We are in the end times. I moved out on my own in 1998. I bought a TV and it sat in the corner, so I donated it to my church. So for 28 years, I've been tv less. I read the bible, do topical studies and meditate. All I can say is our society is backwards and upside down. The change I've witnessed in the general sense of morality since the early 90's is staggering, and it wasn't grand then. We are approaching the point where children will be bitter enough to betray their parents to death. I have a lot of Slavic friends, the baptists, the one's who did jail time for going to church. They see through what's going on in Ukraine and Russia now, but they don't understand it. Our country is engaged and is infuriating other countries all around the world. It won't be long before our "lovers turn against us". It won't be long before we cast our money in the street we just can't spend as much money as we are, and expect not to collapse. All of these things will take place before Christs return, and there is nothing we can do to prevent it. All we can do is live our lives, and provide a good answer when appropriate, and be a force for good. Hopefully we will have a spiritual re-awakening, but I just don't see strong signs of it.
As far as the nightly news, every mainstream story you've read, watched or listened to since at least the 1950's has been crafted by our government, except for local news like kitty is stuck up in a tree. Every TV show, every movie in some way has been crafted to get us to accept something. The more you tune in the more you reflect whats on the screen.
However, if you know the propaganda game, and look at both sides you can generally figure out what's really happening. I know from the propaganda outlet of youtube that the US is running the Ukraine war. Zelenski is the CIA's plant, and a really good actor he is. We are just grinding down Russia's resources, but in spite of all of this, I still don't know where it's going to end. I suspect the US will grow tired and pull out, like we tend to do everywhere else when things get tough, and our politicians feel they have fleeced us enough.