fire dept work and not packing all that body mass.

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Reading all of your posts makes me feel like an obese hippo, at 6'3" and 275 lbs. but I am a big boned guy and hide it well but I do have about 40 lbs I want to drop for my low backs sake. I was at 250 for many years but the last 3-4 years since I quit wrenching full time and now have a desk job have netted me and extra 25 lbs. But I do have the ability to shed it rather fast when I am out and about working in the summer just need to be more dedicated to working out more in the winter months, I have a marathon runner and super health nut for a wife and while I am health conscience I just like good food a lot..........and beer.

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